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No scope of Pakistan winning war in my lifetime, says Prime Minister

I am not shameful i am a proud India and its so foolish of you to reply to me without any knowledge
i pointed out art things bcoz its what u call cultural invasion.

Urdu is language which was derived from Hindi and our ancestors were all Hindus so don't say our ancestors.Urdu was developed in india so don't boast about it shamelessly :rofl:

Our songs are mainly in hindu and very few urdu,punjabi and even english(sometimes).

No we don't listed to pakistani songs infact pakistan music industry is struggling to survive.We do listen to pakistani artist who sing for bollywood movies

Indeed bengali wanted to seperate but india played an undeniable role

Stop living in delusion :smitten:

Urdu is the language of the muslims of the sub continent and was developed and used by our muslim forefathers...

India is atleast 7 times our size in population and 4 times our size in land mass yet still you lost half of kashmir.

Still you were fought to a stand still in 65, desperatly diverting the war to lahore to stop you losing in kashmir and even then being stopped in your tracks

You required Pakistan to be over 1000 miles away from bangladesh unable to support its troops trying to tame the local population before you could claim any so called victory in 1971

If a country 7 times smaller then Pakistan took us on, we would grind it into the ground
A war will be mutual destruction; it is as simple as that
:D See we are so phriendly

Yes ..... :D,

We need daily warnings and threats between each other to know each other ....... typical countries and unique relationship .... we find no where in this world :D.

It is a nightmare scenario for diplomats ..... :lol:
A war will be mutual destruction; it is as simple as that

i dont know why Indians are twisting the words.
NS said what has been said by everybody that Kashmir issue may lead to another war. nowhere it implies that we want war. BUT looking at the big players interests in the long run seems they will try their level best to draw Pakistan-India into another war

Size is a silly excuse Great Britain once ruled the whole world at one point of time so don't give all these silly excuses And you never occupied half kashmir rather a small part of it that too by deception by attacking on our back coz your army did'nt had guts to confront indian army.

Your country can't even afford its own nuclear weapon and that's why have to beg. AQ khan stole the technology to make nuclear bombs which is a fact now and still failed to make bombs after few years and that why you went to china to beg once again.. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Pakistan is a born begger accept it. And about urdu don't forget Urdu is derived from hindi and was developed in India BY ur hindu ancestors , i don't knw what students are taught in school..

what begger mentallity level you have NVM.

BTW almost everyone went nuclear by stealing
A war will be mutual destruction; it is as simple as that
India will win and get the incomplete portion of Kashmir and some bonus strategic peaks to contain China.
first of all how can you have a claim on art and culture!!
your songs are in our language, a language given to you by our ancestors, you watch our TV shows as much as we watch yours, you listen to our music as much as we listen to yours. You are here on PDF arent you?

but yes we started all wars, but no you didn't split Pakistan its was Bangladeshi people who did it so get rid of this winner accomplice, other than that you lost some and we lost some and there is never a winner in a two week wars, we even fight like woman.

so stop being so shameful

Who watch your TV shows ?better get your mind right boy.Even some peoples in pakistan now
talk to people with 'Namaste'.I dont think pakistani urdu channel has a life in India.Maybe some people see but less than 1%.Who are your ancestors?which language are you talking about?Go and check ancestary ,may be you can find your root in India.
Indian prime minister do not need to indulge in war mongering to save his seat unlike Pakistan PM where he has to please various establishment to remain in his seat, who knows it better then Nawaz Sharif ?
India will win and get the incomplete portion of Kashmir and some bonus strategic peaks to contain China.
Haha ; this debate will be fun
Incase of a full scale war (with India's Objectives as ambitious as you mentioned) there is a great probability of Full scale Nuclear exchange ; are you aware of that?
BTW almost everyone went nuclear by stealing

I am surprised that a pakistani accepted that they actually went nuclear by stealing and its not an conspiracy theory.

Thank you its really feel good when you present fact and someone accept it instead of giving silly excuses :-):toast_sign:
Urdu is the language of the muslims of the sub continent and was developed and used by our muslim forefathers...

India is atleast 7 times our size in population and 4 times our size in land mass yet still you lost half of kashmir.

Still you were fought to a stand still in 65, desperatly diverting the war to lahore to stop you losing in kashmir and even then being stopped in your tracks

You required Pakistan to be over 1000 miles away from bangladesh unable to support its troops trying to tame the local population before you could claim any so called victory in 1971

If a country 7 times smaller then Pakistan took us on, we would grind it into the ground

Your fore fathers?May be some invading central asians made their childrens in India.But you guys are pathetic because you think you are some arabs ,what whole world knows the fact including
your muslim brotherhood .
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