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Kashmir a flashpoint for another India-Pak war, Nawaz Sharif says

That's why I say, just give lip service and don't do anything.
If they try to incite us, use our economy to make western nations who are heavily investing and looking for Indian investment in their countries, lucrative deals etc. to put pressure on Pakistan.
Modi wont go to war. He will use our economy.

I always say that our best weapon is our economy against Pakistan. We both have nukes but they dont have economy like us.

I felt Modi is aggressive, he would want to send a message to everyone that he is the leader now. I could be wrong but yea, like you said, using economy as a weapon would be smarter way to go.
Please get out of you're dreamland Pakistan in no way wants friendship with India secondly you can't represent over a billion people of you're country neither can you generalise. If i said we don't want a war with India it in no way equates to seeking India's friendship either. Pakistan only seeks whats her right so the way you speak doesn't represent the reality as well. It would stay a disputed area and a disputed area cannot be called you'rs or ours until the status of the area is changed. So stop making claims that "India" would not give this and "India" would not give that.

It simply doesn't matter what Pakistan's position is, whether you consider it disputed or yours. I don't seek Pakistan's friendship, merely a civility of discourse that can hopefully be achieved but why in your thinking do you think India will agree to what you might want? The status quo suits us just fine. India nether has an reason nor desire to change that status quo. Lots of things in life are disputed, doesn't mean squat in the real world. Pakistan can claim anything, they simply will get no more than what is outlined. It is only the delusional who think that they will get on a platter what they could not win by force.
MUZAFFARABAD, Dec 3: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif expressed his resolve here on Tuesday for early settlement of the Kashmir issue in accordance with UN resolutions and aspirations of the Kashmiris, warning that failure to resolve the dispute in a timely manner could lead to war.

“Kashmir is a flashpoint and can trigger a fourth war between the two nuclear powers at anytime,” he said in his brief address to the budget session of the Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Council.

The council, which is a product of AJK’s Interim Constitution Act of 1974, has its secretariat in Islamabad. It was for the first time its session was held in Muzaffarabad, where its Rs14.98 billion budget for the current fiscal year was approved.

AJK President Sardar Yaqoob Khan, Prime Minister Chaudhry Abdul Majeed, federal Minister for Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan Affairs Birjees Tahir, Minister of State for Commerce Khurram Dastgir Khan, MNAs Tariq Fazal and Marvi Memon and five of the six elected AJK Council members attended the meeting.

Prime Minister Sharif said he had been vigorously highlighting the issue at the global level, and lately had presented the just stand of Kashmiri people at all international forums, including the UN General Assembly.

“Kashmir also remained under focus during my meeting with President Barack Obama,” he said.

He said Pakistan did not want to indulge in an arms race and would implement the ceasefire along the Line of Control (LoC).

Stating that AJK’s development and prosperity was his priority, he also announced a number of ambitious plans to fulfil his commitment.

“I have a heartfelt attachment with Kashmir… It’s as much important for me as other parts of the country and that’s why I consider its development and prosperity my national duty.”

He said the AJK capital would be linked with Rawalpindi and Islamabad through a modern railway system. It would also be connected with Mirpur, Gilgit-Baltistan and major cities of Pakistan through a network of highways for revival of infrastructure and promotion of tourism in the region.

He said a state of the art road from Muzaffarabad to Taobutt in Neelum valley and a tunnel in Leepa valley to keep it connected with the rest of the area throughout the year would also be constructed.

Airports of international standard would be built in Muzaffarabad and Rawalakot, he said.

Underlining the need of launching hydroelectric projects, the prime minister said it would not only provide cheap electricity but also reduce poverty and unemployment.

“I wish the AJK government takes concrete steps for development of this region and we will extend them fullest cooperation,” he said.

However, he laid emphasis on transparency and good governance in AJK, saying his government was committed to eradicating corruption and those who would go against it would be taken to task.

The prime minister also held a meeting with an eight-member delegation of the All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC), led by Syed Yousuf Nasim.

He paid tribute to the Kashmiris for their sacrifices and struggle to achieve the right of self-determination and said: “Please convey my message to every Kashmiri that the government and people of Pakistan are with them in their just cause.”

Kashmir issue can trigger war, says Sharif - DAWN.COM
It simply doesn't matter what Pakistan's position is, whether you consider it disputed or yours. I don't seek Pakistan's friendship, merely a civility of discourse that can hopefully be achieved but why in your thinking do you think India will agree to what you might want? The status quo suits us just fine. India nether has an reason nor desire to change that status quo. Lots of things in life are disputed, doesn't mean squat in the real world. Pakistan can claim anything, they simply will get no more than what is outlined. It is only the delusional who think that they will get on a platter what they could not win by force.

Again the things that you start assuming lol. I never said Pakistan thinks it would get it this way or that i just highlighted the point that Kashmir stays a disputed territory and if you are aware of facts then you would also be knowing that occupations no matter how long lasting do end. I don't care about you're opinion no matter how biased it further gets its of no significance to me. My point is that i don't want a war with India and that should be avoided at all costs but that in no way means Pakistan should be seeking friendship with India either. What Pakistan claims or not might not interest you but what the people of Kashmir want is of considerable interest to me. And what Pakistan will get or not will be decided in future lets not make hasty assumptions.
If only Pakistanis had half the care for their Northern provinces and Karachi where dozens of bodies are found rather than Kashmiris.

Remain satisfied with status quo for some time, save the people who are already dying in your backyard.
There is no way either countries will use nuke. But it will be a controlled war if any of them decide for nuke they will be destroyed by world forces combined. Neither of them is stupid enough. And here Pakistan is projected as aggressor by nawaj so they will always start as evil.

"Nawaj" says he will keep the peace on LOC.

What aggressiveness are you talking about?

Read full story not the headlines.

Thank you
Again the things that you start assuming lol. I never said Pakistan thinks it would get it this way or that i just highlighted the point that Kashmir stays a disputed territory and if you are aware of facts then you would also be knowing that occupations no matter how long lasting do end. I don't care about you're opinion no matter how biased it further gets its of no significance to me. My point is that i don't want a war with India and that should be avoided at all costs but that in no way means Pakistan should be seeking friendship with India either. What Pakistan claims or not might not interest you but what the people of Kashmir want is of considerable interest to me. And what Pakistan will get or not will be decided in future lets not make hasty assumptions.

Fine. Let's agree to wait for the future to unfold. No point in discussing anything now by that logic.
Thanks Mr Nawaz Sharif. Such statements makes our leaders to be on their toes and helps in cementing the the anti pakistani view. It would only ensure we keep our forces in good condition and also strengthen our stand on issues of water, Siachen and Kashmir. Sure plays out good for India. Also the mistake India made in sharmal sheikh would not be repeated if such statements come out more often.
Thanks Mr Nawaz Sharif. Such statements makes our leaders to be on their toes and helps in cementing the the anti pakistani view. It would only ensure we keep our forces in good condition and also strengthen our stand on issues of water, Siachen and Kashmir. Sure plays out good for India. Also the mistake India made in sharmal sheikh would not be repeated if such statements come out more often.

NS, every time he opens his mouth seems to guarantee that any chance of an Indo-Pakistan peace process recedes even further. MMS must have simply given up on this motor mouth. Even Musharraf as President was able to be more circumspect.
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NS, every time he opens his mouth seems to guarantee that any chance of an Indo-Pakistan peace process recedes even further. MMS must have simply goven up on this motor mouth. Even Musharraf as President was able to be more circumspect.

Right. And i think its only good for India. We would be fooling ourselves if we think we can friends with pakistan. Takla talks peace and even mentioned of inviting MMS to paksitan but look what he said in UN and now. It shows the true intentions.

As for MMS replying it sure came as a shock. Maybe he was wanting to give it back ever since the dehati aurrant incident :D
Not sure if Nawaz is making statements/will go for war to save his dignity or is it just a political plot ?!?!

or he could be just highlighting a reason for war,as nonetheless Kashmir Belongs to Pakistan :pakistan:
Funny article on Nawaz's statement

Islamabad, Pakistan.
Taking a cue from the farewell given by the BCCI to one of India’s greatest sons Sachin Tendulkar, Pakistan has decided to give farewell to its own son of soil General Kayani in their own special way.

The new Army chief Raheel Sharif is reported to have taken this decision so that there is smooth transition of power.

According to reports from across the border, Pak Army, in collaboration with allied outfits like LeT, Al-Qaida, etc. is planning to have one last bomb blast in the honor of the outgoing chief.

Kayani has already received some post retirement terror consulting offers, sources say.

“Kayani would be in charge of the blast and will carry out the carnage for one last time before he bids good bye,” Nawaz Sharif told the media and public amidst huge cheers.

Though the venue of the attack is not yet short listed, but many options are being considered.

While Kayani has requested Pakistan authorities to have it in his native place in front of his home crowd at Gujar Khan in Tehsil district of Punjab, but PBBB (Pakistan Board of Bomb Blasts) is keen to have in Peshawar, which has long been the Mecca of bomb blasts.

Sources say that at one point of time India was being considered as the venue, but Kayani dropped the idea and said he wanted a more “challenging” farewell.

“Carrying out a blast in India is not a big deal. It’s like India inviting West Indies for Sachin’s farewell series,” Kayani is reported to have said, which was applauded by Pakistan Taliban that had earlier warned Pakistani media not to praise Sachin.

“Further, we lost couple of soldiers after they died with an unbearable bout of laughter hearing yet another condemnation statement from Indian government. We can’t risk losing more soldiers in this fashion,” clarified an official of Pak government on what made them change their mind.

Meanwhile the incumbent chief Rasheel Sharif is excited and hoped that he would be able to fill the void that was created by departure of Kayani.

“Those are some difficult shoes to fill. But I am already excited and looking forward to work under the leadership and guidance of Janaab Hafiz Saeed,” said the new COAS.
Never ceases to amaze me how much Pakistanis talk about nuclear war, do you even know what nuclear war would mean for not only the country you nuke but also for your own nation? And the the world as a whole? Do Pakistanis really believe that if they nuke India the world is going to just sit by and watch them do this?
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