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Kashmir a flashpoint for another India-Pak war, Nawaz Sharif says

No doubt.

These issues will take its time to be resolved. We cannot undo the damage that took years in making.
That's why I say, just give lip service and don't do anything.
If they try to incite us, use our economy to make western nations who are heavily investing and looking for Indian investment in their countries, lucrative deals etc. to put pressure on Pakistan.
Modi wont go to war. He will use our economy.

I always say that our best weapon is our economy against Pakistan. We both have nukes but they dont have economy like us.
Faujhistorion re your post

Its also about being inbred and having lots of retarded children as you people marry blood relatives.

Finally you people look nothing like whites or Arabs so STOP FLATTERING yourself.

Pakistanis in pakistani look like this hardly european or arab LOL LOL LOL LOL


please tell who is more arab than the other

The problem with Pakistanis is that they have created image of indians from what they in US or UK. What they do not realize is that is not good sample, majority of India abroad are from AP, TN and Karnataka. Now people from these states move in groups too. So it is very easy confuse Indians as Pakistanis. I have met a Pakistani girl at Macys 3 times and everytime she has asked if I am from Pakistan. Even after we have them many times they continue to believe it.
Nawaz sharif can't do shit other than making stupid comments for local consumption. :D
& that is exactly the reason why a lot of people (me included) haven't lost hope in our democracy. hope one day people of Pakistan will also realize that there are far more pressing issues beyond Kasmir and move on.

Thats funny i thought it was clearly the other way round but that would take a lot of guts to admit surely.

The problem with Pakistanis is that they have created image of indians from what they in US or UK. What they do not realize is that is not good sample, majority of India abroad are from AP, TN and Karnataka. Now people from these states move in groups too. So it is very easy confuse Indians as Pakistanis. I have met a Pakistani girl at Macys 3 times and everytime she has asked if I am from Pakistan. Even after we have them many times they continue to believe it.

Don't assume on the behalf of Pakistanis. Meeting a Pakistani in no way gives you the authority to decide what their problem is and what isn't. Same goes for you're assumption its false.
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Thats funny i thought it was clearly the other way round but that would take a lot of guts to admit surely.

Well you see, current generation is far more concerned with the health of economy as it directly impact their life. There have been many historical issues that politicians here in India have been using to their advantage time and again (religion, casteism etc).
With Liberalization several of these issues have started to go on backstage (& perhaps in oblivion after sometime). I tell you this based on opinion of young people expressed in so many talk shows and debates during recent election campaigning.
I've a feeling young people in Pakistan also feel likewise and understand peace and economic prosperity is far more important than a 60 year dispute over Kashmir. What is your opinion?
Well you see, current generation is far more concerned with the health of economy as it directly impact their life. There have been many historical issues that politicians here in India have been using to their advantage time and again (religion, casteism etc).
With Liberalization several of these issues have started to go on backstage (& perhaps in oblivion after sometime). I tell you this based on opinion of young people expressed in so many talk shows and debates during recent election campaigning.
I've a feeling young people in Pakistan also feel likewise and understand peace and economic prosperity is far more important than a 60 year dispute over Kashmir. What is your opinion?

I understand what you're saying and its true to some extent but think of it in this way the longer issues like Kashmir exist, the longer would tensions between the two countries exist as well. Talking about Kashmir doesn't mean we don't have our own issues or we aren't dealing with them. The longer this issue stays unresolved the longer there is a threat of an imminent war which all sane people would like to avoid on both sides. How many times do you see on you're news channels Pakistan giving statements about Indian involvement in each suicide attack that takes place in this country?? I haven't ever come across that honestly but as soon as a 26/11 takes place and you get to hear an Indian channel the impression you get is that they are spoiling for war. I myself got to hear such things and i was personally stunned at the irresponsible behaviour of you're media. Ours can be irresponsible as well but that was taking it to another level. And trust me Kashmir issue isn't just about a piece of land its become more than that those people who live there are too frustrated to live under draconian laws and face human rights abuses and are forced to wage a war against you're state to which most Indians conveniently put the blame on Pakistan. I, for one, don't want a war with India and my fear is that as long as this issue stays unresolved we are overlooking an imminet danger.
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He may be trying to motivate the new army chief appointed by him (after mushy)...... Who knows he has some new idea like kargil.... You cant say anything about these leaders and generals....
I, for one, don't want a war with India and my fear is that as long as this issue stays unresolved we are overlooking an imminet danger.

I'm really glad there are people like you :tup:.
However just one point from me, Let us not link the destiny and relations of two neighbours with a lingering dispute. As the trade between two nations has shown there is a great potenital for mutual benefit and growth between us.
Just because government from both sides want the issue to be talked about in a certain manner doesn't mean there is no room for peaceful co-existence.
I'm really glad there are people like you :tup:.
However just one point from me, Let us not link the destiny and relations of two neighbours with a lingering dispute. As the trade between two nations has shown there is a great potenital for mutual benefit and growth between us.
Just because government from both sides want the issue to be talked about in a certain manner doesn't mean there is no room for peaceful co-existence.

No i have never thought that there isn't any room for peaceful coexistence in fact thats what smarter nations do for their benefits and for that of the region as well. I agree there is a great potential as far as trade is concerned between the two countries but my point was that we surely don't want it to be jeopardised by another ill fated event the way it happened earlier do we??
I understand what you're saying and its true to some extent but think of it in this way the longer issues like Kashmir exist, the longer would tensions between the two countries exist as well. Talking about Kashmir doesn't mean we don't have our own issues or we aren't dealing with them. The longer this issue stays unresolved the longer there is a threat of an imminent war which all sane people would like to avoid on both sides.

The Kashmir issue has no real solution. People can talk but there is very little that can be realistically worked out. We have to find a way to mange the problem (without necessarily giving up any position) or wallow in perpetual enmity.
The Kashmir issue has no real solution. People can talk but there is very little that can be realistically worked out. We have to find a way to mange the problem (without necessarily giving up any position) or wallow in perpetual enmity.

Well thats how you think and you have the right to believe what you want to but i don't think that way.
Why not a referendum,let the people decide what they want?
Has it been done before?
Well thats how you think and you have the right to believe what you want to but i don't think that way.

Doesn't matter what you think, most Indians see it the way I described. There is absolutely no interest in compromising on Kashmir beyond what is already on offer (Musharraf-MMS proposals) - soft borders, greater autonomy& the like. Giving up Kashmir is simply not an option for India and if Pakistan seeks that as a price for friendship/normal relations, then that is a price that will never be paid. Realistically, the only solution is to manage this issue and try working out things on other matters.
Why not a referendum,let the people decide what they want?
Has it been done before?
For that Pakistan Army has to move back to original position.

Won't happen. Its just a cycle.

Few days ago their PM was saying free visa for India-Pak and now he is talking of war.

Indians are content with status quo coz we have more important problems to solve.
Doesn't matter what you think, most Indians see it the way I described. There is absolutely no interest in compromising on Kashmir beyond what is already on offer (Musharraf-MMS proposals) - soft borders, greater autonomy& the like. Giving up Kashmir is simply not an option for India and if Pakistan seeks that as a price for friendship/normal relations, then that is a price that will never be paid. Realistically, the only solution is to manage this issue and try working out things on other matters.

Please get out of you're dreamland Pakistan in no way wants friendship with India secondly you can't represent over a billion people of you're country neither can you generalise. If i said we don't want a war with India it in no way equates to seeking India's friendship either. Pakistan only seeks whats her right so the way you speak doesn't represent the reality as well. It would stay a disputed area and a disputed area cannot be called you'rs or ours until the status of the area is changed. So stop making claims that "India" would not give this and "India" would not give that.
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