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Karachi PTI Jalsa - Live debate and streaming!

he said that PTI will issue communique twice a month from now onwards and update peolle about their plans.

mmm maybe I overlooked this part of speech. I thought he was saying they will to this if they came in power.
What. A. Jalsa.
I had fully expected to leave by 3 pm like I said here on the first page. Ended up staying till the end, it was exhilarating. The Pakistaaniyat (I know it's not a word but IT SHOULD BE) was awesome. Koi na Punjabi that na pakhtun, sab Pakistani the. Urdu Speakers sitting next to Pusto speakers. Just awesome. National spirit- AWESOME!

I saw TV after coming back, was shocked that they were saying 2 lak people. I made a rough estimate shortly after IK Sahab arrived and I reached 4 Lakh
(Obviously I didn't count the people, just estimated in a small area and multiplied by total area)

I had problems coming home due to traffic. No problem reaching there though and awesome awesome parking

Kya Naghme the. It was unbelievable, the whole crowd sang along and when people spoke, we listened. IK's speech was phenomenal and really really liked Shah Mehmood Qureshi's. And the new guy from PML-N, Javed Hashmi was great. But really, some of the people who aren't well known showed so much spirit in their speeches, sadly don't remember their names.

Unbelievable. And Imran Khan's plans make sense, their sincere

I'd also like to point out to the many PML-N'ers who say that MQM does not allow rallies. It's not that we're their slaves and they don't allow us to attend, it's the fact that we see you're corrupt that we don't attend.

exact feelings we had in Lahore Jalsa, just Pakistaniyat !! and we loved it every moment of it !! :pakistan:

I hope this feeling continues to exist in our hearts, minds, and actions !! :pakistan:
First of all, a lot more than 100000
During a match there comes a time when you know you have the opposition on the mat. It is exactly the feeling now, that I have all the opposition by their balls,

Pretty sure, never said
Again, Imran Khan is a real deal and Pakistanis are indeed very lucky to have credible and clean 3rd force. And I am not some young facebook fanboi of PTI.
Some of you kids can rightly call me 'uncle'--being well into my 40's. I have seen the elections from the 1970 through the 2008 one. I have seen 'Roti Kapda aur Makan' of PPP from its heydays, the 'Nizam e Mustafa' movement of 1977, and I have also seen the Establishment run IJI of 1988. In between all these, I have learned to sniff the real from the fake.
And PTI is real! It is the logical conclusion of the open-ness in media in Pakistan, the winds of change blowing across the world, the disillusionment with the 'old order', the agony from the WOT-generated fatigue in Pakistan, the realization that both the two mainstream parties offer nothing dramatically different to better the lives of the people.
Pakistanis are very lucky to get a credible and clean 3rd party. Ask many Americans and they will tell you that they feel disenfranchised during electioneering when they are not only forced to choose between only two political parties but even from them the real change candidates like Kucinich or R. Paul are SYSTEMATICALLY sidelined.

Let's give Imran Khan a chance to be the next elected leader of Pakistan! He has promised today that he will get rid of 'major' corruption in 90-days after coming to power. That alone will make the Pakistani economy to jump-start. I believe the same no-nonsense cricket captain that Imran Khan was will make him a ruthless leader against the old order.

Finally, I still retain a soft spot for the PPP. I think the party got a really bad deal from the machinations of the Establishment starting 1977. But that party needs to re-invent itself. Until it does that I am not going to support that party.
Wow, what a unbelievable show of People, Ocean of Youth, Imran khan is only Bright light for Pakistan. He has great personality. I like that he has induced transparency in his team, specially to make everybody accountable in his team about assets. I was very worried about corruption in Pakistan specially PMLN who is Land Mafia and was grabbing plots by force in every street from poor peoples. Now People of Pakistan can say, WE HAVE BRAVE LEADER WHO WILL NEVER let us down. :pakistan:
Though i dont post in immi threads, but today's jalsa confirmed me the following : :)

Guys I like most of you hope for the best and am supportive of IK but i do worry that we are expecting a lot of one person. there will be many ups and downs in future. we must expect some tough times ahead, vested interests and enemies of paksitan are not just going to go away. They have been used to taking pakistani people for granted too long
He made remarks against Zardari and Nawaz but not Altaf
Future Alliance on the horizon u heard it here first :azn:

Epic Jalsa though i couldnt even imagine the turnout would be so big for a City which is generally pretty Lazy :p
The thing that I admire the most about IK is that unlike other leaders he has done it reached here with no patron, bhutto did it with ayub, shariff with Zia, they got machinery for party under patronage. IK had the chance with Mushy and he did not waver. I thought that that was a mistake and he was being naive cos could have built a party machinery. But I am pleased he proved me wrong and has done it the hard way.
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