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PDM backed care taker gov and institutions blocked whole Lahore to stop entry in imran khan jalsa

It is one thing to play Game of Thrones but controlling the narrative like this might backfire along with the breakage of the nation from within. In the long run, this is disaster waiting to happen which will benefits some including the enemies of Pakistan.
Thank you.

If you have ever spent some time in Turkish forum, you'd have noticed that Turks are crying the same that foreigners are buying their houses and increasing the prices for locals and also limiting the number of properties for locals to choose from and how giving nationalities to outsiders is disturbing their social balance. Then there is a story of Canada and Chinese.

Pakistan is a developing country with ever expanding population. Our choices in real estate are limited. Overseas Paks buying real estate put a lot of pressure on locals.

Per Tu chor yeh sab, you are lucky enough in your mind to escape Pak with your broken English and now sadistically troll here all day long pretending to be a Psychologist and blaming every local Pakistanis for the ills in the country. Just remember, few years ago you were also local(and I was overseas). Continue please...
Sure even Pakistanis are crying British are crying hell even Americans are crying

Problem is has Pakistan decided what it wants? Does it want to go back into isolation or does it want embrace globalization

Globalization will means more investment more pricing out middle class out of prime areas but more houses in non prime areas..
Isolation continues falling and Ultimate destruction of cities..

Lol 5k. Even Khawaja Asif said 20k. If even you believed this then there shouldn’t be any issues holding elections.

Who goes for chaska after 10PM, walk miles and under threat from their own institutions and govt. You are completely consumed in hate for a political party.

This tells you IQ level of duffers .
They can't even do a simple forensic count

Same people who call civilians be it Muhammad Ali Jinnah or Fatima Jinnah as duffers....Fatima Jinnah was doing the same thing and facing the same thing as benazir and Imran Khan are facing

The script for Muhammad Ali Jinnah with general Douglas refusing his orders for Kashmir or ayub who refusing relinquish power to Fatima Jinnah or civilians and giving up rivers to India .

Yaha Khan acting like a cowboy

Be it Zia ul Haq selling Pakistan short or generals of 1990s screwing up Pakistan economy for ganja...the script has remained the same

Only American command of fighting against Soviet or Russia now for ukriane is what they are good at

Pakistan history is filled with shame and failures

A country that got lucky because it was too much resource rich with gas cheap hydro and fertile land but time is running out now .in this knowledge based world this resources don't matter any more
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The 3.5% rule, which in Pakistan’s case would mean at least 8 million people is probably what the PTI will need at a minimum to get out on to the streets or carrying out strikes and similar methods in a sustained way. Party’s middle and lower workers will have to motivate people to come out and participate.

French protests seems to have reached 5% population participation, and the movement seems to have been going on for over a year. If it keeps going at this point for more months, it’s likely Macron will have to concede to the demonstrators.

If 1 crore (10 million) people get on their rooftops to single the national anthem in unison at the same time, such as 10pm, across the country, it would reach the 3.5% threshold, may even be close to the 5% threshold. This would let people see others stand with them, and increase solidarity amongst the people and be a low threshold of participation by each individual. When people can sense they are all in unison, participation in work stopping strikes would then be easier, and eventually larger street protests.

Repeated every night, or every week for months, this could naturally build up participation, especially amongst the youth, as it goes “viral”.

Consider this echoing across the country, night after night.

Lol. Haven't read after that. I knew you would say that just like all other supporters of ghunda league.

For your kind information, even the money received by the exporters is not for the government :cheesy:
Ofcourse, why would you bother with the truth, it is quite typical of your kind. It was actually my mistake that I even bothered to respond to you and show you a mirror. Regardless, expats send money to support their families, period!
All the USD goes to banks, the families get PKRs. Anyway you shouldn’t mind expats using non banking channels from now on then.
Well, it is illegal so unless the expats want to indulge in illegal activities and then be held accountable for those illegal activities, including the family members who receive the funds through illegal channels, they will have to use the Banking Channels!

Yes hence why we are deciding not to send it via official channels.

If we are called mother fuckers..we are going to act as fuckers ..

Also not buying or investing any more...

This will help Pakistanis a lot...

Inshallah remittance should be done 40-50% coming few years ...
Bhai, kis ne gaali de di expats ko? What the hell are you talking about??? The entire Pakistan respects expat Pakistanis but when some nonsense has the guts to call it a favour to Pakistan, that nonsense deserves a response.

As for the later part of your post, remittance will continue to increase as long as we have fodder to send to Saudi Arabia and UAE and as long as they continue to give us work permits. It is for the simple fact that expats send money to support and sustain their families, so kindly get rid of the privileged mentality.
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Ofcourse, why would you bother with the truth, it is quite typical of your kind. It was actually my mistake that I even bothered to respond to you and show you a mirror. Regardless, expats send money to support their families, period!
And exporters earn money to support their families too.

Your overseas are workers who sell their skills and services, (similar to how exporters who sell their products and services).. and then they invest in Pakistan. Some of them don't even have to invest, yet they invest.

If overseas start sending money through non banking channels, your remittances will plunge. I had an option to send money to Pakistan through Hundi. I didn't do that because I love my country. Hundi guys offer more money.... which means I suffered some loss.

The 30 billion dollars are sent through regularized banking channels. Just give them credit, don't act like a typical patwari.
And exporters earn money to support their families too.

Your overseas are workers who sell their skills and services, (similar to how exporters who sell their products and services).. and then they invest in Pakistan. Some of them don't even have to invest, yet they invest.

If overseas start sending money through non banking channels, your remittances will plunge. I had an option to send money to Pakistan through Hundi. I didn't do that because I love my country. Hundi guys offer more money.... which means I suffered some loss.

The 30 billion dollars are sent through regularized banking channels. Just give them credit, don't act like a typical patwari.
You 'think' you love your country? I am a dual National serving the Government of Pakistan after leaving my lucrative career abroad but even I have selfish reasons of staying in my own country, close to family and friends.

Speaking of credit, the remittances which are sent legally are doing wonders for the country and for the economy but that is a byproduct of the entire process and not the express target or desire of the remitter. So while Pakistan does eventually benefit from the remittances, the primary intention of the remitter is not to benefit Pakistan but to send money for the sustenance of family back home; the consequential benefit to Pakistan is inconsequential to the remitter.

Besides, sending money through any other hundi/hawala channel is illegal, both in Pakistan and abroad and those who are caught are charged under AML Act amongst other laws; and prosecuted, so use the unofficial channel at your own peril and that of the receiver here in Pakistan.
You 'think' you love your country? I am a dual National serving the Government of Pakistan after leaving my lucrative career abroad but even I have selfish reasons of staying in my own country, close to family and friends.

Speaking of credit, the remittances which are sent legally are doing wonders for the country and for the economy but that is a byproduct of the entire process and not the express target or desire of the remitter. So while Pakistan does eventually benefit from the remittances, the primary intention of the remitter is not to benefit Pakistan but to send money for the sustenance of family back home; the consequential benefit to Pakistan is inconsequential to the remitter.

Besides, sending money through any other hundi/hawala channel is illegal, both in Pakistan and abroad and those who are caught are charged under AML Act amongst other laws; and prosecuted, so use the unofficial channel at your own peril and that of the receiver here in Pakistan.
Just read our exchange from the beginning to realise how foolish it sounds to discredit overseas Pakistanis.

Sorry whatever you are saying doesn't have any value. Overseas Pakistanis are Pakistanis who love their country whether they live anywhere. The money they send through regular channels is what runs Pakistan's economy. It constitutes half of the exports.

Next time, don't come up with flawed arguments that they send money to their family members that has nothing to do with Pakistan. Same thing, exporters do, same other people living in Pakistan do..

Just like all other Pakistanis, they need their right to vote with ease. Don't ask them to spend thousands of rupees on air tickets just to exercise their right, and don't judge their intentions and question their intelligence. If you have the right to express your opinion living in Pakistan, they have the same right to express their opinion on the happenings. The only thing is that, they don't have to because many are living a very good life, still they raise their concern because they are concerned. That shows their love and determination. Other nationals don't even spit on us.

And this is my last exchange on this subject with you.
Do you think the destruction would have happened had police reached out to Imran Khan like they do with all others? Like they have done to Maryam Nawaz etc.

Police came with full force.. with water cannons, tear gas, they should have expected the retaliation. Even intelligentsia sometimes retaliates physically (historic events in other countries are evidence of that).

Even then, not a single police officer was killed or even seriously injured. Had they been maulana's or TLP's members, they would have killed many policemen. I say this often on this forum, Altaf Hussain would have got a separate country if he had similar numbers in support.

Regarding numbers, the videos I have seen, they tell a different story. Minar Pakistan's park was completely filled, people who couldn't enter the ground were standing outside.. I don't know the size of the ground so can't tell the approximate number.. but this one has broken all the records.. I usually listen to Habib Akram (he is the only unbiased in my opinion). If he is saying that it has broken all the records, then you should add a few thousands to the last one.
Yar one of my points was that a few hundred stood up save IK while many thousands enjoy the gatherings he arranges. Where as when religious leaders call in, the numbers are same in both occasions. Majority of Pakistan lives in rural areas, most of them follow religious parties. The educated lot sits in cities, most of them maybe PTI fans but a portion of them are also voters of N and PPP.

So for defence of IK stand a few hundred where in defence of religious leaders thousands show up, mind you IK would have wanted thousands to defend him also, they just didn’t think it was worth it. IK didn’t put a cap on 200, 300 etc, saying no I don’t want thousands, he wanted thousands but he managed to get a few hundred. And that’s a shame.

I don’t believe police came with full force. I can write down a thesis on full force of police to arrest somebody, along with non lethal or lethal weapons, infiltration/exfiltration methods, and dispersing the crown by making corridors between them to weaken them while working along flanks. There are many many methods and we are well aware how Punjab police can make a deer admit that’s it’s an elephant actually. So let’s not go there.

let’s go toward the point of Human Resources or fan following at IK disposal. Before coming to power in 2018, he used to claim that he had the best minds who could address the country’s financial woes. He assured people that his team had studied all aspects of Pakistani society, including financial problems that according to him other parties were unable to resolve.

Public expected that they would hit the heights of economic prosperity and their financial woes would be a thing of the past. But to their utter surprise, former finance minister Asad Umar appeared clueless about the economic problems being faced by the country. He neither came up with any economic plan that could tide over the financial crisis nor did he decide to seek help from the IMF. The sheer incompetence of the PTI’s economic team forced the self-proclaimed ‘most clean party’ to borrow the finance minister from the PPP – a party that does not enjoy a good reputation among PTI supporters. But Hafeez Shaikh could not demonstrate any miracle either, and his tenure further deepened the crisis. Hammad Azhar and Shaukat Tarin also tried to steer the economy out of disorder but achieved nothing. This bad governance led to rising inflation, widening current account deficit and unbearable foreign and local debts.

You see IK has no idea about Human Resources both as a PM and then a small example of Zaman Park. IK wants blind fan following. He could just claim his team of ministers had an impeccable character and never indulged in any wrongdoing when the country’s economy was going down the drain and all his ministers were failing professionally.

You know earlier I said about religious following of religious leaders, IK knows that too and he has changed his strategy. He knows what his support base wants to hear. He uses religious connotations -- which have always been used by ring-wing parties like the JI, JUI-F, etc. But at the same time he also uses music and popular songs to appease the ultramodern elite.

On top of it, IK has managed to create a political cult out of PTI, mesmerizing his followers and party leaders in a way that they do not dare to question his contradictions. He may make tall claims of democracy all the while as Ijazul Haq and Omar Ayub are part of the party -- and yet no one in PTI circles raises an eyebrow.

One more trick under IK’s belt is that IK has cleverly discredited anyone who does not subscribe to his ideas, be it a person or an institution or department. IK believes that by assembling tens of thousands, he can achieve all objectives. In propaganda warfare, he has left everyone behind. You can see it on this forum.

Read this - IK wants to pile pressure through mob gatherings and street power, which religious parties did in IK’s tenure as PM. He is setting a dangerous precedent because tomorrow every political party may resort to the same tactics, depriving the country of any political stability for years or possibly decades.
This is where one fails to see the difference between a “learned and enlightened” PTI and a rural villager following a religious party.

You already know he is a master of U-turn, I need not give examples but furthermore IK has the nerve to defend the brutal regime of the Afghan Taliban who have created the largest prison on earth called Afghanistan besides depriving millions of girls of education, but no liberal leader of the PTI can summon enough courage to question the rationale of this defence of IK. He can resort to victim blaming when it comes to sexual assault against women but no champion of human rights within the ranks of the PTI can dare to confront IK.

It’s a long list my friend.
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You see IK has no idea about Human Resources both as a PM and then a small example of Zaman Park. IM wants blind fan following. He could just claim his team of ministers had an impeccable character and never indulged in any wrongdoing when the country’s economy was going down the drain and all his ministers were failing professionally.

At least two questions are relevant here.

1) How long did it take for Mahathir Mohammad and Erdogan to turn around finances of their respective courtiers?

2) Do you believe Pakistan is better off financially now that PTI is not in power and current government had a booster dose of $16 billion in March 2022 to start with?
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