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Karachi PTI Jalsa - Live debate and streaming!

ignore the haters.....they will vote for lord zardari again and again and then moan about loadshedding.

back to live coverage please.
has IK spoken yet?
ignore the haters.....they will vote for lord zardari again and again and then moan about loadshedding.

back to live coverage please.
has IK spoken yet?

Yeh - one can't stop a$$ from farting

---------- Post added at 08:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:00 PM ----------

Com'n guys - gimme update
Guys this thread is about karachi jalsa not about discussing abt political parities

Qureshi says that when he was the foreign minister of Pakistan, he expressed opinions against the US-India civil nuclear deal. However, he says President Zardari sent out a message that Pakistan will not go against any such nuclear deal.

Qureshi says that a nuclear deal between US and India severely undermines Pakistan.

If Pakistan ever signs “no first strike” agreement with India, its nuclear assets will be wasted and worthless, Qureshi says.

He “accuses” President Zardari of ruining the deterrent value of Pakistan’s nuclear program by saying ‘no first strike’ on India.

The PTI vice chairman assures the people that Pakistan’s nuclear assets are physically safe but are threatened by such “evil” decisions and such people.

Clarifying PTI’s stand on India, Qureshi says that his party wants friendship with everyone, with the US and India. But it would not tolerate slave-master relations.

“We want friendship and not slavery,” says Qureshi.

“If you want to see this country as an independent country, then vote for a leadership that has the guts to take bold stand on all such decisions,” Qureshi says.


Shah Mahmood Qureshi addresses the jalsa.

“Today, PIA, Wapda and all other institutions of the country are failing continuously but all these things can improve if the people of Pakistan decide to vote for a leadership that can bring about that change,” Qureshi says.

He said that all these failures are a result of incompetence and corruption. There are five things that everyone has agreed upon: “Firstly, democracy. Everyone wants democracy and no one is conspiring against the government. Prime Minister Gilani, it is your corruption that is a conspiracy against your own government. Secondly, justice. If you want justice in the country, vote for the PTI. The party will ensure that justice prevails. Thirdly, an independent judiciary. The present set-up has buried the concept of necessity. Fourth, free media which will promote accountability and democratic values. And lastly, Pakistan’s nuclear programme. Ensuring its security is something everyone agrees on. Would you let anyone trade our nuclear capability?” Qureshi said.
He said that as a former foreign minister of Pakistan, he knows that this programme protects Pakistan from outside threat. “Pakistan’s nuclear programme is under a five-layered security system and is of international standards. But then you wonder what the threat is about? There is no physical threat but there is a threat from certain people.”

People scream Zardari’s name. “Everyone said my comments [about Zardari] were irresponsible but I still stand by my comments,”
its 8 pm in karachi and jalsa started at 2
Thats 6 hours gone and yet IK has not spoken?
Pakistanis are VERY fortunate to find a credible and clean 3rd force. No political party is perfect in any country and I am afraid PTI too will eventually lose some of its luster over some years/decades. But meanwhile it will have reversed enough damage done by the hitherto ineffective and corrupt leaders from both civilian and khakhi forces.
I live in America and I can tell you that Americans, too, want a credible 3rd force in face of the same-old between the Demcrats and the Republicans. But they (Americans) are powerless against the entrenched parties and their lobbies in media, judiciary. You bet a lot of people--including perhaps even Indians--are envying Pakistan and Pakistanis today.
PTI has transformed into a CULT group. Typical scenario in Pakistani politics. Everyone has started worshipping Imran Khan like MQM supporters worship Altaf Hussian and so on. They restore to abuses when they hear anything against the demi-god Imran Khan.

ignore please..
keep updating.
PTI has transformed into a CULT group. Typical scenario in Pakistani politics. Everyone has started worshipping Imran Khan like MQM supporters worship Altaf Hussian and so on. They restore to abuses when they hear anything against the demi-god Imran Khan.

PTI has no internal democracy in their party, Imran Khan is president for LIFE and Office Bearers are appointed. How can we expect PTI to deliver true democracy when there is no internal democracy in PTI just like every other party of Pakistan.

lol and u know that since u are not in PTI ?
I was wondering what Mr Khan was doing in the past 15 years as he was unable to bring forth not even a single person from his party as a vice-chairman. And how easily he trashed Omer Serfraz Cheema and replaced him with Shafaqt Mehmood.

you dont know any thing about merit and right person for right job ............

..... cut the crap if you want to ask some thing make new thread , this thread is about karachi jalsa.
I was wondering what Mr Khan was doing in the past 15 years as he was unable to bring forth not even a single person from his party as a vice-chairman. And how easily he trashed Omer Serfraz Cheema and replaced him with Shafaqt Mehmood.

Omer Cheema was replaced by someone who was in much better position to handle media and represent PTI on TV. This is not trashing, this is team formation. Something new for you guys I think. And Sarfraz Cheema was sitting behind Imran Khan in today's jalsa. So he has clearly no issues with it either. So why don't you keep your mouth shut.
IK is the most popular leader in the security community as well, right know - in the various unit areas, and on the borders - everyone is glued to the Jalsa.
Now i am hopeful that NO one , no one can stop this revolution
R han mein B BAGGI hun iss system ka
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