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Jordanian Armed Forces JAF

What is the tactic-doctrine for such vehicle ?

The vehicle is a light Recon, Advance scouting, Border Patrol should be capable of carrying about 3-4 troops.

which nation is your foe ?

The lines in the middle east are just 'lines drawn into the sand'. Tribes and Bedouins disregard them as such.

Whats the point? Jordan is a staunch ally of USA and will never help any muslim country against Israel or USA. Infact, will probably use its weapons on other muslim countries on the pressure from USA.

Your Opinion so what? Plenty of military engagements of Muslim nations have been against other Muslim States/ tribes/ people. Whats your point?

BTW @BLACKEAGLE who gave you a -1 rating? :sniper::crazy:
The vehicle is a light Recon, Advance scouting, Border Patrol should be capable of carrying about 3-4 troops.

The lines in the middle east are just 'lines drawn into the sand'. Tribes and Bedouins disregard them as such.

Your Opinion so what? Plenty of military engagements of Muslim nations have been against other Muslim States/ tribes/ people. Whats your point?

BTW @BLACKEAGLE who gave you a -1 rating? :sniper::crazy:

We are discussing about Jordanians military right now, not others. And Jordanian military will never attack Israel or U.S. interests as it is their ally. So religion goes down the drain.
We are discussing about Jordanians military right now, not others. And Jordanian military will never attack Israel or U.S. interests as it is their ally. So religion goes down the drain.

How about you read your post first? Then lecture me about mine.
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