Sharif Al Hijaz's qoutes from previous pages of this thread. I have wasted my time and combined them for convenience and future reference.
Him = Bold
My Commentary = Regular
"There is not a single South Asian ethnic group that is lighter skinned on average than Arabs. Let alone better looking. Unless you find Dravidian looking facial features attracting." (Literally jeez)
Similarly when millions of your likes claim Arab ancestry while we never claim your ancestry, this also shows who is more desired. (Pakistanis are not desiring to be saoodis, lol)
Even the darker skinned Arabs have completely different facial features. They look much more manly which is due to lack of Dravidian features. (Calling pakistanis has non manly)
Many South Asians have a baby face. Very prominent among women in particular but not only. (No they are not baby faced)
most South Asian are Dravidians and the rest are mixed with them heavily genetically as confirmed by DNA. (Why is it a wrong thing to be dravidian ?)
Pakistanis and South Asians have this South Asian skin tone (Dravidian inspired) while Arabs (the darkest non-Afro-Arabs) have a dark olive skin tone common in the MENA region. (ROFL-COPTER)
Talking about some saudi woman She has a beautiful Arabian/Semitic/Middle Eastern look. Nothing Indian about her the slightest.(Implying that Indians/Pakistanis are ugly or cant be beautiful)
If one finds hairy, big nosed, unibrow, fake hair color looking Gypsies attractive compared to world famous Arabian beauty, then that is their problem. (If that doesn't get this abusive chimp banned than what would? )
Everyone knows the beauty of Arab women. No need to impress some South Asians here, lol. Their men in the GCC are desperate to marry local Arab women. (Implying that South asian men lesser beings and perverts who lust after some saoodi women)
In the West Arab women are very much sought after. Never heard anything about South Asian women.
Using the word dravidian as an insult, Ok, Dravidian. Arabian beauty is world famous and well-known across the world. Your likes on the other hand are ignored. (Calling indians and pakistans as ignored or ugly worldwide)
You on the other hand are located next to the Dravidian hotspot that is South Asia. Home to almost 1 billion Dravidians. (pakistanis are Indo aryans and Iranians)
So stick to your Gypsies and we will stick to our beautiful women. The last people on the planet that we have to impress is your likes as we see the ground reality every day in the GCC. Millions of your likes claim Arab ancestry while I am yet to see a single Arab claim your ancestry or proudly try to display it. That's the harsh reality. Not to say that you have been influenced by us 1000 times more than the other way around. So we understand your obsession about the 500 million Arabs. A lot of butthurt and inferiority complexes is involved. After all millions of your likes are feed by us directly.
After posting pics of pakistani sportsman who in my opinion are better built than most lazy saoodi, No average Saudi Arabian or non-Afro-Arab Arab has this skin color on average.
It's some butthurt Dravidian troll that is obsessed about the 500 million Arabs. (using dravidian as an insult again)
In a parallel universe Dravidian. In the real world your likes are banned from entering malls in Qatar (or used to be) because you facial features are easily spotted as being non-Arab and that's not a compliment. (Have some shame Saudi, indians and pakistanis are running your country for you)
Dravidian, your trolling is useless. Nobody takes its seriously. (Using dravidian as an insult again)
What don't you understand? I am not racially abusing anyone that is not doing the same against my people. I already told you that I reply in similar kind. Besides I was for God knows what reason banned for what I wrote in that thread while my opponents (despite starting the insults) were not banned. You are crying to the moderatos and asking them for punishing me twice for the same "crime". Talk about you confirming being an even bigger sissy than previously imagined.
Now let's take a look at your nonsense:
Post 372:
"My post was for fellow middle eastern people, saudis, iranian, turkish etc ... You dont belong to our group, you dont matter in this thread. Stop being insecure."
Post 380:
"and this aint even your fight indo ... you want me to list the glorious names your kind is given in countries of your arab allies lol ?
report me or whatever like i care"
"Irony here is that we all are very similar to eachother, more so than many can realize. I see same behavior all over the internet. I was once like this in my teens and years that followed. I had folders of links, pics, video links so that i can generate answers in response in no time ... like you I had multiple accounts too, i got banned, i came back, i checked the boards like every hour. With my glorious 10000 posts what did I change ? did i convert my enemy saudis into pro iranians ? no ... would you change iranians into pro saudis ? no ... then whats the point of ruining your sleep."
Post 368.
Post 92:
"If Pakistan was Pashtun or Baloch dominated country then it could have been part of the Irano-Turkic family but it is not. Majority of the population (by race) is indian and so is the culture. Indo-brachid is the most common phentotype in pakistan as far as I have seen even among the upper class living in western countries. The ancient Iranic migrant indo-Sychtian pheno is almost absorbed by majority brachid over the centuries as it seems.
Most of the iranian population lives in north west and most of the pakistanis live on east side of pakistan so two populations have never been truly connected to have exchanged phenos.
Except for Pashtuns or Baloch and Irano-Turk invasions, pakistan and Iranic plateau has no connection."
Post 97:
"offcourse, no internet troll can change history, pakistanis got their religion from Irano-turk invasions.
... Now how they got converted is another debate ... What I find funny is that they name their missiles on names of their Irano-Turk rapists and conquerors. Tajiks, Afghans, Turkmens, Turko-Mongols, Uzbeks, Ethnic Persians ... almost everyone has invaded pakistan and ruled it for centuries."
Post 115:
"my raped kind is called Oghuz Turks lol, Turkmen-Azeri borijgini-ghavanlu turk in particular. You need a history lesson (wiki session)
heard these names like ? Ghori ? Tughlagh, Lodhi, Ghaznavis, Timurid, Moghal, Afshari, Abdali (etc). They were your invaders and rulers for centuries and centuries. They gave you Islam and you name your weapons on their names now to piss off Indians (most of them attacked Delhi I suppose). All of them were Turko-Iranic warlords not pakistanis.
Of course that does not include all of your other permanently banned users and numerous times where you insulted Pakistanis, Indians and many other peoples.
Once again everyone can take a look at that thread and see who started the insults and who started trolling (knowing this well in advance) out of the blue in a otherwise serious and informative thread.
BTW, I was already banned for a month while those trolls did not even get a ban for writing similar posts (now deleted but not all of them).
Once again do you want the moderators to punish me twice for the same crime of replying in a similar manner to trolls who initiated the trolling? How dumb are you again?
Post 127 speaks for itself. Not going to repeat myself or waste my time on two irrelevant turkified/persianized immigrants here.
I have nothing to hide here unlike you so I am quoting the Webmaster and the moderator who banned me back then but did not ban his two compatriots (especially one of them) who started the insulting and trolling in a otherwise serious and informative thread.
@WebMaster @The Eagle
Problem with this Saudi is that he tries to say that all Saudis, Emirates and other khaleejis have the look of the Levant people (lebanon etc). So he looks for better looking arab-speaking people and then he says look this is how khaleej people look like.
Levantine people (no such people) are Arabs and Semites like Arabians. In fact genetically, 80% of all Levantines are originally from neighboring Arabia. In fact Southern Levant is a part of historical Arabia. There is no large difference at all other than a slightly more olive skin tone in Arabia from nature. In fact all of Northern Arabia (half of KSA) is largely identical to Levant genetically, culturally, in terms of dialect, geography, history etc. Not only that Saudi Arabians are not "Gulf Arabs" as no such thing exists. it's an Arabic dialect (only spoken by 500.000 people in KSA), traditional dance and currency only. Besides Arab men from the GCC are well-knwon for their looks and desired by many women worldwide. The best looking man (according to, apparently, many sources) is a Gulf Arab from UAE. Omar al-Borkan. The stereotypical Gulf Arab fashion look is also well-known.
Typical features and look (facial). No doubt about their origin.
Yes, those 500 + photos of Saudi Arabians (mostly much better looking than what I have seen in similar threads from your people) are not Saudi Arabians but Martians.
BTW Arabian beauty is world famous and has been recorded in ancient texts from all relevant civilizations whether from the West (Greek and Roman writings) or the Middle East or East (China). I can post plenty of sources that confirm this.
Now get lost from this section, troll, as you have nothing to add other than moronic trolling when owned like I just did. Hence your moronic one-liners.
Aside from this, who says that Lebanese people (3-4 million people) are better looking? Do you know that most Lebanese people are actually Palestinians. Where do most Palestinians originate from or have heavily admixture from as confirmed by all DNA tests. Yes, you guessed it right, Arabia. Neighboring Hijaz in particular. Based on what exactly? I always hear this from non-Arabs. Most actual Arabs don't think this is the case. KSA has much more diversity which is mostly considered as better. We have more people looking similar to Lebanese than there are Lebanese citizens but we also have people who have many more varieties which is great.
BTW here is another thing that I have only seen from Saudi Arabian DNA tests: (100% indigenously Middle Eastern in terms of ancestry):
Take a look at the Youtube comments below that video from people across the world, including your supposed compatriots