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Sultan of Oman's Armed Forces

She would be mistaken for an Indian......She has very Indian-ish facial features and complexion

And i am surprised you are making fun of noses of Persians....Its Arabs and other semetics who are stereotyped as having very big noses....you must have heard about the "Jewish nose"

She has a beautiful Arabian/Semitic/Middle Eastern look. Nothing Indian about her the slightest. You should be familiar how your neighbors look like. After all you share a lot in common with them on all fronts, including genetics and appearance.

This is the average Indian/South Asian look:

The pure look:

Arabian/Arab women on the other hand are world famous for their beautiful big eyes:

No. Arabs have beautiful aquiline noses.

Nose jobs in Iran are an epidemic.

As for big noses, unibrow, hairiness, plastic operations, whitening creams etc. Persians are world famous for that. Tons of makeup and unnatural hair color as well.


As I said comparing yourself with Arabs on any front is a joke. This comparison is no different.

He's Saudi.. a good representation is the Saudi military thread.

For us "north india" starts and ends with Panjab & IOK.

The indian chicks in your post, look like typical hindustani and one South Indian..

As for Iranian women, no doubt Iranian women are much more beautiful compared with GCC.

The only beautiful "arab" comes from Mediterranean states like Lebanon,Syria or from the Berbers/Maghrib.

I doubt they are genetically Arab or "najdi".. @Mian Babban

As for the Saudi royal family.:. Well known that they have married heavily with the Lebanese etc.

Sure. To me those 3 are very representative of the South Asians that are living in the GCC.

If one finds hairy, big nosed, unibrow, fake hair color looking Gypsies attractive compared to world famous Arabian beauty, then that is their problem.

The people of Prophet Muhammad (saws) and the Prophets and the most famous ancient queens will always be better looking.

Arab women are desired by almost everyone across the world irrespective of wither that person is White, Black, Asian, Latino etc. Best bodies by far as well.

Everyone knows the beauty of Arab women. No need to impress some South Asians here, lol. Their men in the GCC are desperate to marry local Arab women.

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Not try to be a troll but arabs are white the only dark people in gcc that I saw are migrants from south Asia and horn of Africa the rest f the people here should know that every arab man or woman can't marry an outsider so believe it or not !
Not try to be a troll but arabs are white the only dark people in gcc that I saw are migrants from south Asia and horn of Africa the rest f the people here should know that every arab man or woman can't marry an outsider so believe it or not !

Everyone knows about the beauty of Arab women. No need to impress some South Asians here, lol. Their men in the GCC are desperate to marry local Arab women.

Just visit any forum and Arab girls are always mentioned as one of the most beautiful along with the likes of Latin women (30 million Latino people have Arab ancestry) etc.

In the West Arab women are very much sought after. Never heard anything about South Asian women.

Just take a look at the avatar of that user below. That's how they look on average. We don't need any confirmation as there are enough of them in the GCC for the time being until they will be deported.
She has a beautiful Arabian/Semitic/Middle Eastern look. Nothing Indian about her the slightest. You should be familiar how your neighbors look like. After all you share a lot in common with them on all fronts, including genetics and appearance.

Actually we have nothing in common with them, apart from the fact that our dynasties ruled them.

But well you are entitled to your opinion.

This is the average Indian/South Asian look:

The pure look:

Do you see the irony here?
You post pics of indian women and generalise that Afghanistan,Pakistan,Iran,Nepal,Bhutan,India,Maldives,Sri Lanka,Bangladesh look like them?:lol:

And on the other hand you post pics of "Arab pageant queens"--- that's what the pics address says;

Arabian/Arab women on the other hand are world famous for their beautiful big eyes:

No. Arabs have beautiful aquiline noses.

Nose jobs in Iran are an epidemic.

As for big noses, unibrow, hairiness, plastic operations, whitening creams etc. Persians are world famous for that. Tons of makeup and unnatural hair color as well.


As I said comparing yourself with Arabs on any front is a joke. This comparison is no different.

Sure. To me those 3 are very representative of the South Asians that are living in the GCC.

If one finds hairy, big nosed, unibrow, fake hair color looking Gypsies attractive compared to world famous Arabian beauty, then that is their problem.

The people of Prophet Muhammad (saws) and the Prophets and the most famous ancient queens will always be better looking.

Arab women are desired by almost everyone across the world irrespective of wither that person is White, Black, Asian, Latino etc. Best bodies by far as well.

As for nose jobs, well US is also a leading country in that, do you mean to say that White Americans aren't Caucasian or good looking?:)

Between brother... take a look at your ruling Al Saud family (which itself is pretty mixed with Mediterraneans:

Arab are not different from Indians looks-wise, but the Saudi here is feeling insulted by the comparison because every second Saudi has committed racism against Indian worker in their country. The same Afro-semetic Saudis treat White western workers in their country with great respect and hospitality which means they are actually in inferiority complex and are in awe of white Skin, which is also a weakness of Indians. There was an early medieval Arab source which was saying that Arabs were marrying Greek, Syrian and Circassian women to beautify their progeny. I will give the citations when i find it again.
Not try to be a troll but arabs are white the only dark people in gcc that I saw are migrants from south Asia and horn of Africa the rest f the people here should know that every arab man or woman can't marry an outsider so believe it or not !
Dude aren't you Arab yourself?

Most of your posts are in ME sections, supporting GCC and bashing Turks.
Arab are not different from Indians looks-wise, but the Saudi here is feeling insulted by the comparison because every second Saudi has committed racism against Indian worker in their country. The same Afro-semetic Saudis treat White western workers in their country with great respect and hospitality which means they are actually in inferiority complex and are in awe of white Skin, which is also a weakness of Indians. There was an early medieval Arab source which was saying that Arabs were marrying Greek, Syrian and Circassian women to beautify their progeny. I will give the citations when i find it again.

Ok, Dravidian. Arabian beauty is world famous and well-known across the world. Your likes on the other hand are ignored. There is a reason why you are desperate to marry Arab women from the GCC.

Arabs are Caucasians and Europeans (Southern Europeans) are our neighbors. We share many of the same haplogroups.


You on the other hand are located next to the Dravidian hotspot that is South Asia. Home to almost 1 billion Dravidians.

Afro-Arabs are also better looking if you ask me.

And no, Arabs have always been envied for their beautiful olive skin and Arabs have always written poetry about our beautiful skin color. A skin color that White people are seeking whenever they tan.

There are plenty of descriptions of Arabs throughout history, including Prophet Muhammad (saws), his family, Sahabah and 1000's of Arab Islamic personalities whether scientists, scholars, poets, generals etc.

Arabs were always known as Caucasians which DNA, history, geography and everything else confirms. Afro-Arabs are due to the Arab slave trade which was not limited to Africans but included people from your region:


So stick to your Gypsies and we will stick to our beautiful women. The last people on the planet that we have to impress is your likes as we see the ground reality every day in the GCC. Millions of your likes claim Arab ancestry while I am yet to see a single Arab claim your ancestry or proudly try to display it. That's the harsh reality. Not to say that you have been influenced by us 1000 times more than the other way around. So we understand your obsession about the 500 million Arabs. A lot of butthurt and inferiority complexes is involved. After all millions of your likes are feed by us directly.
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In a parallel universe Dravidian. In the real world your likes are banned from entering malls in Qatar (or used to be) because you facial features are easily spotted as being non-Arab and that's not a compliment. It puts you in the same bracket as Nepalis, Indians, Bangladeshis etc. Arabian beauty is famous worldwide and been the case for millennia. Reported by many various civilizations and nations. The beauty of ancient Arab queens like Sheba, Zenobia etc. is well-known in ancient sources.
@Mohammed Khaled is it true bro?
Arab are not different from Indians looks-wise, but the Saudi here is feeling insulted by the comparison because every second Saudi has committed racism against Indian worker in their country. The same Afro-semetic Saudis treat White western workers in their country with great respect and hospitality which means they are actually in inferiority complex and are in awe of white Skin, which is also a weakness of Indians. There was an early medieval Arab source which was saying that Arabs were marrying Greek, Syrian and Circassian women to beautify their progeny. I will give the citations when i find it again.
Saudi troops in Pak;



You get a cookie for guessing who the Saudis are.
Arab are not different from Indians looks-wise, but the Saudi here is feeling insulted by the comparison because every second Saudi has committed racism against Indian worker in their country. The same Afro-semetic Saudis treat White western workers in their country with great respect and hospitality which means they are actually in inferiority complex and are in awe of white Skin, which is also a weakness of Indians. There was an early medieval Arab source which was saying that Arabs were marrying Greek, Syrian and Circassian women to beautify their progeny. I will give the citations when i find it again.
Dude arabs are not black and they are not looking like Indian cows stop hiding behind a fake acc you Indian filth
There is a reason why you are desperate to marry Arab women from the GCC.

In another thread you were feeling very proud that Saudi women are greatly desired by westerns. So you are flattered if some Western has sexual desires for your women. Thats weird and very beghairat to be honest.

You get a cookie for guessing who the Saudis are.
The darker ones......they do look like very Indian without their Arab dress and turbans
@Sharif al-Hijaz the Pashtuns, whom you are calling Dravidian and whatnot are much more "white" and "Caucasian" than Saudis.

So let's not throw childish and racist insults.
@Sharif al-Hijaz the Pashtuns, whom you are calling Dravidian and whatnot are much more "white" and "Caucasian" than Saudis.

So let's not throw childish and racist insults.

In a parallel universe maybe. There is not a single South Asian ethnic group that is lighter skinned on average than Arabs. Let alone better looking. Unless you find Dravidian looking facial features attracting. I prefer Caucasian Western Asian features. Beautiful hair, beautiful big eyes, beautiful olive skin color to light olive skin color and great bodies.

Pakistani cricket team:

No average Saudi Arabian or non-Afro-Arab Arab has this skin color on average.

In another thread you were feeling very proud that Saudi women are greatly desired by westerns. So you are flattered if some Western has sexual desires for your women. Thats weird and very beghairat to be honest.

Never said that but if something is attractive and sought after by people, your likes included in the GCC, it is often a testament of beauty.

Similarly when millions of your likes claim Arab ancestry while we never claim your ancestry, this also shows who is more desired. Let alone who has been influenced the most by the other party.

Average South Asians in the GCC:

Keep telling yourself (to feel better) that we have any relationship with such people. From their facial features, skin color, genetics, small size etc.

Even the darker skinned Arabs have completely different facial features. They look much more manly which is due to lack of Dravidian features.

Dark Arab (manly features):

Compared to this:

Many South Asians have a baby face. Very prominent among women in particular but not only.



Non-Dravidian South Asian (most South Asian are Dravidians and the rest are mixed with them heavily genetically as confirmed by DNA)

Northern Indian (average)

Clearly Dravidian influences which makes him appear much less manly:

Average Sindhi:

Different facial features. It's obvious for everyone. Non-Arabs and non-South Asians can easily pick people apart in the GCC.
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