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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 2]

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It is need of the hour that Pakistan's defence budget if not equal than at leased should be in some reasonable parity with its classic enemy, india.

I could not possibly disagree with you more. I believe that is an astonishingly ignorant statement. I am sure that most current military generals will disagree with you on this point.

Any Pakistani with a reasonable idea of the (economic, social, political) situation of the country, especially compared with the 'classic enemy', will disagree. We need to understand that money spent on education and research will, I am as sure as one can possibly be, eventually help the defence industry as well.

What we lack is patience or 'sabar'. We donot like the current government, so we talk about another coup. We donot like the way India is behaving, so we talk about pre-emptive strikes. We see that our Air Force has outdated or numerically inferior equipment, so we talk about increasing our defence budget even more than it currently is.

It is need of the hour that Pakistan's education and research budget, if not equal, then at least should be in some reasonable parity with our classic enemy, India.
Dear friend Mr Zardari is only president Because of deal and you know that who sign NRO?

i would like to know does JF 17 have A2A capability
Dear friend Mr Zardari is only president Because of deal and you know that who sign NRO?

i would like to know does JF 17 have A2A capability

Zardari is here because our stupid awam voted for him and his party. No deal or NRO can bring him unless people vote for him. Its unfortunate, our people have such short term memory.

Back to topic: Yes JF-17 has A2A capability including BVR with SD-10.
I could not possibly disagree with you more. I believe that is an astonishingly ignorant statement. I am sure that most current military generals will disagree with you on this point.

Any Pakistani with a reasonable idea of the (economic, social, political) situation of the country, especially compared with the 'classic enemy', will disagree. We need to understand that money spent on education and research will, I am as sure as one can possibly be, eventually help the defence industry as well.

What we lack is patience or 'sabar'. We donot like the current government, so we talk about another coup. We donot like the way India is behaving, so we talk about pre-emptive strikes. We see that our Air Force has outdated or numerically inferior equipment, so we talk about increasing our defence budget even more than it currently is.

It is need of the hour that Pakistan's education and research budget, if not equal, then at least should be in some reasonable parity with our classic enemy, India.

There is no disagreement to this but no organisation can flourish or perform when appointments are done on politicall basis and govt. does not have attractive incentives to offer.
Last govt. had assigned more funds for defence procurements but it has also acheived success in R&D where as present govt. is slashing defence budgets but I doubt that it will improve our R&D.
This is one reason enough to dislike the govt.

On the other hand, we need to buy time required before the research work turn into product.
Our enemy have realised the potential of our lone defence R&D (under the patronage of army.) so I doubt they will give us any chance to realise our sweet dreams.

I'm not saying that we should have same budget as india, i want to have some relationship with indian defecne budget. We have same objective to defend Pakistan from its enemy but in past our ratio of defence spending was higher than of today.
We need to have some formulae for defence budget or some minimum sealing value.
If we save from our defence budget than surely we can be spent the saving in other civilian areas but than we need to have a system in place to tell us that a certain amount spent on eduction has been aquired by slashing defence funds.

Ever wonder why india is begging every country not to gave us any defensive equipment right now! They care less what you will produce after 3 years time but they are more concerned about whyt you may procure in 3 years time.

BTW, we can never fulfil our defensive needs by indeginous R&D.
Even indians are stepping in to our shoes and are reducing their local R&D budgets and are financing R&D projects overseas.
You missed my point completely.

present govt. is slashing defence budgets but I doubt that it will improve our R&D.
This is one reason enough to dislike the govt.
in past our ratio of defence spending was higher than of today.

I am not defending the present government. I am not a fan of the PPP. However, if they divert the funds from defence into a field that needs it more, such as healthcare, education, law and order etc. I will support them fully.

We need to have some formulae for defence budget or some minimum sealing value.

Could not disagree more (about the minimum floor). If anything, we should put a maximum ceiling on the percentage of money that goes into procurement of foreign weapons for five years after the completion of the current upgradation of the armed forces.

we need to have a system in place to tell us that a certain amount spent on eduction has been aquired by slashing defence funds.

Agreed. I have always favoured transparency.

we can never fulfil our defensive needs by indeginous R&D.

Agreed, again. However, the increase should be in research, period, not in 'defense related research'. We must collaborate with other countries, but not just in the fields of military.

Like i said, the thing that we lack most, as is apparent from your posts, is patience. "The Mind Is More Dangerous Than the Sword". Let's develop our minds, and we will defeat the enemy every single time.
Can someone tells me that the initial bath of jf-17 has the Chinese SD-10 AAM on it which has the Operational range of > 100km but second batch has MBDA Mica AAM which has the Operational range > 60 km

What does it means second batch of jf-17 will be less capable then first???

confused ......
Can someone tells me that the initial bath of jf-17 has the Chinese SD-10 AAM on it which has the Operational range of > 100km but second batch has MBDA Mica AAM which has the Operational range > 60 km

What does it means second batch of jf-17 will be less capable then first???

confused ......

SD-10 has 60-70km effective range but lacks accuracy, jamming resistance, maneuverability, and multi-role capability that of MICA. however SD-10 is still very effective missile.
SD-10 has 60-70km effective range but lacks accuracy, jamming resistance, maneuverability, and multi-role capability that of MICA. however SD-10 is still very effective missile.

Hold on there bro. We don't know what SD-10 lacks, if it does at all. We don't know anything about this new Chinese missile.
What we can be almost certain of, is that it is not any worse than Russian/Indian R-77, otherwise China would have either chose R-77 or developed SD-10 to be better than R-77 - they have access to R-77 too.

Did you know SD-10 has a home-on-jam mode? Please don't go spreading rubbish about our Chinese weaponry bro, it will certainly have some capability to resist jamming and good enough maneuverability to take on any manned combat aircraft. The main question is how large it's No Escape Zone actually is; I guarantee you nobody who knows will tell you.:cool:
SD-10 is an excellent missile, especially in availability.

I think now the PAF should focus on the development of next-generation LRAAM based on ramjet technology. The IDEAS Bulletin reported that the MBDA Meteor is being considered, though personally I think the PAF is likely to also co-fund the development of either Denel T-Darter or Chinese PL-21.

The ACM himself said that the avionics JF-17 uses are of the same generation as those used by Eurofighter and Gripen. The next step would be acquire a matching ECM/EW kit with DRFM & works...as well as AESA radar. Once you equip JF-17 with HMDS, a 5th-Gen SRAAM, ramjet based LRAAM; PGBs ARM, etc, you have a solid backbone 4+ gen fighter.
Hold on there bro. We don't know what SD-10 lacks, if it does at all. We don't know anything about this new Chinese missile.
What we can be almost certain of, is that it is not any worse than Russian/Indian R-77, otherwise China would have either chose R-77 or developed SD-10 to be better than R-77 - they have access to R-77 too.

Did you know SD-10 has a home-on-jam mode? Please don't go spreading rubbish about our Chinese weaponry bro, it will certainly have some capability to resist jamming and good enough maneuverability to take on any manned combat aircraft. The main question is how large it's No Escape Zone actually is; I guarantee you nobody who knows will tell you.:cool:

no bro, you did not uderstand me. i did not ment to say SD-10 lacks such capabilites but rather emphisized on MICA being a better missile. SD-10 is in AIM-120B/R-77 league or even better.
Alert>>>there is a troll on this forum under Pakistani Flag a true hindu lover who just can't live without LCA's praises and keep on explaining as if he is PAC's senior engineer that JF-17 is just another mig he keeps on going telling his indian lovers that from aircraft's body fuselage to rest of it JF-17 is a generation behind LCA...he keeps praising about LCA's engine and flybywire system praising it to be best while tells JF-17 can't be compared to LCA as its somehow obsolete...As soon i as i get his ID/DISPLYNAME i'll forward it to you guys on thread to have a clear picture whose that moron..
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