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Israel wants to beat Iran in space race

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Abii? you mean george costanza ?
anyway, next time you say s.hit about Iran, i will be here to confront you. Understand spicey but.t ?

Where were you in the Iran Qaher 313 photoshop scandal thread? Too embarrassed you pathetic low life scum.
Ḥashshāshīn;3919992 said:
Is Irani offensive? Iranians are called Irani in Urdu, don't think he meant offence.
he means it as an insult. whenever he is talking calm he says iranian, whenever he gets upset he changes to irani

Where were you in the Iran Qaher 313 photoshop scandal thread? Too embarrassed you pathetic low life scum.
I see your dimpled spicey but.t is burning. Qaher 313 ? oh i didnt knew you care so much about our projects that you even take the effort to come and comment about it ":lol:
get lost gypsy
he means it as an insult. whenever he is talking calm he says iranian, whenever he gets upset he changes to irani

I see your dimpled spicey but.t is burning. Qaher 313 ? oh i didnt knew you care so much about our projects that you even take the effort to come and comment about it ":lol:
get lost gypsy

Irani Iranians is the same thing, but you are a bandar. Don't worry troll you will be permanently banned with the rest of your low life countrymen on here.

Mods have been informed and bans will be issued. Not going to waste further time on some rabid bandar.

Mods have been informed and bans will be issued. Not going to waste further time on some rabid bandar.

Hahahah, how pathetic are you... calling for mods. But know this time, i will be around if not this account with another, i will come and hunt your little smelly dimpled brown spicey butt if you insult Iran. Get this in your empty skull
Hahahah, how pathetic are you... calling for mods. But know this time, i will be around if not this account with another, i will come and hunt your little smelly dimpled brown spicey butt if you insult Iran. Get this in your empty skull

What Iran-USA negotiations? is there negotiation?

Potentially,with emphasis on potential, bilateral relations in the future. But there is P5+1 negotiations coming up in February. How does the public discourse in Israel look with respect to these?
This thread has been derailed anyway... I might as well clarify some issues here.

A truly despicable and pathetic mentality you have at display here, Mr programmer! So because the Iranian government can't protect all of its scientists at all times, it means those who plot and scheme to kill them are not to blame for their actions? So by that line of thought, if I manage to beat you silly and rape your wife, I'm not a scumbag because you "failed to protect" her?!

And I hope you enjoy your pat on the back from your bosses in Haifa. Cause I don't think you will be going back to Iran.... at least not for a long long time...

Degree of irrationality shown by some Iranian members is unbelievable! You jump to conclusion very quickly and you try to condemn someone you don't know anything about. I would go so far as to say some of you should be recruited by the Iranian government to work as interrogator in Kahrizak and Evin. Your mentality of accusing innocent people is just like the interrogators there!

So instead of responding to your accusations I just share a little bit of my story with you, its very fast paced, so try to keep up:

8 years ago, I was accepted into one of the top universities in the United States to pursue a degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, I graduated top of my class :cool:. Despite having the opportunity to stay in the U.S. like thousands of others, I decided to go back to Iran, because the money wasn't the only thing I cared about! (It still isn't).

I wanted to serve my country. I returned to Iran in September 2008, unlike many I didn't look for a job, instead I had other plans, to start my own company in the area of semiconductor design and manufacturing, the company ended up failing gloriously! I can't disclose any details because of the legal reasons. But I tell you this, lots of money was lost, and the ordered equipment was never delivered!

Bankrupt, I tried going back to U.S. to at least continue my studies and work there, despite obtaining the offer letter, the U.S. embassy in Turkey denied me entry to U.S. (They didn't trust me because of the fact that I had returned to Iran! Funny thing is that they ask you if you would go back to your country when you finished your studies and you're supposed to say: Yes!)

I had series of ups and downs in Iran, they're better to remain unspoken!
In December 2009 I decided to apply for a job in Sweden, and they accepted me...
Times Higher Education - Top countries in space sciences

It is mentioned in the press definitely not as front page, it is not interesting to the general public

Perhaps they are not that worried about Iran? I think it's interesting to dicuss how israelis view Iran and it's people and vice versa. Since we might be at direct war with each other in the future I think it's relevant that we learn more about each other. It deserves a thread imo.
This thread has been derailed anyway... I might as well clarify some issues here.

Degree of irrationality shown by some Iranian members is unbelievable! You jump to conclusion very quickly and you try to condemn someone you don't know anything about. I would go so far as to say some of you should be recruited by the Iranian government to work as interrogator in Kahrizak and Evin. Your mentality of accusing innocent people is just like the interrogators there!

So instead of responding to your accusations I just share a little bit of my story with you, its very fast paced, so try to keep up:

8 years ago, I was accepted into one of the top universities in the United States to pursue a degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, I graduated top of my class :cool:. Despite having the opportunity to stay in the U.S. like thousands of others, I decided to go back to Iran, because the money wasn't the only thing I cared about! (It still isn't).

I wanted to serve my country. I returned to Iran in September 2008, unlike many I didn't look for a job, instead I had other plans, to start my own company in the area of semiconductor design and manufacturing, the company ended up failing gloriously! I can't disclose any details because of the legal reasons. But I tell you this, lots of money was lost, and the ordered equipment was never delivered!

Bankrupt, I tried going back to U.S. to at least continue my studies and work there, despite obtaining the offer letter, the U.S. embassy in Turkey denied me entry to U.S. (They didn't trust me because of the fact that I had returned to Iran! Funny thing is that they ask you if you would go back to your country when you finished your studies and you're supposed to say: Yes!)

I had series of ups and downs in Iran, they're better to remain unspoken!
In December 2009 I decided to apply for a job in Sweden, and they accepted me...

oh baby !!!
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