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Israel wants to beat Iran in space race

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Wrong, many Pakistanis like Ahmadinejad not necessarily Iran. Question should be do most Iranians like Pakistan? Answer is no, there is a reason why no country in the region truly likes Iran, neither Turkiye, KSA, Gulf countries, Afghanistan, Pakistan, nor Azerbaijan.

That's because everyone's a hater. You do notice that Iranians don't give two ****'s about what others think of them right?

Iran does what's in its interest, unlike Pakistan and all of the other countries you mentioned. Pakistan's gov.t can't even protect its own citizens from foreign aggression within its own soil.

Foreign agents do as they please in Pakistan and get away with it too.

The worlds most powerful country doesn't even dare to launch any sort of aggressive maneuver against Iran, meanwhile American drones bomb our people every week.

KSA is proud to have a Pakistan who's army is only used as reserve troops to protect their kingdom, rest they don't give two hoots about us dhimmi P@k!$, its apparent on how they treat us in their country.

When Pakistan too becomes independent and its enemies think a thousand times before committing aggression against it, maybe then we can boast about our accomplishments, which as of now are very little compared to our failures and stupidity.
Ḥashshāshīn;3919884 said:
Yes you're right. But which country does like Pakistan? none. Got to learn to stand on own feet and not depend on others.

Stop sucking up to those who spit in your face would be the first step.
I know, but its called "build up" they will use any reason, but in the end resort back to their natural behavior. They're upset and raging about the Qaher 313 photoshop scandal, they've been exposed as a photoshop jokers.

Either way lets not worry too much about this, Mods have taken care of the troll and further action can possibly taken against the Iranian rioters on the forum.

- On Topic: Israel's space program is far more advance than Iran's. Israel's space program is far better funded and researched, their laboratories are also more advance. Israel currently has 6 satellites orbiting Earth, as far as I know Iran has 0. So as far as space race goes Israel has already won it, they made it to space back in the 80's if I'm correct.

Satellites in Orbit

Israel : 6

Iran : 0

You are not one to talk about trolls! An potentially interesting thread turned into 8+ pages of dirt throwing partly because of you. What's the point?!
Its Intel ;)

You see majority of criticism comes from the people residing in the land of infidels! Bunch of hypocrites if you ask me! :coffee:

If you really of Iranian decent and working in Intel it must be hell of an adventure be stationed in Israel, do people you work with know that? im sure this doesn't bother others.
i know im jus joking lol

:P Go back to Naswarabad, A1 and I got this. :lol:

You are not one to talk about trolls! An potentially interesting thread turned into 8+ pages of dirt throwing partly because of you. What's the point?!

Please explain what he said that offended Iranians so badly?? In fact you Iranians should have appreciated the fact that despite the fact that Israel considers you guys enemies they opened their doors for one of your compatriots to make a living for him and his family.
Wait where did the Pakistanis pop in from; we're neither Iranians nor Israelis - Why do we have an opinion on who wins the race ? :what:
He calls iranians "irani" all the time.

So, what's wrong with "Irani"? We call Arabs "Arabi", Afghans "Afghani", Chinese "Chini", etc, its just the way we say it in Urdu, so calm your inflamed rear end down.

If you get that easily offended by a simple word which is our way of saying it in Urdu, then stay away from this forum.
Perhaps they are not that worried about Iran? I think it's interesting to dicuss how israelis view Iran and it's people and vice versa. Since we might be at direct war with each other in the future I think it's relevant that we learn more about each other. It deserves a thread imo.

Iran is not an existential threat to Israel as i see it, inner issues are of a much greater threat, such as education, well-fair, Israeli-Palestinian conflict etc. I doubt there will be any direct confrontation, with hezbollah most likely, with Iran? i just dont see it.
I would like to thank all of you who supported me, especially @A1Kaid
Among major causes of Iran's current situation is irrationality and antagonization of people with different schools of thought by other Iranians. Iran wasn't built upon idea of blind nationalism, Iran was built upon realism, cooperation, etc...
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That's because everyone's a hater. You do notice that Iranians don't give two ****'s about what others think of them right?

Iran does what's in its interest, unlike Pakistan and all of the other countries you mentioned. Pakistan's gov.t can't even protect its own citizens from foreign aggression within its own soil.

Foreign agents do as they please in Pakistan and get away with it too.

The worlds most powerful country doesn't even dare to launch any sort of aggressive maneuver against Iran, meanwhile American drones bomb our people every week.

KSA is proud to have a Pakistan who's army is only used as reserve troops to protect their kingdom, rest they don't give two hoots about us dhimmi P@k!$, its apparent on how they treat us in their country.

When Pakistan too becomes independent and its enemies think a thousand times before committing aggression against it, maybe then we can boast about our accomplishments, which as of now are very little compared to our failures and stupidity.

Irrelevant to what has occurred in this thread.

Wait where did the Pakistanis pop in from; we're neither Iranians nor Israelis - Why do we have an opinion on who wins the race ? :what:

Go to the page where Iranians attacked a guy for making money to feed his family who was than defended by a Pakistani which in the Iranian point of view warrants attacks on Pakistan.
@Desert Fox : Khan tu nei Pakistan ko hii ragaar dalaaa ? :cray:
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A lot of hate in your words. You would do us and yourself a favor to not come to our section!

You guys would do your selves a favor and leave this forum if all you are going to do is bash the host and change the opinions of the people here who actually view you favorably.
Iran is not an existential threat to Israel as i see it, inner issues are of a much greater threat, such as education, well-fair, Israeli-Palestinian conflict etc. I doubt there will be any direct confrontation, with hezbollah most likely, with Iran? i just dont see it.

I agree. I think the risk of war is unlikely and without elaborating believe rhetoric and middle eastern rhetoric are different things. Hopefully the need to address inner issues can pressure Netanyahu to allocate time and energy spent on Iran to perhaps more important issues.
If you really of Iranian decent and working in Intel it must be hell of an adventure be stationed in Israel, do people you work with know that? im sure this doesn't bother others.

Yes, they know that I'm Iranian. Everyone is very polite and friendly actually!
My work here is related to design of Intel's next-gen mobile microprocessors.

By the way, I'm not the only Iranian here!
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