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Israel seeking to rebuild full diplomatic ties with Turkey

Do you think Turkey and Israel can be friends again?

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Economic relationship is the most important area of focus. Look at how China does business with Taiwan. Diplomacy is another extension of doing business.
we both know what had been happening.... you Israelis attacking unarmed Turkish ship and the concentration camps you have set up for the natives of the land of Palestine.
never forget your children their children and their children after will pay a heavy price for your cruelty. you deserve no sympathy or mercy. your time will come. be patient
Mavi Marmara was a ship sent to a blockaded Gaza and refused to be checked for weapons meant for Hamas, a unit of Shayetet 13 fighters with *paintball guns* and sidearms as a backup was sent to reroute it peacefully, but before the first soldier was even on deck chairs were already thrown at them and people with knives, metal bars etc attacked the soldiers and suffered the consequences. This story was told to me by one of the fighters injured in the attack in real life. Any sane nation would have just torpedoed a ship that tried to breach a blockade.

And again, all those dozens of billions in tourism you've lost over the years just for the Palestinian liars you own nothing to.

Says the expert... You are known for acting like a troll, don't you realize that nobody ever takes you seriously?
When it comes to the F-35s; even Greece, Poland, Belgium and such others are planning to buy them until 2024; with that in mind, do you really think the F-35 deal for Turkey is over? We may lose our industrial participation, we may not get them in a short term but we will get them eventually before 2025. Do you really think this is the only time Turkish-American relations were bad? This is the nature of our relations. We don't get along at first, but there are mutual benefits for both countries and eventually they learn to get along in time. We will get them before 2025 at the worst case, trust me ;)




Not with the S-400 at your arsenal imo.
I don't think there is any need for turkey to be friend with israel.

A friendship without aims and objectives and solid reason is useless. Israel is small useless country whats benefit to make it friend its better to make ghana or sudan friend then this israel.
I don't think there is any need for turkey to be friend with israel.

A friendship without aims and objectives and solid reason is useless. Israel is small useless country whats benefit to make it friend its better to make ghana or sudan friend then this israel.
Israel is probably the most influencal country in the world, with Jews being in key positions everywhere.
Mavi Marmara was a ship sent to a blockaded Gaza and refused to be checked for weapons meant for Hamas, a unit of Shayetet 13 fighters with *paintball guns* and sidearms as a backup was sent to reroute it peacefully, but before the first soldier was even on deck chairs were already thrown at them and people with knives, metal bars etc attacked the soldiers and suffered the consequences. This story was told to me by one of the fighters injured in the attack in real life. Any sane nation would have just torpedoed a ship that tried to breach a blockade.

And again, all those dozens of billions in tourism you've lost over the years just for the Palestinian liars you own nothing to.

Not with the S-400 at your arsenal imo.
for 3000 years jews wandered the earth due to lies. nothing has changed. keep plotting. Palestinians are lairs... thats the pot calling the kettle black....why for thousands or in Europe and the whole world a jew has been seen as nothing but a crafty cunning plotting little rat?
for 3000 years jews wandered the earth due to lies. nothing has changed. keep plotting. Palestinians are lairs... thats the pot calling the kettle black....why for thousands or in Europe and the whole world a jew has been seen as nothing but a crafty cunning plotting little rat?
You're not even Turkish bro lmao, can you stop speaking for them?
Israel is probably the most influencal country in the world, with Jews being in key positions everywhere.

You are wrong no its not. Israel is just puppet of USA and EU they , the day they stop supporting it .. israel importance will drop to zero.
Why not make relation with masters then to make a puppet friend.
You're not even Turkish bro lmao, can you stop speaking for them?
nationalism is important for you....so why do you airlift jews out of africa. they are not isreali. why do you speak for them.....LMFAO. and then you abuse them in israel for being black. and prophet moses was as black as they come.
None of these will happen except 3 which currently doesn't exist, PKK is a terrorist organization and we have no ties with it. Unlike Turkey and Hamas.

Israel is not angel

Israeli/Zionist Lobby very strong in the US and the UK .. even Zionist Bankers to print American Dollar and British Pound .... pathetic slaves Americans and British

Israel always use the US and the UK as pawns for Israeli plans in the Middle East. because of Israel doesnt have power to do it by itself
Israel support PKK since 1991 to create Kurdistan in Turkey-Iraq-Syria
maybe Israel betrayed Turkey to support PKK .... Turkey was the first muslim country that recognized Israel

and the Israeli plan has began with invasion of Iraq 1991 by the US and the UK
now PKK/YPG led by the US is trying to create Syrian Kurdistan for Israeli interests

and never forget that the US/Israel always made military coups in 1960,1971,1980,1997 and last one coup attempt in 2016 to control Turkey

until ERDOGAN , Israel was stronger in Turkey than in Israel
ERDOGAN saved our government institutions including military which were under the feet of Israel/The US
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On one hand Israeli Jewish lobby fucks Turkish weapon deals up, organizes coupes, use the US and the UK as pawns, own banks etc, on the other Israel is just a puppet?

Sort it out between yourselves
Best term to describe israel and Zionist jews is as leeches. When Germans had enough of you lot sucking their blood you cried holocaust. Now wait until america wakes up. Holocaust will be drop in the ocean. You will say pharaoh was a gentleman and hitler was you uncle
I think it's best not to have them. With so many actors buying the same planes you enemies will have access to the same tech as you. They will knkw its strengths and weaknesses. TFX all the way for me and make it better than F35
The same could be said with F-16s(almost all buthurt anti-Turkey countries have them yet they always feared/respected TuAF this fear was recently reinforced in March during Idlib operation)
On one hand Israeli Jewish lobby fucks Turkish weapon deals up

in another view , Israel helps Turkey to be self sufficient in Defense Industry
Israeli Jewish lobby blocked sale of American UCAVs to Turkey to fight Pkk Terrorism
and today Turkey is super power in UCAV technology and Turkish UCAVs changed the game in Syria-Libya

thanks to your Israeli Jewish lobby for arms embargo by the US ... now Turkey develops its own weapons including Engines

btw Israel is not puppet , Israel is not only Israel ...
Zionist/Israeli Jewish lobby control many powers including The US and The UK ... even after 1980 Zionist/Israeli Jewish lobby and London City made China as economic super power ... Communist China was become Capitalist China and in the future China will be ready to work for Israeli interests as like the US

Israel says jump and the US says how long SIR

still Israel could not beat Turkey in the region and smart Israel sees Turkey's victory everywhere from Qatar to Syria and from Libya to Iraq and Eastern Mediterranean

and the US/Israel lost control over Turkey .... loser FETO and PKK
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On one hand Israeli Jewish lobby fucks Turkish weapon deals up, organizes coupes, use the US and the UK as pawns, own banks etc, on the other Israel is just a puppet?

Sort it out between yourselves

Best term to describe israel and Zionist jews is as leeches. When Germans had enough of you lot sucking their blood you cried holocaust. Now wait until america wakes up. Holocaust will be drop in the ocean. You will say pharaoh was a gentleman and hitler was you uncle
Patience people, patience....sort it out in a civilized manner otherwise i will have to give infraction & slap thread ban on both of you
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