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Israel seeking to rebuild full diplomatic ties with Turkey

Do you think Turkey and Israel can be friends again?

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Let's do another calculation from your inaccurate data:

2002 to 2020 increase: 9000/3360 = increase 2.67 times
1980 to 2000 increase: 4316/1564 = increase 2.75 times

So, the previous governments were even better than AKP. Noldu lan Çomar, aklın mı karıştı. :lol:

Beyin yok ki tipik cahil capulcu .. 2002 ye kadar ülke Afrika ülkesiydi ne yol ne araba ne hastane ne alt yapı ..heykel dikmekten başka bir şey yapılmamış her yıl bütcenin yarısıda faize ödenmiş kalan yarı ile de artık ne yapılırsa idare etmiş beyinsizler

what about Turkey until 2002 ? nothing similar to slave African country .... around 50% of total budget expenditures gone to blood sucker international interest lobby ... ignoorant traitor capulcu sürüsü

In 2001, 47.2% of total budget expenditures were interest expenditures .... ( resmen kanımızı emiyorlardı )

but ERDOGAN lowered interest rates from 24% to 4,9% between 2003 and 2013 .. and for the first time, the ratio of interest expenditures to budget expenditures fell below 10%

so Erdogan saved our 700 billion TL from blood sucker international interest lobby between 2003 and 2013 ....
( as of 31.12.2013 1 USD was 2.1 TL ... so 700 billion TL = $330 billion .. what a great money )

therefore AKP Governments modernize whole Turkey , therefore led by Erdogan Turkey develops around 700 military projects for over $70 billion ..( sizin gibi amale tayfasına kalsaydık Turkiye hala Afrika ülkesi standartında olurdu )

in the last 17 years led by Erdogan Turkey spent trillion Dollars to modernize country with millions of new buildings , airports , hospitals , stadiums , Sport Centers , bridges , tunnels , high speed railways , high ways , divided roads, Metro lines, new Schools and Universties ,new Technology Centers,new Theater and Convention Centers,new Museums,new National Libraries over 350 new planes for Turkish Airlines ...

also over $135 billion Energy , Maritime and Communication investments

also Turkey develops Fighter Jets , Helicopters , UCAVs , Warships , and around 700 military projects
also indigenous high-speed train, and indigenous automobil projects ,,etc...

You compare 2002's poor undeveloped Turkey with 2020's modern Turkey ?
While there were only natural gas in 6 provinces in 2002, there is natural gas in every city today.
and in 2002 there were around 8,6 million Vehicles in Turkey , today over 23 million Vehicles

Alayınıız mı beyinsiz cahil olur capulcu sürüsü
Beyin yok ki tipik cahil capulcu .. 2002 ye kadar ülke Afrika ülkesiydi ne yol ne araba ne hastane ne alt yapı ..

Lol, i stopped after reading this. I should translate this for the people who doesn't know Turkish.

According to Mr paid troll here.

"There was road,, no cars, no hospitals, no infrastructure."

Who made Anadol car?

- Who maid Aselsan, Roketsan, TAI, Turkey was building F-16s before AKP. There were BeKO, Arçelik, Vestel before AKP. There were heavy industries like Kardemir Çelik, Eskişehir Alimunyum, etc... There were huge insfracture projects like GAP.
- Who made Ankara-Istanbul Highway?
- Who made hospitals of Hacettepe, GATA, Cerrahpaşa, Çapa and countless others.
- Who made the 2 bridges that crosses from Asia to Europe?

Maybe you can fool some Pakistanis whom never had any knowledge about turkey before 2000s. But you can't fool any Turks here. Since Turks here are mostly educated enough to know English.

Go, try to fool people on twitter Mr paid troll.

***This is the typical charasteristic of AKPeons they pretend to be Muslim but they lie 7/24.
Lol, i stopped after reading this. I should translate this for the people who doesn't know Turkish.

According to Mr paid troll here.

"There was road,, no cars, no hospitals, no infrastructure."

Who made Anadol car?

- Who maid Aselsan, Roketsan, TAI, Turkey was building F-16s before AKP. There were BeKO, Arçelik, Vestel before AKP. There were heavy industries like Kardemir Çelik, Eskişehir Alimunyum, etc... There were huge insfracture projects like GAP.
- Who made Ankara-Istanbul Highway?
- Who made hospitals of Hacettepe, GATA, Cerrahpaşa, Çapa and countless others.
- Who made the 2 bridges that crosses from Asia to Europe?

Maybe you can fool some Pakistanis whom never had any knowledge about turkey before 2000s. But you can't fool any Turks here. Since Turks here are mostly educated enough to know English.

Go, try to fool people on twitter Mr paid troll.

even African countries have some hospitals,factories and highways

in reality Turkey was undeveloped 3rd world country until Erdogan
thanks to great leader Erdogan who made Turkey as modern developed country after 2002

1 ) We made Car , Aircraft , etc but your traitor CHP blocked everything
where is Turkish car or aircraft now ? beyinsiz

dont worry Erdogan's Turkey develops car,high speed train, helicopter,aircraftt , ucav , etc

2 ) We made Aselsan , Roketsan , TAI ,, not traitor CHP or not Israeli puppet Generals like Cevik Bir who agreed $100 billion weapon sale and modernization with Israel

now TAI develops TFX , HURJET , ATAK-II , ANKA , AKSUNGUR ... thanks to Erdogan
in 2002 there were only 20 military projects ...today around 700 ( piyade tüfegini bile ürettirmeyen zihniyetinize sokim )

3 ) Ankara- Istanbul highway ? so what only Ankara-Istanbul ... what about other cities ?.... beyinsiz capulcu
Erdogan build over 4.700 km high ways all over Turkey for $49 billion

also between 1923 and 2002 only 8.500km divided roads
between 2002 and 2019 26.760km divided roads

also Erdogan build 10.000km high speed railways for $45 billion ... the 2nd longest high speed rail lines in the world after China

and in 2002 there were around 8,6 million Vehicles in Turkey , today over 23 million Vehicles

4 ) until 2002 Turkish Hospitals were so old,dirty and full capacity and Turkish healthcare system was shit
KILICDAROGLU nun Afrika ülkesi standartı cöp Hastaneleri

Erdogan built 1.650 Hospitals/Clinics in all over Turkey ... and 34 City Hospitals including the biggest Hospitals in the World

and today Turkey and Sweden have the best healthcare system in the world ..beyinsiz cahil capulcu

also Turkey is ranked 4th in the global list for healthcare

5 ) until 2002 there were only 26 airports in Turkey
by 2020 there are 55 airports in Turkey including the biggest airport in the world
at the end of the season Airport’s number will rise to 60

and Turkish Airlines became the biggest flag carrier in the world .

6 ) ERDOGAN's Turkey develops over 2600 projects to reduce annual imports by $130 billion

even only 5 projects Indigenous Car , ETI Aluminium , KOZAN SODA , STAR Rafinery and CEYHAN Petrochemical Industry Zone to cut Turkey's current account deficit by $10 billion per year

7 ) Turkey’s 587 hydroelectric power plants all of which came into service in the last 18 years under the AK Party Governments have generated 895 billion kWh of electricity, contributing nearly $33.3 billion to the country’s economy

now Turkey build the biggest wind power plant in the world , 2nd biggest Solar Power Plant in the world , Nuclear power plant and many more .. The total energy investment cost over $100 billion

8 ) in the last 15 years there was $165 billion construction investment in Turkey

-- There is no city without University
-- The number of Airports has risen from 26 to 55 at the end of the season Airport’s number will rise to 60
-- We have built 114 quality Tunnels

9 ) Urban Renewal Programme ( $400 billion ) between 2003 and 2023-2030

The project will take 20 years to complete and during this time seven million buildings will be demolished and reconstructed due to being unable to withstand earthquakes

TOKI was to build 882.000 new houses between 2003 and 2018

Turkey's state-owned housing agency TOKI was to build houses for low income and poor Families in all over Turkey ... so TOKI Houses are dream houses for the low income and poor Families

and almost 3.5 million people reside in TOKI buildings the institution offers high quality housing in a number that surpasses the population of certain European Countries

Your lies and anti Erdogan propaganda wont work .. only traitors and enemies of Turkish people can believe your lies

therefor all enemies of Turkey supports traitors like you

ne kadar Türk düşmanı pers,çin,arap var şimdi damlar buraya sana like atmak için
Türk milletinin başına belasınız

watch my video capulcu

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still you are sucking ... what a brainless troll
even African countries have some hospitals,factories and highways

in reality Turkey was undeveloped 3rd world country until Erdogan
thanks to great leader Erdogan who made Turkey as modern developed country after 2002

1 ) We made Car , Aircraft , etc but your traitor CHP blocked everything
where is Turkish car or aircraft now ? beyinsiz

dont worry Erdogan's Turkey develops car,high speed train, helicopter,aircraftt , ucav , etc

2 ) We made Aselsan , Roketsan , TAI ,, not traitor CHP or not Israeli puppet Generals like Cevik Bir who agreed $100 billion weapon sale and modernization with Israel

now TAI develops TFX , HURJET , ATAK-II , ANKA , AKSUNGUR ... thanks to Erdogan
in 2002 there were only 20 military projects ...today around 700 ( piyade tüfegini bile ürettirmeyen zihniyetinize sokim )

3 ) Ankara- Istanbul highway ? so what only Ankara-Istanbul ... what about other cities ?.... beyinsiz capulcu
Erdogan build over 4.700 km high ways all over Turkey for $49 billion

also between 1923 and 2002 only 8.500km divided roads
between 2002 and 2019 26.760km divided roads

also Erdogan build 10.000km high speed railways for $45 billion ... the 2nd longest high speed rail lines in the world after China

and in 2002 there were around 8,6 million Vehicles in Turkey , today over 23 million Vehicles

4 ) until 2002 Turkish Hospitals were so old,dirty and full capacity and Turkish healthcare system was shit
KILICDAROGLU nun Afrika ülkesi standartı cöp Hastaneleri

Erdogan built 1.650 Hospitals/Clinics in all over Turkey ... and 34 City Hospitals including the biggest Hospitals in the World

and today Turkey and Sweden have the best healthcare system in the world ..beyinsiz cahil capulcu

also Turkey is ranked 4th in the global list for healthcare

5 ) until 2002 there were only 26 airports in Turkey
by 2020 there are 55 airports in Turkey including the biggest airport in the world
at the end of the season Airport’s number will rise to 60

and Turkish Airlines became the biggest flag carrier in the world .

6 ) ERDOGAN's Turkey develops over 2600 projects to reduce annual imports by $130 billion

even only 5 projects Indigenous Car , ETI Aluminium , KOZAN SODA , STAR Rafinery and CEYHAN Petrochemical Industry Zone to cut Turkey's current account deficit by $10 billion per year

7 ) Turkey’s 587 hydroelectric power plants all of which came into service in the last 18 years under the AK Party Governments have generated 895 billion kWh of electricity, contributing nearly $33.3 billion to the country’s economy

now Turkey build the biggest wind power plant in the world , 2nd biggest Solar Power Plant in the world , Nuclear power plant and many more .. The total energy investment cost over $100 billion

8 ) in the last 15 years there was $165 billion construction investment in Turkey

-- There is no city without University
-- The number of Airports has risen from 26 to 55 at the end of the season Airport’s number will rise to 60
-- We have built 114 quality Tunnels

9 ) Urban Renewal Programme ( $400 billion ) between 2003 and 2023-2030

The project will take 20 years to complete and during this time seven million buildings will be demolished and reconstructed due to being unable to withstand earthquakes

TOKI was to build 882.000 new houses between 2003 and 2018

Turkey's state-owned housing agency TOKI was to build houses for low income and poor Families in all over Turkey ... so TOKI Houses are dream houses for the low income and poor Families

and almost 3.5 million people reside in TOKI buildings the institution offers high quality housing in a number that surpasses the population of certain European Countries

Your lies and anti Erdogan propaganda wont work .. only traitors and enemies of Turkish people can believe your lies

therefor all enemies of Turkey supports traitors like you

ne kadar Türk düşmanı pers,çin,arap var şimdi damlar buraya sana like atmak için
Türk milletinin başına belasınız

watch my video capulcu Mr traitor paid TROLL

I wonder if anyone reads your wall of texts.
Yeah, He is only b@rk1ng D0g,,,
He is puppet of US,
His speeches are only Drama
No lie detected. Saudis and ISraelis didnt become friends without US. Turkey and ISrael were going to become friends again...because of US(at least).
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