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Israel seeking to rebuild full diplomatic ties with Turkey

Do you think Turkey and Israel can be friends again?

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Mar 27, 2020
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Israel's government is looking to re-establish full diplomatic relations with Turkey by jointly appointing ambassadors to each country, an Israeli official source told Middle East Eye, noting that the two have common interests such as Syria and natural gas supplies in the Eastern Mediterranean.
The comments came as Turkish social media users earlier this week hyped an unverified story which said Israel had proposed to sign a Mediterranean delimitation deal with Turkey, similar to one agreed with Libya last year disrupting Greek plans to squeeze Turkey into a tight corner.
Euphoria over a possible ease in the relationship followed a tweet posted by the official Israel account on Twitter that said Israel was proud of its diplomatic relations with Turkey and was hoping to grow the ties even stronger in the future.

That led many observers to point out that Israel was missing in a statement signed by its allies this week condemning Turkey for its “illegal activities” of gas drilling and “expansionism” in the Eastern Mediterranean. The statement was signed by the foreign ministers of Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece and the UAE earlier this week.
“We have never discussed anything related to a maritime delimitation deal with Turkey, even in the heydays of bilateral relations in the '90s, the reports are complete nonsense,” the Israeli official told Middle East Eye.

“What we are looking for [now] is full diplomatic relations with Turkey. As long as we don’t have it, there is very little we can achieve together.”
The official said that Turkey has an ambassador in Greece despite the increased diplomatic tensions. “With UAE, Turkey has even more problems but there is a UAE ambassador in Ankara,” the official added.

Asked about the absence of Israel in the statement that condemned Ankara, the official said the country has never been part of that group. “We are only members of the Eastern Med Gas Forum, which is based in Cairo. That statement had two issues, one of them is Libya, whereas the saying goes, we have no dog in the fight,” the source said.

'The same Iranian proxy known as Hezbollah is challenging Turkey’s soldiers in Idlib, and it is challenging our soldiers in southern Syria. This is a common topic of interest, as well as energy'
- Israeli official

Turkey and Israel haven't had ambassadors in their respective capitals since the US moved its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in May 2018, resulting in mass Palestinian protests.

After scores of Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces along the Gaza-Israel frontier, Turkey asked Israel's ambassador to temporarily leave the country and recalled its own envoy.
The Israeli official said Syria was among the chief reasons that relations should be normalised.
“The same Iranian proxy known as Hezbollah is challenging Turkey’s soldiers in Idlib, and it is challenging our soldiers in southern Syria. This is a common topic of interest, as well as energy,” the official said, adding that Ankara and Israel were close to a deal that would have brought Israeli gas to Turkey before relations broke down.

Israel helped Turkey earlier this month deliver a shipment of medical aid to the occupied West Bank and the besieged Gaza Strip, as Ankara granted export permission for medical equipment purchased by Israeli hospitals against the coronavirus.

However, a detente in the relations has not seemed likely since Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whose relations with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan are notoriously poor, succeeded in forming a government after three elections in a year.
Turkey had hoped a government led by Netanyahu's rival Benny Gantz could have led to reconciliation. Instead, a coalition government set to be sworn in this week will likely pursue annexation of parts of the West Bank, a move already severely criticised by Turkey last month.

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It seems Cooperation with a country like Greece didn’t satisfy them because There is nothing Greece can offer out of their air space. Joining into the camp of Greece against determination of Turkey in E.Med, Syria, Libya, Iraq will cost any country too much. Besides, Israel wants to transfer own gas via Turkey at cheaper prices instead of constructing a dream pipeline passing through all E.Mediterranean so It is logical to make a win-win cooperation between Turkey and Israel in these fields. Besides, Israel didn’t sign joint decleration of Greece, France, UAE, Egypt condemning Turkey’s operations in Libya and drilling activity in E.Med.
Not possible for as long as Israel continues to support the PKK/YPG through the US, aids the anti-democratic dissent in Turkey (e.g. coups, riots, protests) and makes moves against Turkey in the East Med by signing energy deals with the Greeks/Rums. Palestinian issue is only the cherry on top.

Also, the Jewish lobby in the US is behind every move against Turkey, from supporting CAATSA sanctions to recognizing the so-called Armenian Genocide.

Forget Israel. We don't need them.
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Well the current energy prices put the worlds most expensive pipeline project into jeopardy the most viable solution for Israel is to connect the pipeline to Ceyhan in Turkey from where it can be connected to existing piepelines.


There is no friendship but interests and Turkeys interests still didnt change nor did Israels so the normalization is gonna happen sooner or later, just depends on how long Erdo will rule.
What can't cured needs to be endured....

Israilis are no fools...

Turkey is winning all over the region: Libya, Northern Irak/Syria, Eastern Med etc.!!! It's the time to leverage Turkey...
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Not possible for as long as Israel continues to support the PKK/YPG through the US, aids the anti-democratic dissent in Turkey (e.g. coups, riots, protests) and makes moves against Turkey in the East Med by signing energy deals with the Greeks/Rums. Palestinian issue is only the cherry on top.

Also, the Jewish lobby in the US is behind every move against Turkey, from supporting CAATSA sanctions to recognizing the so-called Armenian Genocide.

Forget Israel. We don't need them.

Yes maybe not, but we need their signature to put the last nail on Greek-G.Cypriot-Egyptian coffin in the East Med. They know that the east Med. pipeline will not happen, they know that Turkey is the most cost effective route and biggest trade partner.
This is foreign policy, it's about the future of Turkish people, it's about billions of Dollars, energy Independence, and wealth of each citizen.
PKK is literally dying even with Israeli support, high ranked wanted terrorists are dying one by one and don't forget that the PKK heads are hiding in Iran (and they know that). Still good relation and no joint operations to solve that problem.

Palestinans were also part of the East Med. Forum in 2019... which excluded Turkey did you hear any complains?
Yes maybe not, but we need their signature to put the last nail on Greek-G.Cypriot-Egyptian coffin in the East Med. They know that the east Med. pipeline will not happen, they know that Turkey is the most cost effective route and biggest trade partner.
This is foreign policy, it's about the future of Turkish people, it's about billions of Dollars, energy Independence, and wealth of each citizen.
PKK is literally dying even with Israeli support, high ranked wanted terrorists are dying one by one and don't forget that the PKK heads are hiding in Iran (and they know that). Still good relation and no joint operations to solve that problem.

Palestinans were also part of the East Med. Forum in 2019... which excluded Turkey did you hear any complains?

Bro when it comes to Turkey or Pakistan ever notice how the worst enemies become the best of allies?

it should be in both countries interest to be best of allies and expand their lands. Ie Turkey can have all kurdish/azerie lands to its east and Pakistan can have all afghanistan/balochistan/Fars to the west. Pakistan can back with nukes. We will eventually have borders in present day iran.

Kurdish threat done. Afghan/Irani threat done. We can share the oil :D
Israel needs to put the brakes on its extremely anti-Turkish policies before Turkey would even THINK about exchanging ambassadors and normalizing relations, let alone doing joint energy projects. Some people in Israel may be realizing Turkey's importance for Israel's future, but that doesn't reflect on Israel's policies at all. Israel isn't interested in a mutual partnership with Turkey because they know that whatever inherently helps Turkey rise will eventually come at the detriment of Israel and its expansionist plans in the future.

Israel at a glance:
  • Supporting PKK/YPG
  • Cooperating with Greece and Greek Cyprus in East Med
  • Training with Greeks in the Aegean, practicing scenarios where they jointly fight Turkey
  • Supporting warlords Sisi and Hafter
  • Recognized Armenian Genocide
  • Sponsoring almost ALL anti-Turkey bills in the US Congress
  • Routinely get involved in forex operations against Turkish Economy via Jews in London
  • etc.
There's no way Turkey can consider working with a country that constantly acts like a sworn enemy.
Great post.

I only want to say this statement which relates to Anatolian history.

Beware the Trojan horse.

Israel needs to put the brakes on its extremely anti-Turkish policies before Turkey would even THINK about exchanging ambassadors and normalizing relations, let alone doing joint energy projects. Some people in Israel may be realizing Turkey's importance for Israel's future, but that doesn't reflect on Israel's policies at all. Israel isn't interested in a mutual partnership with Turkey because they know that whatever inherently helps Turkey rise will eventually come at the detriment of Israel and its expansionist plans in the future.

Israel at a glance:
  • Supporting PKK/YPG
  • Cooperating with Greece and Greek Cyprus in East Med
  • Training with Greeks in the Aegean, practicing scenarios where they jointly fight Turkey
  • Supporting warlords Sisi and Hafter
  • Recognized Armenian Genocide
  • Sponsoring almost ALL anti-Turkey bills in the US Congress
  • Routinely get involved in forex operations against Turkish Economy via Jews in London
  • etc.
There's no way Turkey can consider working with a country that constantly acts like a sworn enemy.
Israel needs to put the brakes on its extremely anti-Turkish policies before Turkey would even THINK about exchanging ambassadors and normalizing relations, let alone doing joint energy projects. Some people in Israel may be realizing Turkey's importance for Israel's future, but that doesn't reflect on Israel's policies at all. Israel isn't interested in a mutual partnership with Turkey because they know that whatever inherently helps Turkey rise will eventually come at the detriment of Israel and its expansionist plans in the future.

Israel at a glance:
  • Supporting PKK/YPG
  • Cooperating with Greece and Greek Cyprus in East Med
  • Training with Greeks in the Aegean, practicing scenarios where they jointly fight Turkey
  • Supporting warlords Sisi and Hafter
  • Recognized Armenian Genocide
  • Sponsoring almost ALL anti-Turkey bills in the US Congress
  • Routinely get involved in forex operations against Turkish Economy via Jews in London
  • etc.
There's no way Turkey can consider working with a country that constantly acts like a sworn enemy.
Well Russians aren’t much better either in fact they are much worse for Turkey’s security same is valid for Iran yet Turkey cooperates with both of them where there’s mutual interest
Why can’t be same done with Israel??
Nobody says we should make huge jump and behave like nothing happened but certainly there are shared interests regarding energy and assad
Russia have done almost and are doing everything what you have said for Israel
kurdish terrorist leaders are hiding in Iran and cooperating with them against Turkey

Israel's government is looking to re-establish full diplomatic relations with Turkey by jointly appointing ambassadors to each country, an Israeli official source told Middle East Eye, noting that the two have common interests such as Syria and natural gas supplies in the Eastern Mediterranean.
The comments came as Turkish social media users earlier this week hyped an unverified story which said Israel had proposed to sign a Mediterranean delimitation deal with Turkey, similar to one agreed with Libya last year disrupting Greek plans to squeeze Turkey into a tight corner.
Euphoria over a possible ease in the relationship followed a tweet posted by the official Israel account on Twitter that said Israel was proud of its diplomatic relations with Turkey and was hoping to grow the ties even stronger in the future.

That led many observers to point out that Israel was missing in a statement signed by its allies this week condemning Turkey for its “illegal activities” of gas drilling and “expansionism” in the Eastern Mediterranean. The statement was signed by the foreign ministers of Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece and the UAE earlier this week.
“We have never discussed anything related to a maritime delimitation deal with Turkey, even in the heydays of bilateral relations in the '90s, the reports are complete nonsense,” the Israeli official told Middle East Eye.

“What we are looking for [now] is full diplomatic relations with Turkey. As long as we don’t have it, there is very little we can achieve together.”
The official said that Turkey has an ambassador in Greece despite the increased diplomatic tensions. “With UAE, Turkey has even more problems but there is a UAE ambassador in Ankara,” the official added.

Asked about the absence of Israel in the statement that condemned Ankara, the official said the country has never been part of that group. “We are only members of the Eastern Med Gas Forum, which is based in Cairo. That statement had two issues, one of them is Libya, whereas the saying goes, we have no dog in the fight,” the source said.

Turkey and Israel haven't had ambassadors in their respective capitals since the US moved its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in May 2018, resulting in mass Palestinian protests.

After scores of Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces along the Gaza-Israel frontier, Turkey asked Israel's ambassador to temporarily leave the country and recalled its own envoy.
The Israeli official said Syria was among the chief reasons that relations should be normalised.
“The same Iranian proxy known as Hezbollah is challenging Turkey’s soldiers in Idlib, and it is challenging our soldiers in southern Syria. This is a common topic of interest, as well as energy,” the official said, adding that Ankara and Israel were close to a deal that would have brought Israeli gas to Turkey before relations broke down.

Israel helped Turkey earlier this month deliver a shipment of medical aid to the occupied West Bank and the besieged Gaza Strip, as Ankara granted export permission for medical equipment purchased by Israeli hospitals against the coronavirus.

However, a detente in the relations has not seemed likely since Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whose relations with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan are notoriously poor, succeeded in forming a government after three elections in a year.
Turkey had hoped a government led by Netanyahu's rival Benny Gantz could have led to reconciliation. Instead, a coalition government set to be sworn in this week will likely pursue annexation of parts of the West Bank, a move already severely criticised by Turkey last month.

Israel is responsible for turkish F35 issues
Well Russians aren’t much better either in fact they are much worse for Turkey’s security same is valid for Iran yet Turkey cooperates with both of them where there’s mutual interest
Why can’t be same done with Israel??
Nobody says we should make huge jump and behave like nothing happened but certainly there are shared interests regarding energy and assad
Russia have done almost and are doing everything what you have said for Israel
kurdish terrorist leaders are hiding in Iran and cooperating with them against Turkey
Let's be frank. Turkey "cooperates" with Russia a lot less than we COMPETE with them. We have a common understanding regarding the north of Syria, which was a mutual move to keep the US in check. Other than that, we compete everywhere else, including in Libya. Same goes with Iran. We have too many colliding interests to really "cooperate" in any meaningful way. Israel and Turkey are on the complete opposite of, shall we say, the cooperation spectrum. They don't want Turkey to become a strong regional foe. They don't want Turkey to look after its interests in Syria, Iraq, East Med, Egypt, Libya and the Gulf because our interests COLLIDE with theirs. They want to annex more land in Syria. We don't want them to. We want to annex more land in Syria. They don't want us to. They want an independent Kuridistan. We don't. We want an independent Palestine. They don't. They support PKK/YPG. We support Hamas. They want the Greeks to have a huge EEZ in East Med because they consider Greek gas as if its Israeli gas. Whereas we don't want to give up our national EEZ.

I mean. How the hell do you reckon we can cooperate? We're basically in an undeclared state of war.
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