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Israel Says It Fought World’s First “Artificial Intelligence War” Against Hamas

and they thought 27 Ramadan was perfect time to attack on Gaza people and then to cry in whole world that we are defending our self from Evil Hamas who retaliated first Israeli attack on 27 Ramadan.
Israel now be like; see we did not bomb women and children in Gaza. It was the AI. we swear!
I can literally just picture the zionist version of HAL 9000...




🤖 :sarcastic:
This clown so called 'marvelous' army is currently begging US for $1.5 billion from US taxpayers to replenish Iron Dome. They have some good tech but that's it. If Hamas was in control of Syria and Lebanon they would be doomed.
This clown so called 'marvelous' army is currently begging US for $1.5 billion from US taxpayers to replenish Iron Dome. They have some good tech but that's it. If Hamas was in control of Syria and Lebanon they would be doomed.
Tech doesn't win wars..

Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, the battle of nazi House expulsions(Palestine just now) shows tech helps but men and women fight wars. Israel cannot sustain casualties and it knows in the long run it will lose. History shows that no evil had ever prevailed in the holy land and NAZI ss troopers of the Israeli military will be defeated
Tech doesn't win wars..

Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, the battle of nazi House expulsions(Palestine just now) shows tech helps but men and women fight wars. Israel cannot sustain casualties and it knows in the long run it will lose. History shows that no evil had ever prevailed in the holy land and NAZI ss troopers of the Israeli military will be defeated

All those conflicts you mentioned aren't even indicative of 1% of Muslim world's power. If Muslim world showed will to fight, Israel would be toast even with heavy US backing. If US is willing to destroy whole world over 7 million Jews, the whole world will erupt in revolution and God would likely send a asteroid its way. No one is okay with destroying whole world for 7 million Jews that have million dollar properties all over US, Europe, and Russia.

No Americans want to fight such war for Israel. Majority of Americans are struggling to pay rent. Cannot afford healthcare bills, etc.... US media because of certain influences works hard to manipulate American public opinion but that effort will prove to be futile.
All those conflicts you mentioned aren't even indicative of 1% of Muslim world's power. If Muslim world showed will to fight, Israel would be toast even with heavy US backing. If US is willing to destroy whole world over 7 million Jews, the whole world will erupt in revolution and God would likely send a asteroid its way. No one is okay with destroying whole world for 7 million Jews that have million dollar properties all over US, Europe, and Russia.

No Americans want to fight such war for Israel. Majority of Americans are struggling to pay rent. Cannot afford healthcare bills, etc.... US media because of certain influences works hard to manipulate American public opinion but that effort will prove to be futile.
Sadly there are no Muslims. I am ashamed to say that
Hamas and its supporters.

I don't doubt that many oppressed Arabs in Gaza appreciate Israel's selectivity in making war and secretly support the Jewish State. Israel could not have achieved its stunning results last month without determined and devoted Arab informers, don't you agree?

So why do you still support Israel's enemies?
Stunning victory?

You can't even control a concentration camp. How are they still able to fire fireworks into your territory.

Compare your feat to ISIS defeat in Syria or Pakistans anti-insurgency milestones. IDF Is an embarrassment.

The irony of things about this conflict is that, it actually serves Israel in many ways. For one it helps Israel burgeoning defence industry even more, and it gives them a critical edge over their competitors/other leading weapons exporters in the world like U.S/Russia, France, UK, China , and Germany. Since It helps Israeli defence companies to market their products better by showing prospective clients real life performances of these weapons systems. Since this conflict keep raging on and off for the past 50 years, you can imagine the amount of experience/insight/practical weapon testing/performance the Israeli defence industry has benefitted from, which helps in learning from the shortfalls and fine turning their weapon system even more to achieve even better performances thereby getting an edge over their competitors in the defence industry. Very few countries/major weapon exporters have this advantage of a weapon testing ground to test the efficacy of their new weapon systems. No wonder Israel is the world's 6th/7th largest defence exporter in the world despite their small size. Only middle eastern country in the top 10.

Russia learned a lot from Syrian war as well and they even openly admitted that it helped them in streamlining/fine turning many of their weapon systems/military doctrine since they also used Syria and some sort of testing ground for their weapons systems. Nothing better than practical experience on the ground by testing your weapon systems in real life scenarios.

Grand scheme of things
Is their stuff really battle proven?

They fight a people without an army. They fight women and children. They fight against rocks and fireworks. They fight people in a concentration camp.

It could give a false sense of security against a proper army calling them battle hardened.
The irony of things about this conflict is that, it actually serves Israel in many ways. For one it helps Israel burgeoning defence industry even more, and it gives them a critical edge over their competitors/other leading weapons exporters in the world like U.S/Russia, France, UK, China , and Germany. Since It helps Israeli defence companies to market their products better by showing prospective clients real life performances of these weapons systems. Since this conflict keep raging on and off for the past 50 years, you can imagine the amount of experience/insight/practical weapon testing/performance the Israeli defence industry has benefitted from, which helps in learning from the shortfalls and fine turning their weapon system even more to achieve even better performances thereby getting an edge over their competitors in the defence industry. Very few countries/major weapon exporters have this advantage of a weapon testing ground to test the efficacy of their new weapon systems. No wonder Israel is the world's 6th/7th largest defence exporter in the world despite their small size. Only middle eastern country in the top 10.
Israel actually underperforms if we take into account the global Ashkenazi output (especially US Ashkenazis). On topic, not all countries are 10 km long like Gaza strip and thus that so called "fine tuning" may actually be overfitting to their conditions which in turn may prove worthless in different conditions. Their task is just too challengless to be considered any real testing.
Overfitting - Wikipedia
Grand scheme of things
Is their stuff really battle proven?

They fight a people without an army. They fight women and children. They fight against rocks and fireworks. They fight people in a concentration camp.

It could give a false sense of security against a proper army calling them battle hardened.
Well, you can call it what you want doesn't change the fact that hamas has been and is still a good target practice for them in real life scenarios, something many powers don't have.
Using your logic we could also argue that Russia has been fighting people without an army . They fight women and children. They fight rocks and firerocks.(funny enough, many people who are against Assad actually make similar claims you just made actually) and bla bla bla, you can also claim the same thing for Britain and the US who have fought " people without an army in Afghanistan, fight women and children, fight rocks and fireworks etc Etc you see how silly your argument looks? . Doesn't change the fact that US, U.K, Russia and other powers have learned alot from testing their weapons systems in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq etc and adjusting and fine tuning their weapons according to the lessons learned. You guys can argue all you want but buyers around the world don't think like you, reason Israel is one of the largest weapons exporters and will remain that way for a long time to come .
Israel actually underperforms if we take into account the global Ashkenazi output (especially US Ashkenazis). On topic, not all countries are 10 km long like Gaza strip and thus that so called "fine tuning" may actually be overfitting to their conditions which in turn may prove worthless in different conditions. Their task is just too challengless to be considered any real testing.
Overfitting - Wikipedia
Nope I disagree. Galactic is merely a test bed for them, since hamas can't inflict any real.damage to them actually. They actually just let Hamas rearm for a few years and then they go to cut the grass every now and then and let it germinate again. Just enough for then to still be alive , survive and hold some sort of ability , which they can use to show they are still facing a threat and will use them as target practice again when Hamas is foolish enough again to launch rockets or provoke them.
So as an outsider neutral.on this issue, I will say it actually serves Israel in some ways. Only a fool will think Hamas pose any sort of threat to Israel. Israel could wipe them off the face of earth if they really wanted to. Though that will cause an international outcry, since it will require the deaths of alot of civilians, since hamas often uses their population as human shield to save themselves and turn public opinion in their favour as well. Can't blame them though since they will be fools to want to fight Israel conventionally or face like a real military unit(that will mean their complete destruction in a couple of days).
إسرائيل تقول إنها خاضت أول حرب ذكاء اصطناعي في العالم ضد حماس

May 29, 2021

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have claimed the world’s first use of artificial intelligence (AI) and supercomputing in a war that ensued with Hamas earlier this month.

During its operation Guardian of the Walls, IDF said it relied heavily on machine learning and data gathering for a period of over two years.

“For the first time, artificial intelligence was a key component and power multiplier in fighting the enemy. This is a first-of-its-kind campaign for the IDF. We implemented new methods of operation and used technological developments that were a force multiplier for the entire IDF,” an IDF Intelligence Corps senior officer was quoted by Jerusalem Post as saying.
During the two-week-long war between the two rival factions, the IDF carried out pinpoint airstrikes against Hamas targets deep inside Gaza and killed at least a hundred of their top operatives.

Much of the infrastructure built by Hamas and Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip was destroyed by the Israeli jets, which were targets previously identified through military intelligence.
File:Flickr - Israel Defense Forces - Headquarters of the Military Wing of Hamas.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

File Image: Headquarters of the Military Wing of Hamas Wikimedia Commons
The Israeli military says it adapted the AI technologies already available in the civilian market to its needs in military intelligence. An advanced AI technological platform was established to centralize all data on militant groups in the Gaza Strip onto one system to aid in the analysis and extraction of intelligence crucial for the operations, the Israeli website adds.

Being at the center of highly unstable regions, Israel has heavily invested in AI and its applications in the military. The country has prioritized the concepts of machine learning and algorithm-driven warfare at the forefront of its research and development for years.

To employ the AI effectively in a war, the system must be fed with tonnes of raw data collected through satellites, aerial reconnaissance vehicles, field agents, ground intel and years of information.

IDF reportedly employed resources like signal intelligence (SIGINT), visual intelligence (VISINT), human intelligence (HUMINT), geographical intelligence (GEOINT) to collect data and feed it into its supercomputers to guide the military towards carrying out effective strikes.

According to the report by JP, it was IDF’s elite intelligence officers in Unit 8200, who pioneered algorithms and code to create advanced programs named “Alchemist,” “Gospel” and “Depth of Wisdom,” which were developed and used during the fighting.

“Gospel” was used by the IDF to evolve intelligent and effective recommendations for officers in the Military Intelligence wing to identify “quality targets” and, subsequently, pass them to the air force to strike.

IDF’s Military Intelligence Unit has dedicated research wings for exploitation of artificial intelligence in warfare, which predict enemy rocket launches, place, and time, helping soldiers on the ground to effectively defend against them.

One such example is the Israeli army’s J6/C4i Directorate’s Lotem Unit whose job is to create software for powerful AI and use machine learning in real-life applications, similar to what tech companies Google, China’s Baidu, or Facebook are doing.

One app created after Israel’s Operation Protective Edge in 2014 by this Unit helped soldiers on the ground predict rocket launches from Gaza using data from field sensors and other sources. It identified the most likely places of launch, approximate timing, and target areas for such projectiles, helping the Israeli troops be better prepared.

One application created by the Lotem Unit can identify suspicious objects from a video and describe the same in writing. The software can analyze dozens of videos simultaneously helping save manpower for the IDF.

In the latest war against Hamas and other Palestinian militant organizations, IDF says it created a multidisciplinary center that helped it produce hundreds of relevant targets, aiding its military to fight and target them all.

The vast information pool wasn’t gathered during the conflict; the data was collected over a period of two years, which helped the IDF in instant targeting. However, real-time data gathering was also underway to identify missile launches.
According to JP, “the military believes using AI helped shorten the length of the fighting, having been effective and quick in gathering targets using super-cognition.”

IDF Unit 9900’s satellites have also played an incremental role in collecting intelligence and helping aid operations against Hamas and PIJ, which helped the military target rocket launchers, rocket manufacturing, production and storage sites, military intelligence offices, drones, commanders’ residences, and other crucial installations.

One notable feature of the current operation has been Israel’s success in pre-identification and targeting of underground tunnel networks used by Hamas. IDF says it carried extensive mapping to identify the hundreds of kilometers of tunnel networks that Hamas has been using for years.

The mapping was again reportedly carried out using intelligence gathered through technological developments and the use of big data to fuse the available intelligence. IDF was able to fully picture the tunnels, their depth and width, the routes, and everything about them, so it knew exactly where to target.

Hamas’s underground tunnel network, called the “Metro”, has been very crucial to its operations against Israel, and now with Israel having the technology to identify and pinpoint them, the group has been deprived of a key combat strategy.

One video posted on Twitter showed Hamas digging out bodies from a tunnel destroyed by Israeli precision airstrikes. This unit was reportedly on its way to attack Israeli troops when a missile dropping from the sky destroyed it, burying the operatives.

The incident showcased Israel’s intelligent use of technology in inflicting heavy damage to the rival groups which, according to IDF, decisively shortened the span of the conflict.

Artificial intelligence is believed to have been used in many attacks in the past, but this is the most comprehensive demonstration of its ability to change the course of a battle.

The health ministry in Gaza claimed that at least 243 Palestinians had died as a result of Israeli bombings during the fighting, which included 66 children, with 1,910 people wounded.

IDF says the use of AI had significantly lessened the civilian casualties, however, the destruction of many civilian and commercial buildings in the airstrikes is being investigated by world bodies, including the UN.

Although a ceasefire has restored some calm to the fighting between IDF and Palestinian militant groups, experts believe that this may not last long.


This only means that this last round of combat was 2 years in the making by Usrael..
Apparently it didn’t serve them well..Hamas with a small military branch tore them to pieces…But only Arabs that have never won a war , never stood for anything, are in awe of the Israel sophistication….
Arabs have started asking themselves, man we were screwed in one week against Israel which was seeking stability after waging war on regional countries. Hamas punched Israelis while armed with simple rockets. Hahah
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