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Israel Says It Fought World’s First “Artificial Intelligence War” Against Hamas

Galactic is merely a test bed for them
Nope I disagree. Galactic is merely a test bed for them, since hamas can't inflict any real.damage to them actually. They actually just let Hamas rearm for a few years and then they go to cut the grass every now and then and let it germinate again. Just enough for then to still be alive , survive and hold some sort of ability , which they can use to show they are still facing a threat and will use them as target practice again when Hamas is foolish enough again to launch rockets or provoke them.
So as an outsider neutral.on this issue, I will say it actually serves Israel in some ways. Only a fool will think Hamas pose any sort of threat to Israel. Israel could wipe them off the face of earth if they really wanted to. Though that will cause an international outcry, since it will require the deaths of alot of civilians, since hamas often uses their population as human shield to save themselves and turn public opinion in their favour as well. Can't blame them though since they will be fools to want to fight Israel conventionally or face like a real military unit(that will mean their complete destruction in a couple of days).
You did even read what argument you were responding to? Can you tell me now?
Israel could wipe them off the face of earth if they really wanted to. Though that will cause an international outcry, since it will require the deaths of alot of civilians,

I hate these dumb arguments, as they aren't true, and cannot happen without triggering a world war. No one can commit genocide today. 'Wiping out' is committing genocide, and will drag whole region into war. Only people that can be wiped out were ISIS because they were hated by everyone and a bunch of foreign volunteers that are not local to their place nor enjoy local support. Anyone else, especially those native to their country, cannot be 'wiped out', without committing genocide. And so, no, Israel cannot 'wipe out' Hamas, unless it's prepared for Jews to be wiped out in return.
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