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ISPR Demands apology from Munawar Hassan.

because all jamait e islami leaders Fareed Paracha ,Liaqat baloch and amir Jamait e islami karachi does not agree with Munawar hassan
secondly Munwar Hassan raised question not gave fatwa even told saleem safi that i am not a mufti if you can give answer to my question kindly do.
Thirdly ji told all "amals" "wrong doing" can not be undone which haqem ullah mehsud did and he will be accountable [religiously speaking]
fourthly even a person drown in flood or who died in accident is a shaheed[Fareed paracha] but does not mean is a janati. he is not even near to jihad martyr like pak army personnel giving life for country or jihad by pen or tongue or the Jiihad "bil nafas"

All the homage that media specially geo gives to army and the homage given by anp,mqm and ppp is known by all.

First of all , there was no need to go into so much details and other irrelevant stuff when I asked a tinny question there and sought an answer for that " Where do the liberals or secular come in between and how did my previous post hint at any of that which was nothing but strong criticism of this person ? " and instead of answering it and providing an explanation for the same old " liberal/secular " outburst , you are defending the head of the party who gave these treasonous statement twice and his party people . Its good that at least , there are some sane voices left in his party after he called the killed terrorist as " martyr " and when asked if the Pakistani soldiers killed with Taliban are , replied in negative . This is like burning the flag of the country and stomping over the graves of the people who laid down their lives for the country , maybe it looks like just a simple statement to you , but it points to something very dangerous - the growing Taliban support in these religious political parties if it wasn't there already and common people who didn't come out on the streets to protest/condemn them . Even if he didn't know it properly and it wasn't a " fatwa " , he shouldn't have spoken back then in the first place , let alone say such a big thing ! But what should one expect from a person who previously declared a terrorist a " martyr " and stands by it , even today , even religiously speaking , the honor and criteria for being a " martyr " isn't to terrorize/kill innocent people and get to heaven by any chance , before trying to clarifying his statement , think about this first , because these people have made the high ranks of " martyrdom " a joke now , maybe they should reopen the religious sacred texts and look at its true conditions and the rewards for it first . ISPR had to even say that they and the families of thousands of dead Pakistanis do not need endorsement from the Mullah .

Let me remind everybody again . What does he say now , will not matter . A simple backtracking or maybe an unconditional apology will not make us all forget what he said about the heroes of our country and how he praised the terrorists ! No , it will not . The damage is done and irreversible . Its just a symbolic thing to be said now , nothing more and nothing less , since the pressure from army and political parties is now mounting and it is more of a " compulsion " on him and deviation from his true stance . The T.V. channel didn't force him on gunpoint to answer this question , he could have merely said " No comments " and moved on , but he wanted to show his love for Taliban and he did , otherwise I have seen him keep his silence on different matters pertaining to religion and Governance in the past .
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i've said it before and will say it again..
become secular and distance yourselves from these mullah imbeciles... distance yourselves from salafis, sunnis, shiites, ahmadis etc. they've turned Pakisan into an pseudo-islamic anarchist state.. people in Pakistan don't know jack$h1t about islam but will listen to any bearded self proclaimed scholar...
Just one simple quick question . We have a lot of political parties in the country and their extremely emotional activists , right ? . Did we see any protest and demonstration which showed their anger , opposition and stand against such nothing-short-of-a-treason statement by the head of a religious political party and that too which is quite influential even if they cant get enough seats now ? No , we didn't , even today they are on the streets protesting against other things but not this . The nation indeed has gotten confused about the enemy and radicalized to the core by the looks of it . If I did what I could , in my capacity then why didn't they ? And before you take anything literal again - I am talking generally and on a national level , neglect the Internet crowd for a little while and try to see the things on the large scale , they are and understand why I made a sweeping statement about the sleeping nation which only cares about its own home now * CJ remarks in Karachi lawlessness case * . Ponder over what was holding the common people back from the protest , after all the slain soldiers were our heroes , right ? .

I never said there shouldn't have been mass protests but let me tell you one thing people who are dying on the streets because of either suicide attacks or lawlessness or even unemployment forcing them to get out of their houses and protest involves their basic need, the survival of their families so if you are asking why they protest on such issues and not when Munawwar Hassan gave this statement its not just because they don't care its because they are daily fighting a battle of survival so its equally unfair to blame them for everything. When i asked you how can you know how many people have indeed protested in the way you have that is in their own capacity you sidelined the point because nobody can say for sure how many have indeed shown their anger on such a statement in their own way so why should they get blamed? I am not saying everything is perfect either but blaming an entire population isn't fair either its the same people who went out on streets for various other causes so give them credit where its due.

This swine loving moron must be deported....

This swine loving moron must be deported....
Sir their are really harsh realities about armed forces and what they have done in the past Sir this debate should not extend other wise many other things would come out Sir and I not member of JI nor supports their actions on many other issues their are things which every body has done and their are blunders Sir so this debate will only damage every one in Pakistan so better every side stops it and we need to get rid of USA alliance first
Jamaat e Islami should be banned and their leaders like munawar should be given life sentence.

These are not realities, this is Munawar Hassan doing what Jamat i Islami has done throughout its history. Subvert the Pakistani state - if Munawar hassan thinks that men that died protecting our families from these monsters were not Shuhada, i must would want him to be deported to the Emirates of Afghanistan. This son of a bitch doesn't belong here.

These are not realities, this is Munawar Hassan doing what Jamat i Islami has done throughout its history. Subvert the Pakistani state - if Munawar hassan thinks that men that died protecting our families from these monsters were not Shuhada, i must would want him to be deported to the Emirates of Afghanistan. This son of a bitch doesn't belong here.
Sir o protect their families than really Sir Sir we all know why army entered tribal areas and on whose orders and what led tribals to form TTP sir realities are too harsh Sir too harsh lets not get started here we need to end this war and the operations will never end this war and JI members fought in 65 and also in 71 Sir and also in Afghan Jihad and few in Kargil and Kashmir too Sir JI members were tortured and killed in Bangladesh because they refused to say Pakistan Murd..... Sir but what Musharraf did has damaged the Army and done it immensely 
Jamaat e Islami should be banned and their leaders like munawar should be given life sentence.
Yes and make sure they also pick up arms and start fighting than you will cry another militant organisation is formed Sir and they will get more support than they are getting now

Going to tribal areas was a mistake, protecting our civilians from these monsters is not a mistake, only Munawar Hassan thinks so. I have lost loved ones in civil service to protect the people of this country and i am deeply offended by this statement and the mindset it represents.

Going to tribal areas was a mistake, protecting our civilians from these monsters is not a mistake, only Munawar Hassan thinks so. I have lost loved ones in civil service to protect the people of this country and i am deeply offended by this statement and the mindset it represents.
Sir your bombings created those monsters Sir they belong to Tribals locals know how to deal with them and if your main basics of buildings is wrong than what every building you will build on it will fall first get rid of USA and shoot down drones Sir the thing because of which they are getting support end that than go for talks bring Uleams in ask them what they think is against shariah and if Ulemas approve that implement that isolate the most hardcore ones and those who are just following orders of kafir countries and than ask local tribes to take them out other wise you will always remain in this war with no end
Jamaat e Islami should be banned and their leaders like munawar should be given life sentence.
JI is not saying wrong.... Actually both sides are right and this is Islam.... These Ulamas have better knowledge about Islam than you,,,, Either Ban Islam or you have to live in this terrorist , Truculent, and intolerant society of Mullahs & its followers ...
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Sir their are really harsh realities about armed forces and what they have done in the past Sir this debate should not extend other wise many other things would come out Sir and I not member of JI nor supports their actions on many other issues their are things which every body has done and their are blunders Sir so this debate will only damage every one in Pakistan so better every side stops it and we need to get rid of USA alliance first
The really harsh reality is that you cant hold the gun of musharaf did this and did that to the head of Pakistan army for ever. You cant keep on complaining about them, where they have fought and died so you could say all these things sitting in the comfort of your house. The Pakistan army is not fighting the american war on terror anymore. If it was the case then they would have not allowed the ttp to settle under their protection in Afghanistan. The PA is fighting the war against american propaganda, we are the victims here. And for some odd reason you guys dont get it.
Brother you might be well versed with Islamic teachings then me, tell me oh please tell me. Where did Allah in the Quran or through his Nabi PBUH told us that it is ok to blow up hundreds of Muslims in one blast. When did we get the go ahead of whole sale killings of children in the Mosques. When did he say that a mufti can clear you of your sins and guarantee you Jannah, so blow your self up and you will not be responsible for countless innocent lives you take. Where, the answer to that is no where.

And this is what that old **** have so conveniently forgotten that how these ttp are sellout mercenaries, who are killing Muslims, and he is issuing fatwas over their deaths that who is a shaheed and who is not. This is what you call abuse of freedom to run your mouth like a whore. Yes that dude is nothing more then a whore, if he hates the whole system so much, resign from the seat of power. Dont meet any american delegations that come to Pakistan. But this they cant do. I wonder what the poor soldiers would be thinking sitting under the rain of bullets that who the **** am I putting my self on the line for, why fight and sacrifice my life for the safety of *** clowns like Munawar hussain who so conveniently forget that BM him self had killed so many Muslims. And yet he is a Shaheed. HE is a shaheed just like the member of any political party that dies in Pakistan. They all get automatic titles of Shaheed, and yet they forget that it is Allah who decides.
We did what we had to do to protect this country from being bombed into ashes and letting it turn into Afghanistan. Munawar Hassan can stick it up its arse!
We did what we had to do to protect this country from being bombed into ashes and letting it turn into Afghanistan. Munawar Hassan can stick it up its arse!
Sir sorry but that doesn't allow you betray Afghanistan and Tribals and attack them on USA orders if you think you would justify that than lot of other things would get justified and the base of your war was wrong so doesn't matter how many explanations you come up with majority would not listen and never support this war @Aslan Musharraf is not their any more but unfortunately forces are following same policy and with this policy they will make sure most people start having negative views about Army we can't fight our own people every time specially to please west we have to end this war and talks and getting rid of USA alliance is only option forward other wise we are dooomed 
JI is not saying wrong.... Actually both sides are right and this is Islam.... These Ulamas have better knowledge about Islam than you,,,, Either Ban Islam or you have to live in this terrorist , Truculent, and intolerant society of Mullahs & its followers ...
If you problem with Islam its your own problem Mr Islam is clear on these issues who is right and who is wrong
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