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ISPR Demands apology from Munawar Hassan.

Government knows very well that it has to prove beyond a shadow of doubt that it tried negotiating with TTP - that is to ensure that it has public sympathies if it ever decides to launch an Army operation.

That said Army itself has indulged in politics one too many times, there is no political party today which trusts PA. Most of them fear that post-American withdrawal PA will cozy up to Taliban once again and the political parties which started the operation would be left out to face the wrath of TTP. Secondly it was Zia not some civilian who started this mess. Pushtoons have genuine complaints that they were used as cheap cannon fodder in Afghanistan and now PA is hunting down the Jehadis it created itself. If this situation is not handled carefully it can lead much more severe problems.

Half truth!

My post had more to do with the condemnation of the statements the dotard passed lately. The ministry of information has a lot to say on sinking peace dialogues but when it comes to the condemnation of those statements the ministry finds itself aphasic. I don't think the fear that you had referred to has got anything to do with Munawar, never heard of jamtis blowing themselves up in the middle of the streets.

You are right the situation that we are into is quite critical and it must be dealt very carefully but being careful doesn't necessarily mean to go impotent. It wasn't just the army the entire country was called into the question. Itni bhe andhari nahi hay yar.
You guys are overreacting.

The worst of it is over.

The army will take care of TTP post Nato withdrawal once and for all.

The army and ISI has been quiet due to American presence in the area.
Jamat i Islami most senior leaders Fareed Parach and Liaqat Baloch have given statements on different news channels

Jamet i Islami considers every Pakistani soldier and civilian killed in War on terrors as a martyr

Clearance on all statements regarding Jamat i islami Leader Munawar Hassan

News Beat

10th November 2013

Q:How can a killer of 1000s be called a martyr ?

Answer at 6:15

Q:Are Pakistani army personnel and civilians martyrs or not?

Answer at 14:20 , 32:00

Q:Jamat i islami don't hold sharia version of ttp as true

Answer at 25:00

Q:will jamat i islami apologize for its statements?

Answer at 31:20

Q: Reasons of sectarian violence in Pakistan?Jamats role in Itihad e benal muslimeen

Answer 38:00

Munawar Hassan to retract his statements

In a telephonic conversation with Gen Rtrd Hamid Gul with Amir Jamaat Islami Syed Munawar Hassan. Munawar Hassan has told that he will retract his statement with which he is associated .[Gen Hameed Gul was talking to Abb tak news channel]

Actually , it will not matter now , the damage is done , first of all . Second , the Mullah exposed his true face once again by saying what was in his heart . This retraction of statement or an apology will be symbolic , the people know the reality now . Even the army was quite clear in saying that " we know our friends and enemies " .
I posted before that the insensitivity and digestion of such a statement by a influential political party by public and no mass protests or demonstrations by the people points to something very dangerous and heart breaking - its something I referred to as an absolute and firm proof of the theory of "radicalized masses" . Why haven't the people learnt from the Swatis experience of Taliban after their deep love and dream of Sharia came true ? What is the reason behind this ? Why do these people want Pakistan exactly as Afghanistan " the graveyard " and return back to the stone age ? The army sure cant do much of course , in this era of confusion and lack of public support , if this continues , the moral of the forces will go down further . The ISPR had to say something , in absence of any public opposition to the statement , now didn't they ?

You're right about that there should have been mass protests by the public but you and i we are part of the public so did you protest? If not then it basically answers the question so no need to blame others.
Jamat e Islami are the biggest traitors ever they have back stabbed Pakistan when they were needed the most

  • Upon its creation the founder opposed calling it Kafiristan

  • Now by calling the biggest enemy of Pakistan a shaheed and terming the shahadat of Pakistani soldiers as zilat ki maut
send these traitors to gallows and ban these muslim brother hood stooges asap
Like Altaf who calls zardari in last government and now ch nisar even if a scratch is done on MQM person

what are you smoking ? who replying to ? li guess you have lost it completely 
The only thing worse than a liar is a liar that's also a hypocrite. Here is Munawar.

Look at this old maggot he says i dont know hakeemullah mehsud now he is a martyr .. its an easy guess munawar hasan getting direct instructions from Al Qaida
what are you smoking ? who replying to ? li guess you have lost it completely 

Look at this old maggot he says i dont know hakeemullah mehsud now he is a martyr .. its an easy guess munawar hasan getting direct instructions from Al Qaida

next you will say musharaf and kyani are involved as they took no action against ji . calm down . i know MQMs fascistic approach that blame everyone and don't expect anyone other to answer or reply to them.
You're right about that there should have been mass protests by the public but you and i we are part of the public so did you protest? If not then it basically answers the question so no need to blame others.
I did . :) I made my voice heard , i made my message of condemnation clear to all right here . What about the rest ? Where were all the other political parties and activists of JI as well as civil society ? At least I tried , what was in my capacity , did the others too ? Doesn't answer any question , just raises more and more about the attitude and mindset of Pakistani nation .
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so tumy aching secular and liberals wont make any difference
Excuse me ? Where do the liberals/seculars come in between ? Be more clear about your statement so that I can answer you on this properly , because I was condemning the statements of this terrorist sympathizer calling a dead terrorist " martyr" and the people fighting the enemies of the nation as not being such . What was so secular and liberal about it if I may know ? Explain this to me how retracting that statement will undo all the damage for JI ?
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Mon Ami.. I tell you again and again.. the people want the Taliban. They want to experience it and hence it should happen. They want to have a situation worse than Afghanistan and that is what they deserve. Pack your bags.. head out.. This land is dead and not even the Army can save it because they need the support of the people for it. There is None..be that willingly or unwillingly.
sorry, to hve a different POV?
common men, in pakistan is just to bzy in feeding his poor kids, that he cant even think about to take that tussle without any purpose full, backup by the govt?
hence politicians in this country, has used terrorist & thier terrorism to let PA be bzy, on 1 hand on the other hand, they are pleasing the terrorists to, hve more attacks on poor innocent citizens, PA because to get financial crouption, with PA looking at, terrorists?
the reality is politicians, wants this to happen as, it wont trun PA towards them, thats thier funny thinking is?

but right now, when they push PA & poor awam to the corner, where terrorists maybe waiting to attack them, may a EGYPT style coup happen?
cause thats the demand of the hearts & minds, to clean up the mess of every kind, croupt & selfish political elites, & the terrorists?
mark my, words with this statment there is a lava starts grinding within, PA whenever its going to explode, it wont be like the last time, i can promise you there would be mass hangings!
thats all i, can say!
cause thats been allowed by now!
sorry, to hve a different POV?
common men, in pakistan is just to bzy in feeding his poor kids, that he cant even think about to take that tussle without any purpose full, backup by the govt?
hence politicians in this country, has used terrorist & thier terrorism to let PA be bzy, on 1 hand on the other hand, they are pleasing the terrorists to, hve more attacks on poor innocent citizens, PA because to get financial crouption, with PA looking at, terrorists?
the reality is politicians, wants this to happen as, it wont trun PA towards them, thats thier funny thinking is?

but right now, when they push PA & poor awam to the corner, where terrorists maybe waiting to attack them, may a EGYPT style coup happen?
cause thats the demand of the hearts & minds, to clean up the mess of every kind, croupt & selfish political elites, & the terrorists?
mark my, words with this statment there is a lava starts grinding within, PA whenever its going to explode, it wont be like the last time, i can promise you there would be mass hangings!
thats all i, can say!
cause thats been allowed by now!

lols :coffee:
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