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ISPR Demands apology from Munawar Hassan.

Sir their are really harsh realities about armed forces and what they have done in the past Sir this debate should not extend other wise many other things would come out Sir and I not member of JI nor supports their actions on many other issues their are things which every body has done and their are blunders Sir so this debate will only damage every one in Pakistan so better every side stops it and we need to get rid of USA alliance first
What do you mean?? You are trying to say that we are giving Pakistan a bad name while registering our protest against such irresponsible, pathetic statement of that retarded maulvi, while he has a free license to speak anything against the armed forces by using the prime time of our channels??
Sir sorry but that doesn't allow you betray Afghanistan and Tribals and attack them on USA orders if you think you would justify that than lot of other things would get justified and the base of your war was wrong so doesn't matter how many explanations you come up with majority would not listen and never support this war @Aslan Musharraf is not their any more but unfortunately forces are following same policy and with this policy they will make sure most people start having negative views about Army we can't fight our own people every time specially to please west we have to end this war and talks and getting rid of USA alliance is only option forward other wise we are dooomed 

If you problem with Islam its your own problem Mr Islam is clear on these issues who is right and who is wrong

War started when Tribals refuse to honor their agreement not to shelter Al Qaeda, foreign terrorists. Those terrorists are creating problems for us. They are using Pakistani land to launch attacks on West, china and elsewhere bringing bad name to Pakistan.! PA would never have launch operations if so called innocent tribals would not had given shelter to those fcuktards which bring bad name to whole Pakistan. Our Ally china, IRAN, and all the trade partners complain to us! What should we do huh?

Islam says don't spread "Fisaad fil Arz". But those terrorists in Tribal areas are doing opposite to what Islam says.

Pakistan Army would get out of tribal areas once Tribals start behaving and stop exporting terrorists to other countries ! Instead of lecturing Pakistan army to drop that policy, why not lecture those illiterate Jihaadi's to stop useless war against innocent westerns! What they always did is kill innocents in west instead of killing their ARMY

The problem with you is, you neither think collectively nor have an open mind about complex realities on war. What Early islamic governments did with Kharji's and other rebel forces. Same would be done by PA

P.S. If you quote my post, then give rational answer to each and every point of my post. Don't post your usual rants.
I wonder what the man was thinking while giving this statement and why do some of the most unscrupulous and inhuman comments come from these religious leaders. I disagree with the fact that they know more about Islam if they don't know the very basics of Islam and negate its essence then those who claim they have more knowledge about Islam are deluded. I wonder who deserves more appreciation and admiration than our men in uniform who have protected us at all times i would like to ask Mr Munawar Hassan would he stand on a check point overnight and protect the masses knowingly that he is the prime target? because thats what great Islamic leaders used to do they used to move around and offer their protection to people and not just give fatwas and hide behind their followers.
I just don't get, how people and so called ullema support those who blew up masjid, bazars, imam bargah and churches and call them shaheed.

No group can fight a country's army until there is external party backing them up, who is paying for all those weapons and training for TTP, clearly they are taking refuge in Afghanistan and afghan government and their supporters are behind it
War started when Tribals refuse to honor their agreement not to shelter Al Qaeda, foreign terrorists. Those terrorists are creating problems for us. They are using Pakistani land to launch attacks on West, china and elsewhere bringing bad name to Pakistan.! PA would never have launch operations if so called innocent tribals would not had given shelter to those fcuktards which bring bad name to whole Pakistan. Our Ally china, IRAN, and all the trade partners complain to us! What should we do huh?

Islam says don't spread "Fisaad fil Arz". But those terrorists in Tribal areas are doing opposite to what Islam says.

Pakistan Army would get out of tribal areas once Tribals start behaving and stop exporting terrorists to other countries ! Instead of lecturing Pakistan army to drop that policy, why not lecture those illiterate Jihaadi's to stop useless war against innocent westerns! What they always did is kill innocents in west instead of killing their ARMY

The problem with you is, you neither think collectively nor have an open mind about complex realities on war. What Early islamic governments did with Kharji's and other rebel forces. Same would be done by PA

P.S. If you quote my post, then give rational answer to each and every point of my post. Don't post your usual rants.
No Sir they didn't refused you broke the accord on USA pressure Sir PA launched operations because it was led by USA slave Musharraf Army follow orders they were given that order they did it and Tribals got pissed and Fisad Fil Araz MR don't get me started Mr our government made an alliance with USA a kafir country and attacked its own people they responded fasad fil arz was started by our government your Army will get out of Tribal areas and Tribal will not fight you if you stop following USA orders Sir you keep following that they will keep fighting you in case who really kharjis are and who really attacked Muslims on USA orders we all know that
No Sir they didn't refused you broke the accord on USA pressure Sir PA launched operations because it was led by USA slave Musharraf Army follow orders they were given that order they did it and Tribals got pissed and Fisad Fil Araz MR don't get me started Mr our government made an alliance with USA a kafir country and attacked its own people they responded fasad fil arz was started by our government your Army will get out of Tribal areas and Tribal will not fight you if you stop following USA orders Sir you keep following that they will keep fighting you in case who really kharjis are and who really attacked Muslims on USA orders we all know that

before Pakistan army launched full operation in March 2004, despite repeated demands of Pakistan army, tribals didn't budge in. So stop lying Pakistan army broke the accord and fought on behest of Amerca

Another blatant lie, show us the proof Pakistan army fights on behalf of America? As quran strictly prohibits to spread rumours and false news.

And stop your illiterate rants, that Tribals would stop fighting PA once PA gets out of FATA. What is the guarantee they would not attack other countries??????

And you just did what Islam forbids it. Instead of shooting tangents, Go, gain knowledge about what happened and how instead of repeating lies.
before Pakistan army launched full operation in March 2004, despite repeated demands of Pakistan army, tribals didn't budge in. So stop lying Pakistan army broke the accord and fought on behest of Amerca
Pakistan broke the accord not tribals Mr even General Orakzai accepted it that who broke the accord Mr and on whose orders Army went in tribal areas that is also known fact mr Musharraf destroyed Pakistan and Army and on his master USA orders
Pakistan broke the accord not tribals Mr even General Orakzai accepted it that who broke the accord Mr and on whose orders Army went in tribal areas that is also known fact mr Musharraf destroyed Pakistan and Army and on his master USA orders

Which accord Pakistan broke? General Orakzai refers to 2006 accord of Mir Ali north waziristan with Hafiz GUl Buhadar not with Savage TTP bas.tards.

You see that's what Kam ilmi about things makes you. A jahil parrot keep repeating without knowing what happens where and how. Prove your outrageous claims with proper facts.

During Musharraf era's peace accords with Maulvi Nazir and Hafiz Gul buhadar occurred Which clearly shows Pakistan are not fighting on the behest of USA or else Pakistan would not had done peace accords with them!

You see these are the real facts not the Jamat e Islaami Jahilana facts which you keep repeating
Which accord Pakistan broke? General Orakzai refers to 2006 accord of Mir Ali north waziristan with Hafiz GUl Buhadar not with Savage TTP bas.tards.

You see that's what Kam ilmi about things makes you. A jahil parrot keep repeating without knowing what happens where and how. Prove your outrageous claims with proper facts.

During Musharraf era's peace accords with Maulvi Nazir and Hafiz Gul buhadar occurred Which clearly shows Pakistan are not fighting on the behest of USA or else Pakistan would not had done peace accords with them!

You see these are the real facts not the Jamat e Islaami Jahilana facts which you keep repeating
He refers to all the accords Mr from the first to all except Swat one Mr these are fake facts Mr if you don't want to face reality than go ahead this war will continue if Pakistan Army would keep fighting Tribals because Tribals know how to fight for decades and decades but your economy can't sustain it nor your Army so better if we stop following USA orders take down drones talk to our own people accept those demands which are according to Quran and Sunnah and implement them isolate the most hard core ones and than ask tribals to take them out
Jamaat e Islami should be banned and their leaders like munawar should be given life sentence.
Spot on! If Bangladesh can ban the JeI why not Pakistan? But no, that would stir up a hornets nest by the religious fundamentalist groups in Pakistan.
While I strongly disagree and condemn the statement, however its just an opinion and rightfully ISPR has demanded an apology, they may also pursue a suit for it. but remember its just an opinion.

and if you put an islamic narrative to it, it seems right too(debatable ofcourse)... but from Pakistan's narrative its wrong.

therefore, I think that ISPR should go to court and not only demand an apology but also get a bar on JI from speaking against the military.

@Aeronaut @Aamna14
While I strongly disagree and condemn the statement, however its just an opinion and rightfully ISPR has demanded an apology, they may also pursue a suit for it. but remember its just an opinion.

and if you put an islamic narrative to it, it seems right too(debatable ofcourse)... but from Pakistan's narrative its wrong.

therefore, I think that ISPR should go to court and not only demand an apology but also get a bar on JI from speaking against the military.

@Aeronaut @Aamna14
Yes and next thing JI would do is pick up Arms and start a fight are serious or just joking Mr banning good joke you are doing great I am not JI member by the way
One can not but condemn JI's stand on this issue. They may think that they are being consistent and principled, but they merely come across as offensive. On such a controversial issue, one must be very careful in choice of words. It is better to shut up and not say anything, than to sound insensitive and seem a fool. I miss Qazi sb. He was a far better leader than Munawwar Hassan and had a lot more respect, despite being controversial sometimes.

There is no doubt TTP are terrorists, and that under their cover a number of out-of-control forces are operating in parallel. One must not allow that to confuse the matter. Our army is making necessary sacrifices and they must be supported.
Why they does not admit while to submit their statement, that army have no habit of fighting, but they do this job as demanded by country defense.

This Sahadat is for those who adopt the right path, if (Molana) have any doubt than they must give this kind of statement nor assign dogmatic Sahadat…

“ To maray to Sehai , Mai Maron To Galat”.
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