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ISPR Demands apology from Munawar Hassan.

Dude! you're arguing with a troll. Better leave him on his own.
no actully, a noora worshipper trying his noora mindset, funny thing about that, is he calling shaheed genrl zia ul haq the so called father of nawaz sharif, a fool?lolzzzz 
This is must watch. Tahir ul Qadri gave long list of references to assert that Taliban's are not only Fasadi's but it is compulsory upon the state to eliminate them to restore peace

Must watch video

i think he is the only, educated islamic teacher left in pakistan today!
who preaches 80% pure islam, then others!
he is the best, i like him!
JI have proved they are traitors to the nation, no nation will tolerate especially from politicians praising terrorists who are killing soldiers and civilians, they should be tried under article 6 for treachoury. no wonder Pakistan is not progessing because of too many treachorous people who are running the country.
Hypocrisy at best - the Hallmark of our Career politician + Mullah cocktail.

Let’s for the time ignore Jamaat Islami, its opposition to Pakistan is well-known and after their Amir’s views made public ( Munawwar Hassan stands by his declaration), JI being an anti Pakistani party is beyond any doubt. But what is happening to PTI.

In Kashif Abbassi’s TV Show Shaukat Yusufzai was pressed hard but he refused to say the Hakimullah Mehsud was a ‘terrorist’. However Asad Omer on tour in the US says you only talk to your enemies and that Hakimullah Mehdsud was a ‘terrorist’.

Imran Khan on the other hand spoke for a long time in National Assembly but his tirade was as usual directed against the US and he did not bother to comment on whether Hakimullah Mehsud was Shaheed or not.

I am amazed that even at this stage our leaders are playing politics. JI, JUI & PTI are competing with each other as to who is more anti American mainly to increase their vote bank. PML-N can’t decide whether to play being anti –American or go for economic well-being.

No wonder ordinary Pakistani is confused.
Let’s for the time ignore Jamaat Islami, its opposition to Pakistan is well-known and after their Amir’s views made public ( Munawwar Hassan stands by his declaration), JI being an anti Pakistani party is beyond any doubt. But what is happening to PTI.

In Kashif Abbassi’s TV Show Shaukat Yusufzai was pressed hard but he refused to say the Hakimullah Mehsud was a ‘terrorist’. However Asad Omer on tour in the US says you only talk to your enemies and that Hakimullah Mehdsud was a ‘terrorist’.

Imran Khan on the other hand spoke for a long time in National Assembly but his tirade was as usual directed against the US and he did not bother to comment on whether Hakimullah Mehsud was Shaheed or not.

I am amazed that even at this stage our leaders are playing politics. JI, JUI & PTI are competing with each other as to who is more anti American mainly to increase their vote bank. PML-N can’t decide whether to play being anti –American or go for economic well-being.

No wonder ordinary Pakistani is confused.

JI is not saying wrong.... Actually both sides are right and this is Islam.... These Ulamas have better knowledge about Islam than you,,,, Either Ban Islam or you have to live in this terrorist , Truculent, and intolerant society of Mullahs & its followers ...

Which ulema sir? They are all intolerant mullahs. I wish there are some ulema.
So is Army accepting the defeat as this munawar didnt apologize? or will they show some balls and abduct him and torture him and kill him?
Government knows very well that it has to prove beyond a shadow of doubt that it tried negotiating with TTP - that is to ensure that it has public sympathies if it ever decides to launch an Army operation.

That said Army itself has indulged in politics one too many times, there is no political party today which trusts PA. Most of them fear that post-American withdrawal PA will cozy up to Taliban once again and the political parties which started the operation would be left out to face the wrath of TTP. Secondly it was Zia not some civilian who started this mess. Pushtoons have genuine complaints that they were used as cheap cannon fodder in Afghanistan and now PA is hunting down the Jehadis it created itself. If this situation is not handled carefully it can lead much more severe problems.
your raga has nothing to do with what we are dealing with over here - read your statement again and see if it justfies the statement by JI chiif
Lets start with banning JI and deporting this b@stard Munawwar Hassan to Afghanistan. These d!ck heads have never been to any tribal or war effected areas themselves, not even once and yet they are not shy to bark at PA anytime. These morors live their comfortable lives, sleep well in their bed rooms because our brave army is offering lives to protect us from these monsters. But when they wake up in the morning, they open their filthy mouths against Army..
Yara it's the current leadership of JI. they are such hypocrites ....... I wish JI had an Amir like Qazi sab. He was a good man. the only politician who's death made me really sad !!!!
Lets suppose, Hakeem ullah Mehsood is "Shaheed" then what is status of those innocents who were killed in mosques, Imam bargaghs and Schools in suicide blast?

I will kill 100 civilians and i am ready for suicide blast...will you declare me "Shaheed"
@Zarvan Kindly tell me briefly
If they killed civilians in return they did wrong but it was our forces under Musharraf who attacked its own. People on USA orders @Zakii don't. Quote qadri how big fraud he is whole Punjab university know how he illegally captured flats and other things 
Than Imran needs to. Learn Islam those who fight for Allah and his rasool saw and defence off Muslims and Muslim Land thinking that this is Muslim area and defending it are martyrs but iff the make alliance with non Muslims to attack Muslims than their are serious questions
it dosnt matter what these bigots say. they have no following. no representation in the parliament. just a nuisance factor egged on by the media...
Our hearts are immensely grieving over those young bones which we have raised,nourished with our own hands...and then they are lost in bomb blasts,or martyrd while protecting us from these terrorists outfits.
At this point,a leader stepped forward and he said to have peace talks with them,to halt/end this massacre.
But then suddenly,a drone strike killed that Minotaur of present Hakeemullah Mehsud ,well known for his brutality,the one who is mastermind behind several bomb blasts which has taken lives of our women,children and jawan....got killed in US drone strike.
At this point,these senseless,worthless, pathetic politicans begun to critisize and protest over drone,which we have accepted and supported too,however,these same politicans failed to deliver our protest in white house/pentagon...which could be understand by 16 page statement released by white house in which,it is not even discussed once!not a single discussion took place over counter terrorism policy as claimed by Mr.Qadri,despite of the fact that think-tanks at every level have jointly researched!!!!!!
Plus,these JUI politicans,without understanding their responsibility spoke senselessly...declaring him shaheed????
How much this statement has tormented those parents who sacrificed their young bones to defend us?or the one who lost their spouses,mothers,young childrens while they were playing outside?or buying stuff from market to decorate their homes?or those who were out for study/ doing job to feed their families?/making them proud.
How dare they to laugh at our sorrow,how dare they to raise their bloody politics over our bones....we will not provide our bones and blood as a base....we demand apology,along with ISPR,we strongly support ISPR's statement...and once again,as civilians of Pakistan, we demand apology to Mr.Munnawer for giving his pathetic statement,thus declaring Mehsud as 'shaheed'..
@Secur ,@jaibi and others....
It is time to support ISPR's statement...and slap those faces who are trying to justify by referencing 'twisted past events'
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Is the mullah-military nexus crumbling?
Mubashir Zaidi

Is it a signalling of sorts that the military is trying to portray itself as a national army now as compared to its earlier image of an ideological force? -File Photo
Published 2013-11-11 15:08:28

The latest statement from the military blasting chief of the Jamaat-i-Islami Munawar Hasan for undermining the sacrifices made by the soldiers fighting terrorists has shocked many in the capital. The JI traditionally, has been the mouthpiece for the military during the 1980s Afghan jihad and fighting in Kashmir. It’s also established that the army had used the Jamaat’s street power to put democratic governments under pressure through controlled or sometimes out of control protests. It is also believed that there is a huge following of JI in the armed forces. Even the arrests of Al Qaeda leaders, including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, from the residences of JI activists has not affected the military-JI relations in the past.

So, is it a signalling of sorts that the military is trying to portray itself as a national army now as compared to its earlier image of an ideological force whose notion of jihad is similar to Jamaat-i-Islami?

But what prompted this strong reaction by the military needs to be examined. Even pragmatic military rulers like Pervez Musharraf had to seek help from the JI to prolong his tenure. Then why is it that the Jamaat and the military are finding themselves at the crossroads today?

The issue of missing persons that began in 2006 started the rift between the traditional partners when JI followers that included lawyers approached the courts for the release of what they claimed were innocent civilians who were arrested by military intelligence agencies on the allegations of supporting Al Qaeda and the Taliban. The courts took up the cases and started questioning the role of the military behind these forced disappearances. JI-backed lawyers were pressurised by the military to drop these cases and to stop pursuing the matter. But the cases continued, despite the fact that they did not reach their logical conclusions.
The issue of drone strikes has been the main issue which alienated the powerful establishment from hardcore religious parties. The Jamaat has always been protesting US-backed drone strikes, claiming that the strikes kill civilians. But covertly, the military had a verbal standing with the US over the drone strikes. During 2004-2008, drones struck on Pakistan’s request. This was even testified by Pakistan’s former ambassador to the US, Hussain Haqqani who claimed in his new book that the former Taliban chief, Baitullah Mehsud was killed in a drone strike requested by the Pakistan army.

The last time the Jamaat acted in support of the military was on the Raymond Davis issue, when the military is believed to have used the religious activists to hype up the matter so as to trigger nation-wide protests. But many believe that in the end the army itself showed the US how to get their man in Pakistan custody by using an Islamic law of Qisas and Diyat. And so it happened that the Jamaat was left red-faced.

Just like the Pakistan military transformed into a national army in the past few years rather than the ‘Pak fauj’ as it still is fondly called in Pakistan for decades now, the Jamaat continued to lose its political ground as people in general started to question the Jamaat’s policy and its refusal to transform into a political force rather than a hardcore religious outfit.

Come Munawar Hasan, the incumbent chief who is known for his rigid views and little political insight as compared to his predecessor Qazi Hussain Ahmed. The Jamaat continued to find it hard to connect with the people. The elections in 2008 and 2013 proved that the people of Pakistan are not thinking the same way as the Jamaat leadership. But the new Jamaat leadership did not alter its way and things eventually came to a head.

The killing of Pakistani Taliban Hakeemullah Mehsud in a US drone strike alienated the Jamaat and even other political parties including the PML(N) and Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf from the response from the people in general which approved the killing of the TTP chief if not the drone strike by the US.

On the other hand, the military which was believed to have been already fuming at the peace overtures by the incumbent government to the Taliban despite the killing of their Major General Sanaullah Niazi, the recent statements of political leaders were not taken well. The JI chief Munawar Hasan stepped up the rhetoric by first declaring Hakeemullah Mehsud a martyr and later questioned whether the soldiers fighting against the Taliban were martyrs. This prompted the military to issue a stinging response not only condemning the JI chief’s statement as misleading and irresponsible but also accused him of insulting the sacrifices of Pakistani soldiers.

Although it is too premature to say that the military is signaling the end of its long standing policy of using religious parties to silence logic and vibrant political thought process in the country, but, at least, the realisation in the military to support mainstream political parties instead of hardcore religious parties is beginning to sink in.

Whether it remains the case when the change of guard in the army takes place later this month or else, is yet to be seen. All indications are that the military is in the process of reviewing its support for such parties but only after they came back to haunt the military after decades of clandestine support.
@fatman17; the post above makes eminent sense.
For an Army (a Professional Army in a modern non-oligarghic/non-dictatorial state) to inject an idealogy (political or religious) will be extremely Toxic. And to sustain such a system will finally be Fatal.

For a Soldier, it is critical to be able to define where his Command Structure ends and it is equally important for it to be visible at all times. But when that Command Structure begins to be less than defineable and goes into the realm of something invisible; then there can only be trouble in store.

The PA will do well to going back to re-gaining the ethos of a Professional Army; at least for its own raison d'etre.
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