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Islamic extremists set up ‘Sharia zones’ in UK

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Load of BS propoganda to spread islamaphobia by the media. As a first hand source I can tell you now these are a minority of muslims who have no power or influence over anything... :coffee:

but why the hell this bloody minority be tolerated?? remember the jehadis who blow up places in europe are a tiny minority in muslim community with the same demand of sharia in europe and all over the west??
Pakistani's can never accept reality can they ? you guys harbored bin laden then made excuses he wasn't there, you guys are killing Afghan Muslims while most of the Terrorists are in Pakistan, Go read all of Choudhrys bio you find his collage pics Wahabism did this to him and ordinary Muslims will suffer Because of Choudhry, Extermists.

Because unlike Muslims like you..we still have our dignity intact and try to defend our religion when its unduly attacked...
for example in this thread..where an all made up news is being magnified to infinity...and nobody accepting the fact that the perpetrator is a drunken master whom nobody knows..
That was not the case say 200 years ago when all the NON-MUSLIMS used to imigrate to MUSLIM countries such as Turkey and India..when these parts of the world were super powers..
Immigration has nothing to do with religion..it has to do with finances..Now western europe and USA has all the world's wealth and muslims and HINDUS and all religion/non religion immigrate here..
100 years on..this might change
Remember..wealth never stays in the same place forever

First of all, India was always always Hindu country......For last 5,000 Years. Even when Islam was not born. Due to Muslim Invasion, millions of Hindus were forcefully converted into Muslims.....But still, it was always Hindu Country with few Muslim Brutal King due to invasion......Be it 3,000 years ago or 300 years ago or today.

As far as Turkey, Turkey was ruling Arab world and later, all liberated.

Immigration must be related with religion. I can't even imagine immigrating to Muslim country(Impossible to dream) but i would love to go Isreal or U.K. or Canada or even Japan or even Nepal....I am ok with any Non-Muslim Country.
Because unlike Muslims like you..we still have our dignity intact and try to defend our religion when its unduly attacked...
for example in this thread..where an all made up news is being magnified to infinity...and nobody accepting the fact that the perpetrator is a drunken master whom nobody knows..

Self Dignity going around with Posters saying freedom go to hell ? The very same freedom that lets us Practice Islam.
Problem with the UK is it's a fertile ground for Wahabism, most of the Mosques there are funded by Saudi Money .
First of all, India was always always Hindu country......For last 5,000 Years. Even when Islam was even not born. Due to Muslim Invasion, millions of Hindus were forcefully converted into Pakistan.....But still, it was always Hindu Country......Be it 3,000 years ago or 300 years ago or today.

As far as Turkey, Turkey was ruling Arab world and later, all liberated.

Immigration must be related with religion. I can't even imagine immigrating to Muslim country(Impossible to dream) but i would love to go Isreal or U.K. or Canada or even Japan or even Nepal....I am ok with any Non-Muslim Country.

I can only laugh at you,and thats what i am doing right now...cheerio
Problem with the UK is it's a fertile ground for Wahabism, most of the Mosques there are funded by Saudi Money .


mate...improve your knowledge base...In UK wahabi and sunni mosques are side by side and in equal numbers...and funded by community..not saudiarabia....
Because unlike Muslims like you..we still have our dignity intact and try to defend our religion when its unduly attacked...
for example in this thread..where an all made up news is being magnified to infinity...and nobody accepting the fact that the perpetrator is a drunken master whom nobody knows..
When our British friends advised us to cancel our squadron reunion, they mentioned nothing about this latest news but that there are parts of London that non-muslims are covertly discouraged to frequent. To them, who lives around the Banbury-Bicester-Oxford area, London is no longer 'fun'. There are a lot of unspoken tensions between the non-muslims and muslims and they get more palpable in certain parts of London where non-believers received openly hostile looks, as if the Brits are trespassing into someone else's property, which they believe is exactly what the muslims wanted non-muslims to feel.
Integration means respecting each other's religious and cultural value and NOT to impose your own opinion/verdict on their way of living. a person is well integrated when the other person does not feel the need to take extra precautions while talking to him. Lets take example of India where we have a good no. of Muslim population..We Hindus , Sikhs and Christians are very well INTEGRATED to that extend that we can tease each other's religion, culture etc without offending each other...we don't have to be careful while talking to each other..

BUT same is not the case with Muslims..With Muslims we tend to avoid any sensitive topic cuz we don't know how will he react. Muslims generally play minority card in India and many part of the world which is not seen in other religion..Muslims are never comfortable with people from other religion and can get hurt very easily...

that was all about integration..

your rest of post is not worth a reply

I can speak on behalf of 99.9% of muslims in the UK that we do respect others religious beliefs/cultural values eventhough they may not be in line with Islam.

In a free society anyone can give an opinion, with your definition imposing an opinion isn't integration. Then the majority of British society isn't INTEGRATED as everyone has opinions i.e. why are all you imposing your opinion/verdict on british muslims.

Being careful in talking to someone isn't integration, its common courtesy not to offend. For example if you were disabled i would need to take courtesy in not trying to offend you by not saying anything that may discomfort you. If a christian in india said something against one of the hindu gods then he would be murdered by the likes of shiv sena does that mean hindus aren't integrated in indian society as they took offence.

Your defintion makes no sense as there is no definitive defintion for integration in a society so stop trying to argue INTEGRATION.
Self Dignity going around with Posters saying freedom go to hell ? The very same freedom that lets us Practice Islam.

i dont thing you are illiterate enough to think that one man on dope represents the whole Britishe muslim community...
I can only laugh at you,and thats what i am doing right now...cheerio

Well, Then Accept other Cultures, Tradition and Way of Life. What's problem ??

Why to push own religious thing when No Non-Muslims like or hurts some kind of freedom in their own country??

'No **** or prostitution': Islamic extremists set up Sharia law controlled zones in British cities

Islamic extremists have launched a poster campaign across the UK proclaiming areas where Sharia law enforcement zones have been set up.

Communities have been bombarded with the posters, which read: ‘You are entering a Sharia-controlled zone – Islamic rules enforced.’

The bright yellow messages daubed on bus stops and street lamps have already been seen across certain boroughs in London and order that in the ‘zone’ there should be ‘no gambling’, ‘no music or concerts’, ‘no **** or prostitution’, ‘no drugs or smoking’ and ‘no alcohol’.

Hate preacher Anjem Choudary has claimed responsibility for the scheme, saying he plans to flood specific Muslim and non-Muslim communities around the UK and ‘put the seeds down for an Islamic Emirate in the long term’.

In the past week, dozens of streets in the London boroughs of Waltham Forest, Tower Hamlets and Newham have been targeted, raising fears that local residents may be intimidated or threatened for flouting ‘Islamic rules’.

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Choudary, who runs the banned militant group Islam4UK, warned: ‘We now have hundreds if not thousands of people up and down the country willing to go out and patrol the streets for us and a print run of between 10,000 and 50,000 stickers ready for distribution.

‘There are 25 areas around the country which the Government has earmarked as areas where violent extremism is a problem.

Seizing control: Activist Jamaal Uddin puts up one of the Sharia stickers in Leyton, in the East London borough of Waltham Forest

Drink outlawed: Uddin places his poster on a lamppost outside the now defunct Oliver Twist pub in a part of Leyton in London

‘We are going to go to all these same areas and implement our own Sharia-controlled zones.

‘This is the best way for dealing with drunkenness and loutishness, prostitution and the sort of thug life attitude you get in British cities.’

The former lawyer added: ‘This will mean this is an area where the Muslim community will not tolerate drugs, alcohol, pornography, gambling, usury, free mixing between the sexes – the fruits if you like of Western civilisation.

‘We want to run the area as a Sharia-controlled zone and really to put the seeds down for an Islamic Emirate in the long term.’

Scotland Yard is now working with local councils to remove the posters and identify those responsible for putting them up.

Choudary said he was organising a protest against the Far Right in Waltham Forest this weekend following last Friday’s killing spree in Norway by anti-Islamic gunman Anders Breivik.

He said: ‘We are going to put the events in Oslo on the agenda. We are going to be marching and addressing this issue. It is a whole new scenario now. The Muslim community needs to be vigilant. There is an undercurrent against Islam.

‘I do believe a Norway-style attack could happen here.’

The campaign comes just months after stickers proclaiming a ‘gay-free zone’ and appearing to reference the religious Islamic text of the Koran appeared in Tower Hamlets.

Women in parts of East London including Tower Hamlets have been threatened with violence and even death by Islamic extremists if they did not wear headscarves.

James Brandon, of the anti-extremism think-tank the Quilliam Foundation, which has dubbed the intimidation the work of ‘Talibanesque thugs’, said: ‘This is a small group which is not representative of these communities.
‘It’s great news that the police have decided to investigate this. This has the potential to divide communities and upset people.’

Yesterday the leader of Waltham Forest Council, Chris Robbins, said: ‘As soon as we heard about these posters we worked over the weekend to take them all down.

‘Since then we have been going through our CCTV images and working with the police to try to identify the culprits. Our policy is to use the full extent of our powers to prosecute any offenders.

‘People should not get the wrong idea about our borough because a handful of small-minded idiots, who do not live here, decide to deface our streets with ridiculous posters.’

Anjem Choudary and Islamic extremists set up Sharia law zones in UK cities | Mail Online
When our British friends advised us to cancel our squadron reunion, they mentioned nothing about this latest news but that there are parts of London that non-muslims are covertly discouraged to frequent. To them, who lives around the Banbury-Bicester-Oxford area, London is no longer 'fun'. There are a lot of unspoken tensions between the non-muslims and muslims and they get more palpable in certain parts of London where non-believers received openly hostile looks, as if the Brits are trespassing into someone else's property, which they believe is exactly what the muslims wanted non-muslims to feel.

If you see how big a trouble makers the british teenagers are,you will know that keeping them away is best for whole community...

Btw suburban areas round the world are the same..If you dont live there..you shouldnt go there..It has nothing to do with religion.

I live in Manchesteer which is smaller than Londoin..but there are areas here where i wont go..because people are poor and illiterate or just illiterate idiots and i am sure i will get racial abuse..so i will keep away..
Its same as suburban newyork..some areas blacks cant trespass and some areas whites cant...
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