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Islamic extremists set up ‘Sharia zones’ in UK

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Since when was watching TV haram, do you even know how many islamic channels are on tv in the UK, quite a few.

Just because a group of muslims go around sticking leaflets doesn't mean all of the muslim population in the UK is with them, i agree with some of their views but not all. This is bullshit scaremongering media hype.

Idiots like you and your brethren should look at the bigger picture before commenting, i have family in some of these so called 'sharia zone' areas. I will clearly lay it out for you, you can do what you wish in these areas.

You bhartis are having hissy fits for no reason so snap out of it.

P4kistan as a German-Egyptian Muslim I would really like to ask why can't European Muslims integrate into the Society, Most of the Islamophobia we experience today is the fault of European Muslims that's fact.
We had to cancel an Upper Heyford 77th Sqd. reunion on the advice of some of our English friends because of this. The Brits are more than willing toward religious tolerance but there is a serious undercurrent in British society that they have gone too far and that the muslims have gone too far as well. There will be serious confrontations between the two societies in the UK soon enough.

No its a propaganda to defame Muslims of Britain..There is no such thing as sharia zone...Printing posters and sticking them anonymously all over the place is easy..All you need is a printer...glue and a mask to cover your identity...and a non existent cleric who will accept responsibility on some anti Muslim website.
The tolerance is two sided in Britain....its a two way respect..If the non Muslims respect us or remain indifferent towards us..likewise we have all the respect for them.
We rae well aware that this is secular society..they dont come round to impose their atheist or christian values on us..and we never feel the urge to go and impose our values on them.....

On top of everything..did any of you try to verify the authenticity of this news????
If you click on the link which the OP has posted,it wont take you anywhere..Its a dead link..and you cannot find this news anywhere on the internet..Try googling it.

Shame on all of you .... you simply jumped into an anti muslim hate rant without ever trying to verify the authenticity of the news....
Then you blame us muslims to be at fault.
I think most of Tolerant Europe is at a breaking point the Guy in Oslo didn't punish Muslims he Punished the Party that let uncontrollable immigration in and did not integrate them, I fear it's only a matter of time before another attack will happen in Britain.
I think most of Tolerant Europe is at a breaking point the Guy in Oslo didn't punish Muslims he Punished the Party that let uncontrollable immigration in and did not integrate them, I fear it's only a matter of time before another attack will happen in Britain.

thats a universal muslim problems. Their unwillingness to integrate with other religion isolate them and force them to form their own group of extremists.

Can you please give me a clear and concise definition of INTEGRATION preferably with a list i need to tick of to see if i am integrated.

Why would we need to integrate with other religions when we follow ISLAM.

You keyboard cowboys know nothing of integration, you can go about ranting and raving muslims do this and that but you know nothing about the reality by sitting in India. We live and abide by British laws, we talk to our british neoghbours, we share sorrow and happiness with them etc, how much else do you want us to flippin integrate.

To those stating muslim ghettos/no go areas etc, i quick hypothetical question for you bhartis if you moved to the UK and had family here would you feel more comfortable living close to them/their area (as have generations of bhartis prior to you) or somewhere where you have right wing racist groups such as the BNP. It wouldn't be the latter, you would therefore be classified as living in the bharti ghetto blud.
No its a propaganda to defame Muslims of Britain..There is no such thing as sharia zone...Printing posters and sticking them anonymously all over the place is easy..All you need is a printer...glue and a mask to cover your identity...and a non existent cleric who will accept responsibility on some anti Muslim website.
The tolerance is two sided in Britain....its a two way respect..If the non Muslims respect us or remain indifferent towards us..likewise we have all the respect for them.
We rae well aware that this is secular society..they dont come round to impose their atheist or christian values on us..and we never feel the urge to go and impose our values on them.....

On top of everything..did any of you try to verify the authenticity of this news????
If you click on the link which the OP has posted,it wont take you anywhere..Its a dead link..and you cannot find this news anywhere on the internet..Try googling it.

Shame on all of you .... you simply jumped into an anti muslim hate rant without ever trying to verify the authenticity of the news....
Then you blame us muslims to be at fault.

They can do what they want to do. After all it's their country. Their Culture, No religion has such problem. I am not Muslim and lived there and i found perfectly fine same like India. Ask any Non-Muslims in U.K., they don't have any problem at all.

Pakistan is Islamic nation. Does Non-Muslims have right to impose their culture on Muslims in Pakistan ?? No......They will be killed.

Problem is When Muslims are in Majority they implement all religious thing......and when Minority they don't accept other culture, Tradition, Way of Living, etc. It's double standard!!


the boy looks jew..not muslim..and can be payed for...Under current situation..no sane muslim will ever do any such thing..you can be picked up by security services within hours and nobody will know where you went...

Still it doesn't prove anything...Tabloids are there to sell and make money and currently..thanks to mentality like yours,and many on this thread..Anything anti Muslim is believable without any verification and sells...
^^^^ choudary before Wahabism infected him he had sex with White girls and looked at **** and did LSD.
No its a propaganda to defame Muslims of Britain..There is no such thing as sharia zone...Printing posters and sticking them anonymously all over the place is easy..All you need is a printer...glue and a mask to cover your identity...and a non existent cleric .

He may or not be a cleric but Choudry certainly exists

Choudary is a vocal critic of the UK's involvement in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and has praised the terrorists involved in the attacks of 11 September 2001, and 7 July 2005. He believes in the implementation of Sharia Law throughout the UK, and marched in protest at the Jyllands-Posten cartoons controversy,

Since the disbandment of al-Muhajiroun, Choudary has often praised Muslim terrorists. He referred to the 11 September terrorists as "magnificent martyrs", and in 2003 appeared to endorse terrorist attacks by British Muslims, saying that al-Muhajiroun would "encourage people to fulfil their Islamic duties and responsibilities". In 2004 he said that a terror attack on British soil was "a matter of time"; following the 7 July 2005 London bombings he refused to condemn the atrocities
P4kistan as a German-Egyptian Muslim I would really like to ask why can't European Muslims integrate into the Society, Most of the Islamophobia we experience today is the fault of European Muslims that's fact.

Did i in my post write that we haven't or can't integrate into society, no i didn't. Please look at my previous post and answer the question on defining integration.

Most islamophobia isn't the fault of european muslims, do you know what 9/11 is, wasn't that the crux that brought islamophobia to the forefront. I admit the likes of anjem chaudry instill islamophobia by their actions but this is not the main cause of islamophobia it is the media and the zionist, nwo entities and supporters who are creating the islamophobia for their own agendas. Heck for all we know anjem chaudry and his goons could be on their payroll.

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