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Islamic extremists set up ‘Sharia zones’ in UK

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Did i in my post write that we haven't or can't integrate into society, no i didn't. Please look at my previous post and answer the question on defining integration.

Most islamophobia isn't the fault of european muslims, do you know what 9/11 is, wasn't that the crux that brought islamophobia to the forefront. I admit the likes of anjem chaudry instill islamophobia by their actions but this is not the main cause of islamophobia it is the media and the zionist, nwo entities and supporters who are creating the islamophobia for their own agendas. Heck for all we know anjem chaudry and his goons could be on their payroll.


waaaaaaaaaaw so osama bin laden (The swine eater ) who is the main reason for the so called ""islamophobia"" was also on jews payroll?? but then u pakistanis are also on israel's pay roll?? cause last time a polling was done in pakistan about laden 70%+loved him it seems waaaaaaaaw u guys even took out rallies in the name of the slain swine eater laden..
If you see how big a trouble makers the british teenagers are,you will know that keeping them away is best for whole community...
I will take this as a tacit acknowledgement that such 'zones' do exists. Overt or covert.
Map of Religious Country


Israel is exceptional as It's only single Jew country.
I can speak on behalf of 99.9% of muslims in the UK that we do respect others religious beliefs/cultural values eventhough they may not be in line with Islam.

In a free society anyone can give an opinion, with your definition imposing an opinion isn't integration. Then the majority of British society isn't INTEGRATED as everyone has opinions i.e. why are all you imposing your opinion/verdict on british muslims.

Being careful in talking to someone isn't integration, its common courtesy not to offend. For example if you were disabled i would need to take courtesy in not trying to offend you by not saying anything that may discomfort you. If a christian in india said something against one of the hindu gods then he would be murdered by the likes of shiv sena does that mean hindus aren't integrated in indian society as they took offence.

Your defintion makes no sense as there is no definitive defintion for integration in a society so stop trying to argue INTEGRATION.

who told you?? don't exaggerate few nutcases we have in India..1st of all no one listens to Shiv Sena in India..

2nd, M.F. Hussain, an Internationally known Indian muslim painter made nude pics of Indian Gods and he wasn't killed by any Hindu instead he has huge Hindu fans/followers , Hindus are tolerant and so are many other religions but some are not...

3rd, stick to the topic...You can't deny some muslims (not all) are making fun of themselves and Islam in different countries
i dont thing you are illiterate enough to think that one man on dope represents the whole Britishe muslim community...

Your right he doesn't represent all British Muslims, but the fact he has 500-1000 followers is something to worry about.
I will take this as a tacit acknowledgement that such 'zones' do exists. Overt or covert.

yes they do....no denying to that.....
and not only in London..also elsewhere..But it has more to do with keeping your community safe than anything to do with religion.

British Police encourages neighborhood watch by community...and encourages people to lookout for suspicious characters...and foer that reason those who dont live there often feel unwelcome as too many eyes scanning them.

Your right he doesn't represent all British Muslims, but the fact he has 500-1000 followers is something to worry about.

and if PDF knows..so does British Police and they will take care of them,and British muslims will help the police if required
Your right he doesn't represent all British Muslims, but the fact he has 500-1000 followers is something to worry about.

and we also have many defenders (of Sharia Law) on this forum like p4kistan which tells that Muslims there are actually in favour of Sharia Law
yes they do....no denying to that.....
and not only in London..also elsewhere..But it has more to do with keeping your community safe than anything to do with religion.

British Police encourages neighborhood watch by community...and encourages people to lookout for suspicious characters...and foer that reason those who dont live there often feel unwelcome as too many eyes scanning them.
Sorry...But neighborhood watch is not about warning people to abstain from alcohol or gambling. But what you are effectively saying is that all non-muslims are 'suspicious' characters.
It is terrible that news papers like the Mail are whipping up sentiment against a particular religious group for what a small minority does. I think this is promoting casual racism and hardening stances. I think they have a huge role to play in the emergence of the far right. I don't know what the solution to this problem is but whipping up sentiment like this doesn't seem to be a good idea.
Sorry...But neighborhood watch is not about warning people to abstain from alcohol or gambling. But what you are effectively saying is that all non-muslims are 'suspicious' characters.

you can take it the way you want.......
But to be honest...and to be blunt ... Non muslims are more likely to get drunk and disorderly than muslims..and thats why muslim communities discourage large gatherings of non muslim youths in their area....

read this for a better understanding of what i am saying..

Neighborhood watch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
you can take it the way you want.......
But to be honest...and to be blunt ... Non muslims are more likely to get drunk and disorderly than muslims..and thats why muslim communities discourage large gatherings of non muslim youths in their area....

read this for a better understanding of what i am saying..

Neighborhood watch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Are you suggesting they should stop people entering "their Area"?

Policing is to be left to the police. Vigilantes should be prosecuted under full force of law.
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