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ISIS kills 50 Egypt soldiers, seized town in Sinai

Blast in KSA,Kuwait and attack in Tunisia 're a heads up for everyone living in GCC.

As soon as foreigners leave, their economies would come crashing down. It would be a reality check for the arrogant locals living there though.
As soon as foreigners leave, their economies would come crashing down. It would be a reality check for the arrogant locals living there though.
Like they say every day is not Sunday....
So some day it might dawn on 'em.
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50 cal +rpg7
That's a lot of BS Mahmood and you know it! Egypt and Israel are the only two countries in recent history that told a whole town dweller that they have 5 mins to have their history and memories erased for good. You are telling us that the mighty Egyptian army can't subdue some ISIS guys in a deserted inhabited area.in an honorable manner..SAD..very SAD. But here we are talking about Sissi with his Napoleonic complexes and dreams, that already butchered thousands with tanks in Cairo, thousands disappeared and kidnapping the anti regime is a daily business.
i did not understand the first part
the fight against terror is never easy you being algrian you can understand we can look at pakistan syria iraq and every where a brave army is facing terrorists it is never easy and can take a lot of time and you cant make any mistake because they want you to use your heavy weapons in places full of civilians so they can get support that is why the army has been careful
el sisi a man who has guts who dare to do the right thing he is trying to fix our economy mubark in 30 years and the country was stable he did not dare do what el sisi has started to do because it is the right thing and the way forward
about the brotherhood and rab3a i explained that alot already
64 soldiers and police killed, according to army sources 50 militants killed, and civilian deaths as well.

Meanwhile Egyptian security today executed 9 MB officials in their homes and nobody is talking about it. Egypt is going toenter chaos. Sisi came to spark civil war for his foreign masters and he will flee Egypt and leave it to rot.
homes they were killed in a meeting in a flat In 6th of October city+they were armed
Why must religion have anything to do with politics? lol. Guess pakistan is a good example of how to let religious groups thrive and use politivs for their own interests. We can see how peaceful and prosperous pakistan is today. Pakistan should serve as a nodel to egypt and others in the region..:toast_sign:

To my egyptian friends, take heart, my sympathies are with you. we know the war against terrorism and their islamist sympathisers will be a long and tough one. But im sure they will be dealt with, eraducate them to the ladt ine, plus dont forget their synpathisers as well, since they also help keep/sustaim these terror groups. Good luck to the brave egyptian soldiers.:cheers:

Says the Indian who supported Communists against Pakistan has a thing called "red corridor" and 26 separatist movements lol
can anyone let me know any fatwa against isis. No body dare to fatwa against bagdadi
i noticed lol
Notice how ISIS is attacking everyone BUT Israel
I noticed too

The Egyptian army is unable to function Sinai for various reason:

- Sinai is a no man land and has been lawless for decades.

- The local tribes in Sinai have been discriminated by the Egyptian forces for years and the government left Sinai on its own since Israel's withdrawal which turned the tribes support for ISIS. Including the Palestinians living in Sinai who receives ill treatment. Egypt won't achieve anything without local support.

- Egypt is not the Middle East where a smaller territory and a population is more controllable than a huge uninhabitable desertous North Africa where it's nearly impossible to monitor, govern in the no man land etc like Sinai.

- Egypt army is also having a headache in their backyard, Libya.

- They're also suffering from internal problems in the mainland due to Sissi's policy toward the oppositions and the anti Sissi side of Egypt. Economically, he rely on the Gulf states support so the economic is vulnerable without them.

- Another major problem is they're "radicalizing" the MB and the supporters who are being targetted by Sissi's new terrorism law which means he is refering to the more religious Egyptians as opposed to him. This bolstered ISIS even more. Unfortunately, Sissi is not learning his lessons from other countries.
So, sisi is the one who call isis in egypt..
homes they were killed in a meeting in a flat In 6th of October city+they were armed

Bro you're smarter than that, anybody can have arms, doesn't give permission to kill them. Almost every American citizen has a rifle/handgun, it's not probable cause. These members were all taken to a location a murdered. Then of course the 'investigative' teams lied a rifle(probably belonging to police) aside the dead as if that's case closed. It's a very counterproductive move by the regime.
Bro you're smarter than that, anybody can have arms, doesn't give permission to kill them. Almost every American citizen has a rifle/handgun, it's not probable cause. These members were all taken to a location a murdered. Then of course the 'investigative' teams lied a rifle(probably belonging to police) aside the dead as if that's case closed. It's a very counterproductive move by the regime.
Yeah i thought guns were very common in the Arab world because weapons have been a part of Arab culture so its not out of the ordinary for a rural household to have a gun.
i did not understand the first part
the fight against terror is never easy you being algrian you can understand we can look at pakistan syria iraq and every where a brave army is facing terrorists it is never easy and can take a lot of time and you cant make any mistake because they want you to use your heavy weapons in places full of civilians so they can get support that is why the army has been careful
el sisi a man who has guts who dare to do the right thing he is trying to fix our economy mubark in 30 years and the country was stable he did not dare do what el sisi has started to do because it is the right thing and the way forward
about the brotherhood and rab3a i explained that alot already
Mahmood, a descent army or a descent leader goes after the cuplrits and refrain from collective punishment. I know a lot about terrorism, there is not an Algerian family that hasn't lost one of her family members during the dark years that we have endured. But the army, has never bombed villages or forced anyone to leave. Only Israel and Egypt are known to have done that..You may not like the MB's, but the one Sissi persecuted are 100% Egyptian like him, the one the police are kidnapping from the streets for no reason, are Egyptian too.
Mahmood, a descent army or a descent leader goes after the cuplrits and refrain from collective punishment. I know a lot about terrorism, there is not an Algerian family that hasn't lost one of her family members during the dark years that we have endured. But the army, has never bombed villages or forced anyone to leave. Only Israel and Egypt are known to have done that..You may not like the MB's, but the one Sissi persecuted are 100% Egyptian like him, the one the police are kidnapping from the streets for no reason, are Egyptian too.
people are walking in the streets no one is kidnaping them what happened to the brotherhood would not have happened if they accepted that morsi is out of power they stopped being a political party and they started using weapons killing civilians police and army it is not like you think or hear in the media friends people in the streets say what they want and no one is arresting them until someone encourage terror this is the red line Egyptian army has firepower that can completely destroy entire cites the army choose not to target terrorists untill there is no civilans around even if this means losses for the army
about creating a no man land near the border it is for the security of Egypt to stop smuggling of people and arms it is our right as a nation to do so this is not about isreal or gaza
Wow! what is the combination abdel fateh al-sisi and isis

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