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ISIS kills 50 Egypt soldiers, seized town in Sinai


You are blabbering just like your fellow countrymen...And their is nobody who as a nano gram of brain will believe that the Egyptian army killed 500 ISIS guys, in a couple days. The US, the one that uses you a doormat for their policies doesn't believe. If you are serious, you need to be real, we are not in the 60's where information takes months even years to reach. You are powerless, with all the help your getting from the US, France, the Sauds for the dirty work you do for them, you are overclassed by ISIS in every level. You didn't defeat them in Libya, for lack of means and you are not going to defeat them in Sinai for lack of balls.
You talk about the Algerian army? if Egypt was embargoes like Algeria was, with the same countries that are financing the destruction of Iraq and Syria, you would have caved in a few hours. Remember 48, 57, 67, 73..In 67, it took the Israeli 6 hrs to put you on your knees and undress you for all the world to see. Same scenario in 73, but you lasted a few hours longer for the obvious reasons.
You are no Algeria and your army is no ANP...You all have a lot of learning to do, before you get even close...it will take decades and decades...Now you don't even register in what is called regional power...You might strike you arab friends will all the hoopla and the dust thrown behind your tank, but it still dust. You just a powerless clay giant, incapable of standing to Israel orders, incapable to face the Houthis on the ground and more so ISIS in your own country, especially right now when your sandwiched between the one in Lybia and the one the sinai..

You army is in reality a jumbalaya of a mercenary thugs lead by a thug. End of discussion...Enjoy Egypt while it still, one peace.
i can answer every word but there is no point it is as if you are programed to search for anything about Egypt you enter deny anything good and bring up the algrian army for some reason and compare it to us i dont need to that
the isrealis and us fought in 4 wars and there is a peace treaty we honor yet you are mad about a football match or whatever it is that made you this way this is just sad

ISIS will get nowhere in egypt, they can kill 10,000 egyptian soldiers and they will still get nowhere. Egypt has a long history and a strong islamic identity, they aren't going to let some barbarians push them around. ISIS can't hold territory in egypt, waving around a flag for a few hours in a town doesn't mean anything.

ISIS will get nowhere in egypt, they can kill 10,000 egyptian soldiers and they will still get nowhere. Egypt has a long history and a strong islamic identity, they aren't going to let some barbarians push them around. ISIS can't hold territory in egypt, waving around a flag for a few hours in a town doesn't mean anything.
Exactly right. They have no chance, all they do is fuel instability and kill mostly muslims. Then they scare off all of the minorities like christians and jews thus destroying the region's long and great history of cultural and religious diversity.
Turkey needs to be put on the list of international sponsors of terrorism for the Turkish sponsored attack on Egypt
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