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ISIS kills 50 Egypt soldiers, seized town in Sinai

"The Egyptian army has killed 241 militants over the past five days, military spokesman Mohamed Samir announced on Monday."

The surprising thing here is that, woah, there seems to be a lot of militants in Egypt. Let's wish that Egypt is not sitting on a time bomb.

There needs to be more coordination between countries in the region to get rid of terrorists. Countries only take action when something happens in their country, otherwise they ignore it.


At least five civilians were injured in a bomb explosion early Tuesday in Behira Governorate.

The bomb was planted in car that was parked in the area surrounding Etay el-Barod court in Behira, a medical source said.

The explosion has also damaged two vehicles in the area.

Security forces and bomb experts rushed to the spot andare currently in search for other potential bombs.

Etay el-Brod court is one of the Egyptian courts in which Muslim Brotherhood members are being tried in different cases, judicial sources said.

No court damage were reported, however, they said.

In a separate incident, two unknown gunmen attacked a police checkpoint in early hours in Sharqia Governorate, injuring one policeman, a security source said.

The gunmen were riding a motorcycle when they fired abirdshot on the policeman. He was immediately transferred to ahospital.

The attacks targeting police and military have increased after the ouster of Islamist ex-president Mohamed Morsi in 2013 by military following massive protests against his rule.

Several security personnel have been reported killed since then.
Egyptian Armed Forces operations from the 1st of July to the fifth of July 2015:

- 241 terrorists killed in action
- 4 wanted suspects arrested and 29 suspects arrested
- destruction of 26 vehicles used by terrorists ( 11 land cruisers - 10 "Thailandy" cars one of which was a SVBIED - 1 VERNA - 4 pick up trucks)
- Destruction of 28 motorcycles
- Controlled explosion of 16 roadside IEDs
- 4 terrorist command and control locations destroyed
- large amounts of arms, ammunitions, and communications equipment seized

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- Ask if you want a detailed explanation of where the terrorists were killed.

These operations were a response to a large terrorist attack that resulted in 17 Egyptian personnel dead.

A video in English explaining how the attack happened:-

‫معركة الثأر (مدبلج باللغة الإنجليزية)‬‎ - YouTube

Apache footage near the end of the video:

Different Apache footage:-

‫الصفحة الرسمية للمتحدث العسكري للقوات المسلحة | Facebook‬

‫الصفحة الرسمية للمتحدث العسكري للقوات المسلحة | Facebook‬
Please Frogman, are the today "sawt el 3arab"... nobody believes that Egyptian army can move all the equipment and the troops in the Sinai, nor believe the numbers of casualities inflicted to the real "ISIS"...Because it they were that many, the half pint Mussolini wouldn't have gone to Sinai, that if, he did in reality!
Most of the dead are innocent Egyptians that were killed by a nervous army. It showed it in Cairo not long ago...Against ISIS she is as effectual as tits in a wild boar...We saw it in Lybia after 28 Egyptian copts were assassinated, and we are seeing it in Yemen , as the striker, KSA hired with big money..One thing is sure KSA got screwed as always, and the Sinai dwellers are suffering the the Egyptian army's legionnaire syndrome.

Please Frogman, are the today "sawt el 3arab"... nobody believes that Egyptian army can move all the equipment and the troops in the Sinai, nor believe the numbers of casualities inflicted to the real "ISIS"...Because it they were that many, the half pint Mussolini wouldn't have gone to Sinai, that if, he did in reality!
Most of the dead are innocent Egyptians that were killed by a nervous army. It showed it in Cairo not long ago...Against ISIS she is as effectual as tits in a wild boar...We saw it in Lybia after 28 Egyptian copts were assassinated, and we are seeing it in Yemen , as the striker, KSA hired with big money..One thing is sure KSA got screwed as always, and the Sinai dwellers are suffering the the Egyptian army's legionnaire syndrome.

Unless you can prove anything you just wrote, bugger off. I don't have the patience any more to deal with BS . The opinions of yokels Egyptian or otherwise do not bother me nor do they replace fact.
90 milion

So you think egypt can defeat israel in war? :D thoughr the 6days war already thougt Arabs not to try and wage war on israel. Its even a shame that a 90million strong country with vast land/resources couldny walk over a barely 6 million small country. Lol. Its like china fighting with say mongolia and mongolia gaining an upper hand , concessions after the war, then china celebrating victory. Lol
Seriously im sure the regional governments have already learned their lessons.
So you think egypt can defeat israel in war? :D thoughr the 6days war already thougt Arabs not to try and wage war on israel. Its even a shame that a 90million strong country with vast land/resources couldny walk over a barely 6 million small country. Lol. Its like china fighting with say mongolia and mongolia gaining an upper hand , concessions after the war, then china celebrating victory. Lol
Seriously im sure the regional governments have already learned their lessons.
we dont need war now we have our land back we regained sainai as a result of the 73 war just as we wanted
Notice how ISIS is attacking everyone BUT Israel.

How come ISIS doesn't attack Israel? They attack everyone but israel.

Maybe because Israel has a fortified borders which makes it impossible for ISIS terrorists to penetrate.

Hamas tried in the 50 Day War by digging tunnels but they were all found and destroyed.

Very strange agreement..

Sinai is a demilitarized zone. That was the only way that Israel withdrew from the Sinai that no large scale mechanized egyptian forces will be deployed there.

I think Egypt should deploy Tanks, APC, Gunships, F-16 and other weapony to deal with this ISIS menace.

They need to isolate an area entirely and go to every nook and cranny and cleanse it.

Please Frogman, are the today "sawt el 3arab"... nobody believes that Egyptian army can move all the equipment and the troops in the Sinai, nor believe the numbers of casualities inflicted to the real "ISIS"...Because it they were that many, the half pint Mussolini wouldn't have gone to Sinai, that if, he did in reality!
Most of the dead are innocent Egyptians that were killed by a nervous army. It showed it in Cairo not long ago...Against ISIS she is as effectual as tits in a wild boar...We saw it in Lybia after 28 Egyptian copts were assassinated, and we are seeing it in Yemen , as the striker, KSA hired with big money..One thing is sure KSA got screwed as always, and the Sinai dwellers are suffering the the Egyptian army's legionnaire syndrome.
You know if this was the 60s I would have agreed with you but this isn't the 60s were the government controls all forms of media we now have the Internet were the other side can tell the truth with proves + no one can hide the death of 70 conscripts + the army's claims are supported by videos of the air strikes and photos of dead rats
Unless you can prove anything you just wrote, bugger off. I don't have the patience any more to deal with BS . The opinions of yokels Egyptian or otherwise do not bother me nor do they replace fact.
For a so called smart guy, you keep posting stupidities...If what you post are a facts, in a deserted area, with the 500,000 plus troops, will all those f16, mirages, MIG 21..Egypt should have cleaned the Sinai, squeaky clean! all you showed is your own innocent citizen killed in their dwelling by nervous soldiers...You don't have an army but a bunch of demonic thugs lead by a demonic takfiri president..
You want to show what you have in your pants ...show it to Israel, the country that use your border patrol for clay pigeons..here the real army do...when she start talking...
7 7 15 algerian army communique en terroriste tue en arabe.png 7 7 15 algerian army communique en terroriste tue.png

twice and half of the Egyptian territory...This a real army that protects her citizens with honor, she has never ever used collective punishment like yours does..
And here too, it happened to day ago where a police checkpoint was attacked...
7 7 15 BRI attacked 1.jpg


Four wounded among the police force, that stopped a carnage before it happened in Bouira. The didn't call in the tanks, it was a police job, and the police forces pursued them and eliminated them, without one citizen being hurt...in a crowded evening...


  • 7 7 15 BRI attacked 2.jpg
    7 7 15 BRI attacked 2.jpg
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For a so called smart guy, you keep posting stupidities...If what you post are a facts, in a deserted area, with the 500,000 plus troops, will all those f16, mirages, MIG 21..Egypt should have cleaned the Sinai, squeaky clean! all you showed is your own innocent citizen killed in their dwelling by nervous soldiers...You don't have an army but a bunch of demonic thugs lead by a demonic takfiri president..
You want to show what you have in your pants ...show it to Israel, the country that use your border patrol for clay pigeons..here the real army do...when she start talking...
View attachment 235989 View attachment 235991

twice and half of the Egyptian territory...This a real army that protects her citizens with honor, she has never ever used collective punishment like yours does..
And here too, it happened to day ago where a police checkpoint was attacked...
View attachment 235992

Four wounded among the police force, that stopped a carnage before it happened in Bouira. The didn't call in the tanks, it was a police job, and the police forces pursued them and eliminated them, without one citizen being hurt...in a crowded evening...

I no longer have the patience to deal with your bullshit. I will no longer correct nor reply to you because you're an utter moron. Prove at least one thing you write or piss off!
I no longer have the patience to deal with your bullshit. I will no longer correct nor reply to you because you're an utter moron. Prove at least one thing you write or piss off!
Then you proved me right...
You country too, has been made for you, and like other Arabs counties, Egyptian can't fight is simple as that...Good luck , enjoy Egypt while it still as whole...It may not be next year..
Don't tell me to piss off, you may need us to save your @ss again...In reality you can stop ISIS , they are about to sandwich you...
For a so called smart guy, you keep posting stupidities...If what you post are a facts, in a deserted area, with the 500,000 plus troops, will all those f16, mirages, MIG 21..Egypt should have cleaned the Sinai, squeaky clean! all you showed is your own innocent citizen killed in their dwelling by nervous soldiers...You don't have an army but a bunch of demonic thugs lead by a demonic takfiri president..
You want to show what you have in your pants ...show it to Israel, the country that use your border patrol for clay pigeons..here the real army do...when she start talking...
View attachment 235989 View attachment 235991

twice and half of the Egyptian territory...This a real army that protects her citizens with honor, she has never ever used collective punishment like yours does..
And here too, it happened to day ago where a police checkpoint was attacked...
View attachment 235992

Four wounded among the police force, that stopped a carnage before it happened in Bouira. The didn't call in the tanks, it was a police job, and the police forces pursued them and eliminated them, without one citizen being hurt...in a crowded evening...
the fact that you bring up the algrian army prove that you are just feeling small compared to the Egyptian army that is why you are anywhere there is mention of Egypt you even sometimes talk just like the takfiri idiots who were responsible for all that happened in your country before but i am not like you i dont have to feel important by thinking less of the armies in the middle east i have a lot of respect for any army that face the extremest idiots in hte middle east


the fact that you bring up the algrian army prove that you are just feeling small compared to the Egyptian army that is why you are anywhere there is mention of Egypt you even sometimes talk just like the takfiri idiots who were responsible for all that happened in your country before but i am not like you i dont have to feel important by thinking less of the armies in the middle east i have a lot of respect for any army that face the extremest idiots in hte middle east
You are blabbering just like your fellow countrymen...And their is nobody who as a nano gram of brain will believe that the Egyptian army killed 500 ISIS guys, in a couple days. The US, the one that uses you a doormat for their policies doesn't believe. If you are serious, you need to be real, we are not in the 60's where information takes months even years to reach. You are powerless, with all the help your getting from the US, France, the Sauds for the dirty work you do for them, you are overclassed by ISIS in every level. You didn't defeat them in Libya, for lack of means and you are not going to defeat them in Sinai for lack of balls.
You talk about the Algerian army? if Egypt was embargoes like Algeria was, with the same countries that are financing the destruction of Iraq and Syria, you would have caved in a few hours. Remember 48, 57, 67, 73..In 67, it took the Israeli 6 hrs to put you on your knees and undress you for all the world to see. Same scenario in 73, but you lasted a few hours longer for the obvious reasons.
You are no Algeria and your army is no ANP...You all have a lot of learning to do, before you get even close...it will take decades and decades...Now you don't even register in what is called regional power...You might strike you arab friends will all the hoopla and the dust thrown behind your tank, but it still dust. You just a powerless clay giant, incapable of standing to Israel orders, incapable to face the Houthis on the ground and more so ISIS in your own country, especially right now when your sandwiched between the one in Lybia and the one the sinai..

You army is in reality a jumbalaya of a mercenary thugs lead by a thug. End of discussion...Enjoy Egypt while it still, one peace.


You are blabbering just like your fellow countrymen...And their is nobody who as a nano gram of brain will believe that the Egyptian army killed 500 ISIS guys, in a couple days. The US, the one that uses you a doormat for their policies doesn't believe. If you are serious, you need to be real, we are not in the 60's where information takes months even years to reach. You are powerless, with all the help your getting from the US, France, the Sauds for the dirty work you do for them, you are overclassed by ISIS in every level. You didn't defeat them in Libya, for lack of means and you are not going to defeat them in Sinai for lack of balls.
You talk about the Algerian army? if Egypt was embargoes like Algeria was, with the same countries that are financing the destruction of Iraq and Syria, you would have caved in a few hours. Remember 48, 57, 67, 73..In 67, it took the Israeli 6 hrs to put you on your knees and undress you for all the world to see. Same scenario in 73, but you lasted a few hours longer for the obvious reasons.
You are no Algeria and your army is no ANP...You all have a lot of learning to do, before you get even close...it will take decades and decades...Now you don't even register in what is called regional power...You might strike you arab friends will all the hoopla and the dust thrown behind your tank, but it still dust. You just a powerless clay giant, incapable of standing to Israel orders, incapable to face the Houthis on the ground and more so ISIS in your own country, especially right now when your sandwiched between the one in Lybia and the one the sinai..

You army is in reality a jumbalaya of a mercenary thugs lead by a thug. End of discussion...Enjoy Egypt while it still, one peace.


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