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Egyptian military helicopter 'gunned down' in north Sinai, 5 dead


RIP for the victims...

Surely the Egyptian army will be quick to adapt in this asymmetric war...just give them time to adjust...

The error they committed is their refusal to heed the suggestions [during Mubarek] of the American to take off their eye of Israel and to concentrate in training their troop to face terrorism!
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which answer will pleases you the most ? coming in or going out?

It's not about that, they can mean two very different things. If it's coming out of Algeria to Libya it comes to Gaza. :lol:

Algeria is helping arm us, right? You claim to support Palestinians ...:D
This has been going on for a while in Sinai and is more complicated than we make it. Problem is army's objectives aren't such good willed things. They can't say they are the right people because people back them. The army has been attacking Sinai for a while now and the economy there is what led people to be hopeless and work against the state. I don't want another Syria and neither do Egyptians nor the MB. However people are getting tired of their voices censored, for decades now islamists have done many things and tried to cooperate with all nations only to have conspiracies against them by local governments and western nations.

Yeah, all Arab nations united under a major Sunni Islam nation would bring the major peace in the Middle East.

No more sectarian conflict, no more militia against the West.

A large united nation will bring a suitable environment for Arab people to develop their economy and technology.
Yeah, all Arab nations united under a major Sunni Islam nation would bring the major peace in the Middle East.

No more sectarian conflict, no more militia against the West.

A large united nation will bring a suitable environment for Arab people to develop their economy and technology.

Well militia against West is necessary right now to get them to stop interfering in Arabic nations affairs and remove their military bases and presence. We need sovereignty and self determination. That's when the conflict with the West would come to an end. Muslims don't want to fight or die, unfortunately they have to and have nothing to lose. Sectarian conflict needs to end today, hopefully wiser leaders emerge in the future.
Well militia against West is necessary right now to get them to stop interfering in Arabic nations affairs and remove their military bases and presence. We need sovereignty and self determination. That's when the conflict with the West would come to an end. Muslims don't want to fight or die, unfortunately they have to and have nothing to lose. Sectarian conflict needs to end today, hopefully wiser leaders emerge in the future.

Of course, the Arab people right now have no choice, just like we did the guerrilla warfare to Jap in WWII and Yankees in the Korean War.

The West keeps looting your resources, meanwhile they want to keep your people at the bottom. This will only further fuel the anger of the Arab people. The West has simply pushed everything too far and don't let the Arab people to survive.

But the future opportunity is coming for Arab, as the decline of the West and USA no longer being able to control the world, the Arab World needs their own Mao Zedong to unite them together.

A united Arab World will also contribute the balance in the future multipolar world just like China did right now.
Of course, the Arab people right now have no choice, just like we did the guerrilla warfare to Jap in WWII and Yankees in the Korean War.

The West keeps looting your resources, meanwhile they want to keep your people at the bottom. This will only further fuel the anger of the Arab people. The West has simply pushed everything too far and don't let the Arab people to survive.

But the future opportunity is coming for Arab, as the decline of the West and USA no longer being able to control the world, the Arab World needs their own Mao Zedong to unite them together.

A united Arab World will also contribute the balance in the future multipolar world just like China did right now.

Couldn't have said it better, this is a chance for a major change but also a good development for Arabic nations to get theirselves secure, and then move towards stability and innovation after they manage to free themselves from this hegemony.

China is also playing things very smart and I admire their patience. :)
Couldn't have said it better, this is a chance for a major change but also a good development for Arabic nations to get theirselves secure, and then move towards stability and innovation after they manage to free themselves from this hegemony.

China is also playing things very smart and I admire their patience. :)

Of course, as Chairman Mao said, people's power came from the gun, while the riot and protest will not overthrow the tyranny and the foreign invaders.

Except USA and their Anglo brothers, i can assure you that no one in the world loves the war.

The many Arab militias just like China's guerrilla fighters in 80 years ago are fighting for the freedom of their nation, while the West is fighitng the war for the fun.

BTW, the guerrilla tactics right now could drain enemy's power in decades, after the foreign enemies no longer being able to stay, it is the time to overthrow the local puppets.

Without a bloody and harsh fighting, the peace will not come to you as the predators will not be scared off.
Of course, as Chairman Mao said, people's power came from the gun, while the riot and protest will not overthrow the tyranny and the foreign invaders.

Except USA and their Anglo brothers, i can assure you that no one in the world loves the war.

The many Arab militia just like China's guerrilla fighters in 80 years are fighting for the freedom of their nation, while the West is fighitng the war for the fun.

BTW, the guerrilla tactics right now could drain enemy's power in decades, after the foreign enemies no longer being able to stay, it is the time to overthrow the local puppets.

Without a bloody and harsh fighting, the peace will not come to you as the predators will not be scared off.

This is true...however some people in the west will ignore these wise words even though their history entails of such scenarios where they used violence first. Such as the civil wars with the British or within the US or violence during Cold War era...there are so many examples.

Yet, when it comes to us they have a whole different thought process and approach.
untill now i dont know if it was apache but i can tell you this for every one died for his country we will never forget of forgive we will clear saniai soon and we made great progress so far

All terrorists need to die, its the best outcome of any rebellion....:coffee:
This is true...however some people in the west will ignore these wise words even though their history entails of such scenarios where they used violence first. Such as the civil wars with the British or within the US or violence during Cold War era...there are so many examples.

Yet, when it comes to us they have a whole different thought process and approach.

USA is the master of double standard.

They were using violence to unite their nation, but don't allow other people to follow the same.

For example, to other nations, they will state that Human Right > Sovereignty, but for themselves, it is Sovereignty > Human Right.

Many non-westerners are simply too naive and getting fooled by those wolves under the sheep skin by believing their so-called "democracy".
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Yeah, all Arab nations united under a major Sunni Islam nation would bring the major peace in the Middle East.

No more sectarian conflict, no more militia against the West.

A large united nation will bring a suitable environment for Arab people to develop their economy and technology.

You mean like the European Nation?
Wait a minute, never existed...
(Holy) Roman/Napoleonic Empires/Third Reich enforced on others by a single nation
through war are not good examples for an Arabic success.

The approach of the European Union is a much better example.
Close cooperation between independent countries.
No war between France and Germany for 70 years (probably a record) is a great success.
Big problems exists, but the problems (within EU) are solved without war.

Making a Sunni nation including mostly Shia Iraq without a major conflict? Is that really going to happen?

Learn to live with the differences is a much better approach.
In Europe a war was fought between Protestants and Catolic states between 1618 - 1648.
Much like Syria today. I read somewhere that

the number of Czech villages before = 30,000. After the war about 6,000 villages remained.
Northern Europe is still mostly Protestant and Southern Europe still Catholic so the war
just depressed most economies. Very small political change except for some minor border changes.
Now both "sects" are working together in the EU.

Very few European want to see Arabs repressed.
Europeans want to live a good life, go on vacation to (safe) warm arab countries
(-40' C In Northern Europe at the moment. You can throw a glass of water in the air, and hear the ice hit the ground)

Part of the way market economics work, does work against Arabs.

A hotel room for 2 or 3 could well be 200 € / night in Northern Europe.
For a family of 5 you would need 2 rooms, so for a week holiday it is 2400-2800 €
You can get a much better deal by flying to Egypt all-inclusive hotels but the result is that
the employees of a resort hotel wont be paid as much as hotel employees in Northern Europe.
Not everyone can go to the outrageous priced hotels in Dubai...

I expect that if/when economies grow salaries will grow as well.
In the 1960s people were going to low cost Spain, and Spain is no longer low cost.

Western multinational companies are under pressure to improve the conditions
of their employees in "low-cost" countries. If a company uses repressive
rules vs employees, they could face consumer boycotts in the EU.

Very few companies start producing in Arab countries, but that probably has to do
with the political unrest, but also with perception.
Chinese/South East Asians are known to work hard and not make trouble.
The rise of the Chinese Economy since WW2 is amazing, and Europeans
do not want them to be poor. (they want more market for Mercedes-Benz and BMWs).

Arabs do not have this reputation, which may be fair or unfair.
The Arab nations needs to show that they are willing partners to the rest of the world.
Partners implies equality, and if the Arabs feel inferiority there can never be real partnership.
This is an internal journey (Jihad:-) that must happen in each Arab, and can only be achieved
by the Arabs themselves.

Arabs does not need to isolate themselves from the world. Arabs needs to find what they
can do better than anyone else in the world, concentrate on that, and make people outside want it.
The Arabs were a great power once when science and innovation was appreciated.
Is it appreciated right now?

Today, oil, tourism and food stuff is what the Arab nations have to offer.

Need to find more, guys!

If/when this happens, then real progress can happen.

Can only wish you good luck on a hard journey.
You mean like the European Nation?
Wait a minute, never existed...
(Holy) Roman/Napoleonic Empires/Third Reich enforced on others by a single nation
through war are not good examples for an Arabic success.

The approach of the European Union is a much better example.
Close cooperation between independent countries.
No war between France and Germany for 70 years (probably a record) is a great success.
Big problems exists, but the problems (within EU) are solved without war.

Making a Sunni nation including mostly Shia Iraq without a major conflict? Is that really going to happen?

Learn to live with the differences is a much better approach.
In Europe a war was fought between Protestants and Catolic states between 1618 - 1648.
Much like Syria today. I read somewhere that

the number of Czech villages before = 30,000. After the war about 6,000 villages remained.
Northern Europe is still mostly Protestant and Southern Europe still Catholic so the war
just depressed most economies. Very small political change except for some minor border changes.
Now both "sects" are working together in the EU.

Very few European want to see Arabs repressed.
Europeans want to live a good life, go on vacation to (safe) warm arab countries
(-40' C In Northern Europe at the moment. You can throw a glass of water in the air, and hear the ice hit the ground)

Part of the way market economics work, does work against Arabs.

A hotel room for 2 or 3 could well be 200 € / night in Northern Europe.
For a family of 5 you would need 2 rooms, so for a week holiday it is 2400-2800 €
You can get a much better deal by flying to Egypt all-inclusive hotels but the result is that
the employees of a resort hotel wont be paid as much as hotel employees in Northern Europe.
Not everyone can go to the outrageous priced hotels in Dubai...

I expect that if/when economies grow salaries will grow as well.
In the 1960s people were going to low cost Spain, and Spain is no longer low cost.

Western multinational companies are under pressure to improve the conditions
of their employees in "low-cost" countries. If a company uses repressive
rules vs employees, they could face consumer boycotts in the EU.

Very few companies start producing in Arab countries, but that probably has to do
with the political unrest, but also with perception.
Chinese/South East Asians are known to work hard and not make trouble.
The rise of the Chinese Economy since WW2 is amazing, and Europeans
do not want them to be poor. (they want more market for Mercedes-Benz and BMWs).

Arabs do not have this reputation, which may be fair or unfair.
The Arab nations needs to show that they are willing partners to the rest of the world.
Partners implies equality, and if the Arabs feel inferiority there can never be real partnership.
This is an internal journey (Jihad:-) that must happen in each Arab, and can only be achieved
by the Arabs themselves.

Arabs does not need to isolate themselves from the world. Arabs needs to find what they
can do better than anyone else in the world, concentrate on that, and make people outside want it.
The Arabs were a great power once when science and innovation was appreciated.
Is it appreciated right now?

Today, oil, tourism and food stuff is what the Arab nations have to offer.

Need to find more, guys!

If/when this happens, then real progress can happen.

Can only wish you good luck on a hard journey.

The Arab people don't want to remain poor and oppressed by the foreigners.

China was not united back in 80 years ago, there was endless war between the warlords and invaded by the foreigners.

The Arab people are now experiencing what we have experienced in 80 years ago, so they need a strong united Arab nation.

Only a strong united Arab nation can provide the oppoturnity for all Arabs to live in the better life standard.
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