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Egyptian military helicopter 'gunned down' in north Sinai, 5 dead

lol strong? :rofl:

Egypt lost over 400 soldiers (last reported November by Reuturs) in Sinai. I like how those people claiming the army is strong when they barely can handle those militants.

They should release those videos of themselves with hardwares been hit instead of waiting for those takfiris to upload them on YouTube with their annoyance of nasheed songs.
the hardest thing is fighting terror when you cant see the enemy and he is hiding in a civlian pouplation ambushing you and dissappering but our army is doing a great job and we will win in the end
there are very respectful men but some of them are very much like master and slave relationship they don't have a logical approach to affairs when their leaders tell them to act on certain things.

In Gaza though they don't behave like that, for example if they got order to disarm from their political branch they would absolutely not act on that and would be conflicting with orders of political branch.

Its called being a disciplined soldier. Unless an order violates the oath you've taken, (militarty or common) law, and/or the constitution it must be carried out, unless you want to be court martialed.

Soldiers that can not follow orders in times of relative peace will never be effective in times of war when command and control is absolutely necessary to overcome the enemy.
Clear, signs of foreign support behind so called labelled as Islamists @FaujHistorian

BTW, biggest critiques of Iran's military were non other than the liberals (critiques of Islam) of this forum and Iranians.
Its called being a disciplined soldier. Unless an order violates the oath you've taken, (militarty or common) law, and/or the constitution it must be carried out, unless you want to be court martialed.

Soldiers that can not follow orders in times of relative peace will never be effective in times of war when command and control is absolutely necessary to overcome the enemy.

I'm not referring to war though.
What's with bringing Iran in every single thread of this forum?

There were lot of critiques from Iran and pro Iranians on this forum against Egypt's military coup.
My God, I was simply referring to it...... unlike you not cursing and bombing other states.
May i ask same question.... @FaujHistorian what is with bringing Islam in every thread of this forum?

monster mullahs are getting strong day by day

Perhaps, they grow, food, money and SAM's in fields and caves. :undecided::undecided:
BTW... i like to know Iranian and pro Iranian version on it..... who always blamed Saudis for funding terrorism.
In this case Egypt army has full political support of KSA than who is behind attacks on Egypt army?
I don't Egypt is mentioning the casualty toll on the other side, I believe they're censoring that from the media. Nevertheless more clashes between army and bedioun militant group....

4 Egyptian troops killed, 11 injured in attack on bus in Sinai | Maan News Agency

CAIRO (Ma'an) -- Four Egyptian soldiers were killed and eleven others were injured on Sunday morning in an armed attack by unidentified gunmen on a bus carrying Egyptian soldiers in the Sinai Peninsula.

An Egyptian military source privy to the details told a Ma'an reporter in El-Arish that a group of gunmen ambushed a bus carrying soldiers in the winding Mitla Pass in the central Sinai district.

The attackers fired a rocket-propelled grenade at the bus before showering it with gunfire, killing four soldiers and injuring eleven others. The attackers then fled the scene.

I don't Egypt is mentioning the casualty toll on the other side, I believe they're censoring that from the media. Nevertheless more clashes between army and bedioun militant group....

4 Egyptian troops killed, 11 injured in attack on bus in Sinai | Maan News Agency

CAIRO (Ma'an) -- Four Egyptian soldiers were killed and eleven others were injured on Sunday morning in an armed attack by unidentified gunmen on a bus carrying Egyptian soldiers in the Sinai Peninsula.

An Egyptian military source privy to the details told a Ma'an reporter in El-Arish that a group of gunmen ambushed a bus carrying soldiers in the winding Mitla Pass in the central Sinai district.

The attackers fired a rocket-propelled grenade at the bus before showering it with gunfire, killing four soldiers and injuring eleven others. The attackers then fled the scene.


Bedouins should be disarmed, you can’t trust them, all of Sinai disarmed wouldn’t that be good.
I don't think death toll of militants or civilians are mentioned by Egypt on the other side. Nevertheless more clashes between army and bedioun militants today....

4 Egyptian troops killed, 11 injured in attack on bus in Sinai | Maan News Agency

CAIRO (Ma'an) -- Four Egyptian soldiers were killed and eleven others were injured on Sunday morning in an armed attack by unidentified gunmen on a bus carrying Egyptian soldiers in the Sinai Peninsula.

An Egyptian military source privy to the details told a Ma'an reporter in El-Arish that a group of gunmen ambushed a bus carrying soldiers in the winding Mitla Pass in the central Sinai district.

The attackers fired a rocket-propelled grenade at the bus before showering it with gunfire, killing four soldiers and injuring eleven others. The attackers then fled the scene.


@Serpentine ....double post I didn't notice that my friend...thanks.

Bedouins should be disarmed, you can’t trust them, all of Sinai disarmed wouldn’t that be good.

Thank your Egyptian military for abandoning the Sinai population for a long time now. Which only encouraged them to find sources for a living and the military then declared their methods illegal and cracked down on them. Which is why they know armed and don't have confidence in the military.

I want a balance in the Sinai and if the Egyptian army continues to disregard their people and continue to siege Gaza along with Israel then they should seek complete control I'm sorry.
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