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Egyptian military helicopter 'gunned down' in north Sinai, 5 dead

Europe was not a single nation 75 years ago, and fought the worst war in its history,
and is still not a single nation, so whats your point.

China is divided into Peoples Republic of China and Taiwan, but both seems to prosper.
Europe was not a single nation 75 years ago, and fought the worst war in its history,
and is still not a single nation, so whats your point.

China is divided into Peoples Republic of China and Taiwan, but both seems to prosper.

Europe is Europe, Arabia is Arabia, don't compare apple to orange.

BTW, ROC is not relevant anymore, since we have a strong PRC to secure the future of the Chinese people.

Arab and Chinese were both the victims of the imperialism, that's why we need to follow a similar path to ensure our future.
RiP to the dead.

Europe is Europe, Arabia is Arabia, don't compare apple to orange.

BTW, ROC is not relevant anymore, since we have a strong PRC to secure the future of the Chinese people.

Arab and Chinese were both the victims of the imperialism, that's why we need to follow a similar path to ensure our future.

Still the existence of the ROC, and the fact that it is backed by Western countries may raise some legit concerns for the Chinese. I'm confident though that the Chinese will always come over all challenges.
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RiP to the dead.

Still the existence of the ROC, and the fact that it is backed by Western countries may raise some legit concerns for the Chinese. I'm confident though that the Chinese will always come over all challenges.

This puppet regime will not last long, when the right opportunity is coming, PRC will weed it out.

BTW, for now, we need to keep improved ourselves in economy and technology until we fully surpass USA in every major domain.
China managed to throw out the Japanese mainly because the defeat by the US forces
and in late stages the Soviets (aid from foreign powers).
No large improvement of the economy until the Community Party decided to foster a good economic climate.

Let's see, which contries have been "occupied" by Americans for a substantial time during the last 100 years.
Japan, Germany, maybe you could call South Korea "occupied", if you are in that mood.
All financial disasters by any measurement...

Then you have Vietnam where the South Vietnam regime invited (begged) for the US so not conquered.

Finally Iraq and Afghanistan which are the examples of totally failed approach by the inhabitants.

What is important is not absence of foreigners, but absence of conflicts and strangling rules/customs.

I remember the movie "the Mouse that roared" where there was a small kingdom in Europe that was bankrupt.
Their strategy, based on the result of the WW2 was to declare war vs the US on Monday, expect a US invasion
on Tuesday, and a flow of money due to a "Marshall plan" for the occupied territories on Wednesday.
They sent their army consisting 20 odd archers to the US, but unfortunately the commander blew it by capturing some nuclear bombs and forced the US to surrender.

The commander was NOT popular, when he returned home with a victory...
China managed to throw out the Japanese mainly because the defeat by the US forces
and in late stages the Soviets (aid from foreign powers).
No large improvement of the economy until the Community Party decided to foster a good economic climate.

Let's see, which contries have been "occupied" by Americans for a substantial time during the last 100 years.
Japan, Germany, maybe you could call South Korea "occupied", if you are in that mood.
All financial disasters by any measurement...

Then you have Vietnam where the South Vietnam regime invited (begged) for the US so not conquered.

Finally Iraq and Afghanistan which are the examples of totally failed approach by the inhabitants.

What is important is not absence of foreigners, but absence of conflicts and strangling rules/customs.

I remember the movie "the Mouse that roared" where there was a small kingdom in Europe that was bankrupt.
Their strategy, based on the result of the WW2 was to declare war vs the US on Monday, expect a US invasion
on Tuesday, and a flow of money due to a "Marshall plan" for the occupied territories on Wednesday.
They sent their army consisting 20 odd archers to the US, but unfortunately the commander blew it by capturing some nuclear bombs and forced the US to surrender.

The commander was NOT popular, when he returned home with a victory...

USA and USSR were the external factors, but thank to our leaders, they seized this opportunity to re-unite our country.

BTW, this topic is about the geopolitics in the Arab World, if you wanna discuss China, then please go to discuss in another topic.
This puppet regime will not last long, when the right opportunity is coming, PRC will weed it out.

BTW, for now, we need to keep improved ourselves in economy and technology until we fully surpass USA in every major domain.

Yes a nuclear war between China and US will certainly be a move which will reduce the difference between
Arab and US standard of living. Maybe even to the point that the Arabs are better off.
islam doesnt forbid us to love and care for our country i am a muslim and i am egyptian there is nothing worng with that and being a nationalst doesnt mean a librial librials care for all mankind and think nationalism causes troubles i dont agree with that a nationalist is someone who live serving his country untill he is asked to give his life away in life or death serving his country i do care about every life taken but i choose what is best for all some people want another syria in Egypt what can we do when this people shot our army in sainai what can the army do ? and why did they attack after morsi was kicked out and by the way ever since gadafi fall they have been supplying themselves with weapons about 2 years pereparing for this the brotherhood army striking whenever the brotherhood need

Mahmoud ... why are you apologetic / afraid ??

Islam does not define any concept of state / country.
Think of this logic. Religion is a code of conduct for humans, and humans will be held responsible by God on the day of judgement.
countries will not be held responsible; thus countries should have nothing to do with religion.
Yes a nuclear war between China and US will certainly be a move which will reduce the difference between
Arab and US standard of living. Maybe even to the point that the Arabs are better off.

A strongly united Arab Nation will inevitably become a nuclear power, it is not about to threaten anyone, but to contribute more balance factor in this world.
Mahmoud ... why are you apologetic / afraid ??

Islam does not define any concept of state / country.
Think of this logic. Religion is a code of conduct for humans, and humans will be held responsible by God on the day of judgement.
countries will not be held responsible; thus countries should have nothing to do with religion.
yes i was just saying it is not unislamic to love your country
what is this term " Sinai".?....aren't they Egyptian or term is used for some hardliners ??
Mahmoud ... why are you apologetic / afraid ??

Islam does not define any concept of state / country.
Think of this logic. Religion is a code of conduct for humans, and humans will be held responsible by God on the day of judgement.
countries will not be held responsible; thus countries should have nothing to do with religion.

Religion might not, 21st century world does. So it is the duty of inhabitants to look after such affairs being the generation of this century. God may or may not ask regarding the state's affairs and duties ( you cannot confirm this ), the world will.
The previous attempt failed, but the future envision is still available.
Not in our life time...For the last 8 centuries, they couldn't agree on one thing while speaking the same language, how do you expect them to agree on anything after being remodeled, partitioned, and herded by Western Powers..
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