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Is there a skirmish between Turkey and Greece in Eastern Mediterranean?


May 24, 2011
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ANKARA (Reuters) - President Tayyip Erdogan said on Thursday that any attack on a Turkish ship exploring for oil and gas in disputed Mediterranean waters would incur a "high price" and suggested Turkey had already acted on that warning.

Tensions in the eastern Mediterranean have risen sharply this week after Turkey sent a survey vessel to the region, escorted by warships, in a move Greece decried as illegal.

"We said that if you attack our Oruc Reis you will pay a high price, and they got their first answer today," Erdogan said in a speech in Ankara without giving details.

The Greek frigate which was supposed to be "hit" and "suffered damage" actually took part in an exercise with the French Navy this morning....
Egyptian Navy will participate in exercise tomorrow with Greek and French Navy.
It's about a ship "dog-fight". Our vessel hit Greek one, it took damage and they took Greek vessel away to the closest harbour. Our TCG Kemal Reis continues duty. That's about it.
Was Oruc Rus hit by Greece Navy and In response Turkey hit a Greek vessel?
The Greek frigate which was supposed to be "hit" and "suffered damage" actually took part in an exercise with the French Navy this morning....

Keep "exercising" lmao...means nothing. Turks continue to do what they want in the Eastern Mediterranean and Levant region, and rightfully so.

Turkey invaded Kurdish areas, attacked Syrian forces directly, entered Libya and pushed back Haftar, and is doing exploration in Eastern Meditarranean....while French did what exactly? Nothing but mere lip service and exercises.

France is a non-consequential player without any influence left while Turkey is the most influential regional powerhouse in its vicinity. Only way Turks will actually be stopped is if U.S gives the green light for it to happen. Without U.S, rest of Europe is as irrelevant as Algeria (speaking Geopolitically/militarily, not economically obviously!). We saw how pathetic France/Europeans were in Libya....you needed U.S intervention to get rid of Qaddafi. While Turks pushed back advancing Haftar with the backing of Egypt, UAE, France etc on its own...and did so swiftly, decisively, and rather easily tbh. Haftar had Tripoli surrounded from three sides before Turks landed on Libyan shores.
Keep "exercising" lmao...means nothing. Turks continue to do what they want in the Eastern Mediterranean and Levant region, and rightfully so.

Turkey invaded Kurdish areas, attacked Syrian forces directly, entered Libya and pushed back Haftar, and is doing exploration in Eastern Meditarranean....while French did what exactly? Nothing but mere lip service and exercises.

France is a non-consequential player without any influence left while Turkey is the most influential regional powerhouse in its vicinity. Only way Turks will actually be stopped is if U.S gives the green light for it to happen. Without U.S, rest of Europe is as irrelevant as Algeria (speaking Geopolitically/militarily, not economically obviously!). We saw how pathetic France/Europeans were in Libya....you needed U.S intervention to get rid of Qaddafi. While Turks pushed back advancing Haftar with the backing of Egypt, UAE, France etc on its own...and did so swiftly, decisively, and rather easily tbh. Haftar had Tripoli surrounded from three sides before Turks landed on Libyan shores.

Yeah brother, Turkey continues. Our ships continue to search and drill in areas notified to the UN in mediterranean . France and Greece's looking only. Btw, Erdogan said that, “We said before that if you attack our Oruc Reis [drill ship] you will pay a high price, and today they got their first response”. macron is still considering sending two aircraft to scare Turkey. After his yellow vest adventure, he can begin planning for retirement.
Turkey is a brave and powerful state but it needs allies aswel, challenging Greece, France, Egypt, Uae, Saudi Arabia, Israel alone is worrying. They need to work to make alliances with other states with similar interests and then fight for their rights.
@MMM-E Maybe war will not be for now....

Keep "exercising" lmao...means nothing. Turks continue to do what they want in the Eastern Mediterranean and Levant region, and rightfully so.

Turkey invaded Kurdish areas, attacked Syrian forces directly, entered Libya and pushed back Haftar, and is doing exploration in Eastern Meditarranean....while French did what exactly? Nothing but mere lip service and exercises.

Because of Turkiye is right by International law

1) Turkiye is fighting terrorism in Iraq and Syria ( the UN article 51 self defence to fight terrorism )
on the other hand bandit countries including France support Pkk/Ypg terrorists to destroy Syria's territorial integrity

2) Turkiye is in Libya to protect the UN recognized legal Libyan government GNA against illegal putschist HAFTAR
on the other hand bandit countries including France support illegal putschist HAFTAR to steal oil reserves from Libyan People

3) Turkiye protect its rights in the Eastern Mediterranean which has the longest coastlines in the Eastern Mediterranean
( Greece doesnt have rights in the Eastern Mediterranean by international law .. Greek Islands dont have 200 nm of Continental Shelf ....... only 12 nm of territorial waters .. nothing else )

on the other hand bandit countries including France support Greece to steal oil/gas reserves and MAVI VATAN ( Blue homeland ) from the Turks in the Eastern Mediterranean

France is bandit country who takes $350 billion from 14 African Countries annually and to steal uranium reserves in Mali for over 50 Nuclear Power Plants in France
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( Greece doesnt have rights in the Eastern Mediterranean by international law .. Greek Islands dont have 200 nm of Continental Shelf ....... only 12 nm of territorial waters .. nothing else )

I think you mean 6nm, not 12nm. Turkey is against Greece moving to 12nm on its islands' territorial waters too. :secret:
I think you mean 6nm, not 12nm. Turkey is against Greece moving to 12nm on its islands' territorial waters too.

I am not talking about Aegean ..... I am talking about the Eastern Mediterranean ( Crete )

in 1936 Greece unilaterally increased its territorial waters to 6 nm while determined as 3 nm in Lausanne
still Turkiye has not objected to this decision because of the positive atmosphere that dominated Turkish-Greek relations at that time

but to increase its territorial waters to 12 nm then Turkiye announced to the whole world as Casus Belli

Greece wants to do this based on the 1982 UN Law of the Sea convention but Greece can not do against Turkiye Because of Turkiye is not a party to this agreement and It has not signed by Turkiye .. so That agreement is not binding for Turkiye in terms of international law

also it could be 3, 6, 10 nm but the upper limit of this is 12 nm. So the 12 nm rule is not the absolute rule for the whole area

even most of Greek Islands are closer to Turkiye than Greece

Greece will increase the size of Greek territorial waters to 70% from 40
if 12nm the Aegean Sea to Turkiye in less than 10% ........ then Turkiye to declare war on Greece
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