If the Egyptian, Saudi and Emrat scum, suck Jew balls then they are going to be known as ball sucker's, they can't complain
With some real headway being made against Israel at a basic level now is not the time for these scum bags to flake out
And ONCE AGAIN, let's confirm that their is widescale and overwhelming hatred of Israelis and probably Jews too across these countries, it's not necessarily the people it's the scum bag leaders
As that headway is made against Jews, sorry I mean Israelis across the world then the more perverse these actions by these Arab states become when Israel doubles down on its apartheid regime
The U.S or even some EU states can't forsake the world for Israel, especially if those states increasingly challenge U.S and western support of a apartheid state and in the same sentence talk about Ukraine, democracy and human rights,,,,
They see the writing on the wall,,,. So knowing the hatred that exists for Jews,, I mean Israelis they are utilising these scum bag lackeys like Sisi, MBS and the Em-rat leader to try to create connections between the Jew state and Muslim states
This betrayal by the ayyrabs won't be forgotten amongst Muslims across the world