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Is RSS world's largest organization ever ?

its sad to see a thread converted in to a caste war in a pakistani forum.when does god give us some shame!!:hitwall:
Calling you insane was quite polite consider your traitorous actions.

Those blinded by both greed and hate makes poor debating partners.

and You have the nerve to post wotever you posted!

Dedicated lives.....have we?

to do wot?

Not necessarily RSS>...any Hindu Extremist, Islam Extremist or Chirstian Extremist groups i mean.

these are all educated ones and dedicated their lives to serve India? wot do you mean by serving India? is the service limited to the word I-N-D-I-A ...or extended to the people as well?

no service is required. Leave people alone to their business.

am not done. brb.
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You frustrated @$$....i was born and brought up in India.
I have lived in Jammu, have lived in Nagaland and seen real life terrorism which might cause ppl like you to wet their pants.
You are a jack@$$ and will remain so even if painted black and orange.

There is no terrorism in Jammu and i have even been to the open border in Akhnoor and neither in Nagaland,there is a well brokered power agreement,i have stayed in Kohima msyelf.

Nobody shits their pants and the rules are clear enough,dont make up silly stories to boost your ego. 
and You have the nerve to post wotever you posted!

Dedicated lives.....have we?

to do wot?

Not necessarily RSS>...any Hindu Extremist, Islam Extremist or Chirstian Extremist groups i mean.

these are all educated ones and dedicated their lives to serve India? wot do you mean by serving India? is the service limited to the word I-N-D-I-A ...or extended to the people as well?

no service is required. Leave people alone to their business.

am not done. brb.

Nobody in the RSS approve of violence against private citizens for no reason.

I dont agree with those actions.
and You have the nerve to post wotever you posted!
Dedicated lives.....have we?
to do wot?
Not necessarily RSS>...any Hindu Extremist, Islam Extremist or Chirstian Extremist groups i mean.
these are all educated ones and dedicated their lives to serve India? wot do you mean by serving India? is the service limited to the word I-N-D-I-A ...or extended to the people as well?
no service is required. Leave people alone to their business.
am not done. brb.

You bet I have the nerve and guts to post exactly what I think.

1. Bajrang dal, Shiv Sena & Ram Sena is NOT RSS. Do you have ANY PROOF to show RSS is directly involved in this ?
2. Hindutva forces are opposed of VALENTINE's DAY, which is a christian cultural invasion in India. They have not opposed LOVE marriage nor have they opposed any affection between men and women.

If you were not bigoted, you would have seen this fact for yourself. But you DO NOT WISH to see the TRUTH. You would rather believe the propaganda and your own prejudice and manipulate facts to dream up your own version of the truth.

Same goes for the crap levena posted.

As to what defines serving India, RSS have their own version of that and will continue to remain true to that version. Irrespective of what christians and muslims think. That good enough for you ?
I agree many brahmins merely show off and dont earn the respect.

My family both mom and dads were landowners of the village and we are still loved by our people.

But i cant even try to use that for selfish needs.

Nothing wrong in being a Yadav,Lord Krishna was also a yadav and one of the bravest armymen of India,the yaduvanshi aheers are also yadav and amongst my friends,some great fighters of Telengana are also yadavs.

Thanks, we are warriors as well and in the south Krishna devaraya is also Yadav.
and You have the nerve to post wotever you posted!

Dedicated lives.....have we?

to do wot?

Not necessarily RSS>...any Hindu Extremist, Islam Extremist or Chirstian Extremist groups i mean.

these are all educated ones and dedicated their lives to serve India? wot do you mean by serving India? is the service limited to the word I-N-D-I-A ...or extended to the people as well?

no service is required. Leave people alone to their business.

am not done. brb.
LOL! That's like blaming the Islamic Research Foundation(say) for attacks committed by Indian Mujaheedin!
As to what defines serving India, RSS have their own version of that and will continue to remain true to that version. Irrespective of what christians and muslims think. That good enough for you ?

I am Hindu. dont have anything against Christians, Muslims, RSS in its originality.

does'nt matter which group, any extremist-ic (if that's a word) views are an issue. Putting culture on a pedestal, thrashing people in the name of holding the culture up is not done. ex: valentine day is no big deal, no blood is being shed on acc of lovers celebrating it (personally: valentine day including all other similar "days" are just hype...hallmark companies making cash...but have no issue with others wasting their money. their money their wish).

similar extremely sensitive views about Hinduism (or Islamism) , and culture ...might fuel something that's not a big issue into a full blown war...causing blood shed

dont have to agree, intention of post is not that. just stating my view.
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I am Hindu. dont have anything against Christians, Muslims, RSS in its originality.

does'nt matter which group, any extremist-ic (if that's a word) views are an issue. Putting culture on a pedestal, thrashing people in the name of holding the culture up is not done. ex: valentine day is no big deal, no blood is being shed on acc of lovers celebrating it (personally: valentine day including all other similar "days" are just hype...hallmark companies making cash...but have no issue with others wasting their money. their money their wish).

similar extremely sensitive views about Hinduism (or Islamism) , and culture ...might fuel something that's not a big issue into a full blown war...causing blood shed

dont have to agree, intention of post is not that. just stating my view.

'putting culture on a pedestal' is a classic strawman. What more needs to be said ?

But any action to defend our culture and way of life is most welcome. People do what they CAN. When they can do more, let them do that too.

I would rather have people who put up a fight to defend and protect their culture and way of life, than have 'secular' cowards capitulating to this invasion without a squeak. I will always choose courage, conviction and action over cowardice, platitudes, hypocrisy and secular burqa.

A bit of blood letting and fighting for a just cause is good for the human spirit. Eternal vigilance and war is the price for freedom and justice. That is my point of view.
@iranichai @Srinivas
These RSS guys got thrashed for their ideologies in another thread last nite.
So now i can understand their frustration.:lol:
Try this link

Hope you 'll enjoy it as much as i did.
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