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Is RSS world's largest organization ever ?

A King should behave like a King no matter where he is, He must have the vision and thought about his kingdom. Rama should have prevented Sita taking Agni Pariksha and should have allowed it in Ayodhya, he is not a perfect king.
mate all Dharmic people(who really believe in the Dharma concept) know that Raja Ramachandra wasn't a perfect king or for that matter a perfect human being.i think what Ramayana tries to teach us is that even an Avatar like Lord Ramachandra made some mistake in his earthly life and hence no living being is perfect as they all make some form of mistakes in thier lives.so the moral of Ramayana is to learn from your mistake and do your duty and let your Karma guide you to the future.....
You know Naidu's???

Lack of knowledge and you come here to argue...:lol: funny right.

You call yourself from rational society and you do not know manners.....even funny ..... :lol:

The word shurdra means an immigrant who came from other place and integrated into native society, when Pandavas went to vanavas and entered Virat Kingdom they were called shudras.

You people are pathetic, you people do not know any thing about Hinduism and you come here to rant and talk about its revival, Have some shame ..... .

You have no idea about Caste system origins and you talk endless and cry for Ram mandir this is even funny .... :lol:

Your may have a worthy ancestor to who fit into a higher position in the society But you people the modern day decedents are a such a disgrace. Meat eating Brahmins, coward Kshatriyas, illiterate Pandits etc....etc.,.... :lol:

It took Shivaji to save the as$ of you guys from Mughals in 17th century whose mother is a Yadava a shudra and his fathers varna is a debate.
excuse me sir,but i am a Brahmin and i never indulge myself into eating meat or drinking intoxicating liquor except the somrasa(i.e. beer) as it has been prescribed in the Vedas.the word "brahman" means a person who has the knowledge of the Bramha.so a man can't be a brahmin just by birth,he has to earn it by acting like a true brahmin.a real brahmin will never ever kill an innocent living being(no matter how small it is) as only the Supreme Lord has the power to decide the life and death of all living beings.hence a real brahmin will never ever kill an innocent living being for the purpose of consumption.i call myself a true brahmin because i follow all these instructions to the word.i am not a brahmin just because of my birth but because of my deeds.so i would like to tell you that not all brahmins are fraud or fake by nature as there are some people like me as well in this country who believe in the path of Dharma from the core of their hearts...... 

hehe,funny idiot.

thats a one off incident,u moron.
just leave her mate as she is one of those ignorant persons who will never ever accept her ignorance in public.R.S.S. is the flag bearer of the Dharmic faiths and i am extremely proud to have them in our country.they are the real patriots who can go to any extent for the safety and the security of our Motherland.....
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excuse me sir,but i am a Brahmin and i never indulge myself into eating meat or drinking intoxicating liquor except the somrasa(i.e. beer) as it has been prescribed in the Vedas.the word "brahman" means a person who has the knowledge of the Bramha.so a man can't be a brahmin just by birth,he has to earn it by acting like a true brahmin.a real brahmin will never ever kill an innocent living being(no matter how small it is) as only the Supreme Lord has the power to decide the life and death of all living beings.hence a real brahmin will never ever kill an innocent living being for the purpose of consumption.i call myself a true brahmin because i follow all these instructions to the word.i am not a brahmin just because of my birth but because of my deeds.so i would like to tell you that not all brahmins are fraud or fake by nature as there are some people like me as well in this country who believe in the path of Dharma from the core of their hearts...... 

just leave her mate as she is one of those ignorant persons who will never ever accept her ignorance in public.R.S.S. is the flag bearer of the Dharmic faiths and i am extremely proud to have them in our country.they are the real patriots who can go to any extent for the safety and the security of our Motherland.....

Thanks for the post mate, I have no intention of degrading any guys or sects here, I am only pointing to the attitude of a member here, who is spewing venom in the name of castes. I refrained from posting in this thread the moment he got banned.

I only said we should not show hate towards certain minority and follow the same path they have shown centuries ago. At the same time we should not feel insecure as Hindus are more than 85 % in this blessed land.

My apologies if any of my posts hurt your feelings. I have edited the content.
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mate all Dharmic people(who really believe in the Dharma concept) know that Raja Ramachandra wasn't a perfect king or for that matter a perfect human being.i think what Ramayana tries to teach us is that even an Avatar like Lord Ramachandra made some mistake in his earthly life and hence no living being is perfect as they all make some form of mistakes in thier lives.so the moral of Ramayana is to learn from your mistake and do your duty and let your Karma guide you to the future.....

Actually you are dead wrong here.

The entire purpose of Ramayan was to teach Hindus how to be a good person by following the footsteps of 'maryada purushotam' or the 'perfect man'. So yes, Sri. Ramchandraji was the perfect man with a perfect wife. That is the whole purpose of this epic. No perfect because they do not make mistakes, perfect because they go to great extend to correct those mistakes.

If you have failed to grasp this basic fundamental then you have missed the entire forest for the trees.
mate all Dharmic people(who really believe in the Dharma concept) know that Raja Ramachandra wasn't a perfect king or for that matter a perfect human being.i think what Ramayana tries to teach us is that even an Avatar like Lord Ramachandra made some mistake in his earthly life and hence no living being is perfect as they all make some form of mistakes in thier lives.so the moral of Ramayana is to learn from your mistake and do your duty and let your Karma guide you to the future.....

I completely agree with you :cheers:
Nope.....I yaam Jesus :rolleyes1:

but had hots for a Muslim girl way back in time...:smitten:


firstly forget about all the :blah:....and clarify the below if you can...

...wonder wot Winston Church hill thinks about apetizer? :unsure:
Well i quoted Winston churchill just to show what appeasers are, nor do i like that genocidal maniac who let millions of bengalis die due to artificial drought created by british.

Yeah forget blah blah right, you were the holier than thou some posts back right? quoting others FIGHT cos of
Ego,Ignorance,stupidity. Why my question baffled you?

Many saints tried all their lives to get rid of such things and reach enlightenment. instead of answering my question are you egoless,all knowledgable? you dodge questions you can only talk what suits you. so stop telling us about our religion. 
I will tell you what LEVINA and IRANICHAI are the same person, trying to fool people.
at most levina could be a alternate id of pakistani female.
I am sure of it, so why argue with them ?
People dont argue with them,let them say what they want, but we will do what we want ,Mr.Modi is unstoppable right now, do what you can!Once he comes to power all ya kiss goodbye. ;) cheerio!
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You know Naidu's???

Lack of knowledge and you come here to argue...:lol: funny right.

You call yourself from rational society and you do not know manners.....even funny ..... :lol:

The word shurdra means an immigrant who came from other place and integrated into native society, when Pandavas went to vanavas and entered Virat Kingdom they were called shudras.

You people are pathetic, you people do not know any thing about Hinduism and you come here to rant and talk about its revival, Have some shame ..... .

You have no idea about Caste system origins and you talk endless and cry for Ram mandir this is even funny .... :lol:

Your may have a worthy ancestor to who fit into a higher position in the society But you people the modern day decedents are a such a disgrace.

It took Shivaji to save the as$ of you guys from Mughals in 17th century whose mother is a shudra and his fathers varna is a debate.
You are a Naidu? right i am too, I am from RSS i consider everyone as equal and as friends, why are you grunting about caste i wonder? one thing RSS taught is "Nation first, rest later".I don't ask my friends about caste nor do they and were all fine, they know me as a friend and i know them as a friend irrespective of SC,ST,BC,OBC,FC etc. RSS removes caste discrimination!WE ARE ONE IN RSS! 
All brahmins are fixed lineages and brahmins are born on their own,not easily.

it is not easy to become a brahmin,you have to convince a guru/rishi of your character and commitment and willingness to pursue a monk's lifestyle.

Wait a second, everyone are Rishi Santaan , just like rakshasas and mlecchas and have Raja rishi ,Shri. Rishi Sukracharya. Likewise everyone in world are rishi santaan.Untill they realise it we have to guard our borders.
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A little over a million.

What does MRM do? 
By itself, CCP's membership is about 80 million. Though following the same thought, you can argue that all state owned enterprises, hospitals, school, research institutes, PLA as well as numerous other entities fall under the umbrella of CCP. While there is some overlaps, but the overall number would be much higher.

Also, as far as single religious organization goes, Catholic church has about 1.2 billion members. I am not familiar with Islamic organziation, but I would imagine they would have some orders with very large membership.

If you guys are considering such broad organizations under one umbrella than Sunni Islam is the largest such umbrella in the world with 90% of Muslims being sunni, there are now anywhere from 1.7 to 2 Billion Muslims, even if you take 90% of 1.7B that is still 1.53 billion Muslims.
You are a Naidu? right i am too, I am from RSS i consider everyone as equal and as friends, why are you grunting about caste i wonder? one thing RSS taught is "Nation first, rest later".I don't ask my friends about caste nor do they and were all fine, they know me as a friend and i know them as a friend irrespective of SC,ST,BC,OBC,FC etc. RSS removes caste discrimination!WE ARE ONE IN RSS! 

Wait a second, everyone are Rishi Santaan , just like rakshasas and mlecchas and have Raja rishi ,Shri. Rishi Sukracharya. Likewise everyone in world are rishi santaan.Untill they realise it we have to guard our borders.

Not about RSS or anyone, My comments are regarding a poster who is mocking and ranting here.

I am not into religion or caste or anything.
excuse me sir,but i am a Brahmin and i never indulge myself into eating meat or drinking intoxicating liquor except the somrasa(i.e. beer) as it has been prescribed in the Vedas.the word "brahman" means a person who has the knowledge of the Bramha.so a man can't be a brahmin just by birth,he has to earn it by acting like a true brahmin.a real brahmin will never ever kill an innocent living being(no matter how small it is) as only the Supreme Lord has the power to decide the life and death of all living beings.hence a real brahmin will never ever kill an innocent living being for the purpose of consumption.i call myself a true brahmin because i follow all these instructions to the word.i am not a brahmin just because of my birth but because of my deeds.so i would like to tell you that not all brahmins are fraud or fake by nature as there are some people like me as well in this country who believe in the path of Dharma from the core of their hearts...... 

just leave her mate as she is one of those ignorant persons who will never ever accept her ignorance in public.R.S.S. is the flag bearer of the Dharmic faiths and i am extremely proud to have them in our country.they are the real patriots who can go to any extent for the safety and the security of our Motherland.....

Man, Somrasa is totally different. Nobody except Brahman can drink that. They will die.
Actually you are dead wrong here.

The entire purpose of Ramayan was to teach Hindus how to be a good person by following the footsteps of 'maryada purushotam' or the 'perfect man'. So yes, Sri. Ramchandraji was the perfect man with a perfect wife. That is the whole purpose of this epic. No perfect because they do not make mistakes, perfect because they go to great extend to correct those mistakes.

If you have failed to grasp this basic fundamental then you have missed the entire forest for the trees.
mate i did my entire schooling from none other than RamaKrishna Mission which follows the ethics and codes of the Sanatan Dharma to the word.the sannyasins there described the Ramayana in the above manner and i think they are far more qualified than you or me in this subject(no offense).but still if i have offended you by any mean then i offer my sincere apology to you....:) 

My kids ,grandsons and my greatgrandsons will be RSS. i can say that :)
although i haven't been a part of of the R.S.S. as of now i am an admirer of their tireless works to uplift the poor masses of India.we are extremely fortunate to have an organization like this in India....
MRM - Nothing specific, the normal literacy campaigns. They don't take part in any political movement. They also try to deal with caste differences among Muslims. Ok you can call them sectarian differences if you wish, but that's what they do. Some of the founders owe allegiance to the founding fathers of the Indian Independence Movement(that means no Nehru), so are fiercely patriotic and very slightly left leaning.
What does MRM do? 

If you guys are considering such broad organizations under one umbrella than Sunni Islam is the largest such umbrella in the world with 90% of Muslims being sunni, there are now anywhere from 1.7 to 2 Billion Muslims, even if you take 90% of 1.7B that is still 1.53 billion Muslims.
The trick for RSS to become a pan-India organization is to NOT boss Hindus around.....

Hindus, by virtue of their religious philosophies are free spirits.....which is very different from Islam, which requires its followers to submit to Allah and his will, which leaves ground for anyone to boss them around in the name of Allah's will......

So stop trying to impose YOUR form of Hinduism by raiding bars and discos and harassing people celebrating valentines day.....
You need to understand that no-one can be thekedar of Hinduism and celebrating valentines day doesn't make a person non-Hindu....
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