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Is RSS world's largest organization ever ?

You now want to move the discussion away from Hinduism and on history. :lol: I am not interested in either teaching you or engaging with a rattling empty vessel like you. Ramakrishna mission is similar to RSS except that Ramakrishna mission is even more religious than RSS :lol: ...

You still don't get it, do you?....
I'm NOT interested in who is more religious or less or for that matter who is wrong or right......and that's why, nowhere in my posts did I say that you're wrong....
I believe, I'm no-one to tell you that you're wrong and similarly you're no-one to tell me that I'm wrong.....
But if you choose to spread your propaganda by denigrating others then we're here to put you in your place.....like I've already exposed your lack of knowledge on Hindu practices regarding Sannyasis and Monks....

Now the logic is since Sri. Ram himself did not tell me his philosophy so it must not be true :lol: .......... you truly are a village idiot. And to think I wasted so much time replying to you :disagree:...

See! that's the reason I said, your foolishness is astounding.....you can't even read and comprehend what I've written and you claim to have read and comprehended vast Hindu holy scriptures.....:lol:
I never said 'it must not be true', I said, 'it may not be true' i.e you cannot be sure whether it's true or not since lord Rama himself didn't teach you.....and since you cannot be sure, you have no right to tell others that they are wrong.....stick it in your head....
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You still don't get it, do you?....
I'm NOT interested in who is more religious or less or for that matter who is wrong or right......and that's why, nowhere in my posts did I say that you're wrong....
I believe, I'm no-one to tell you that you're wrong and similarly you're no-one to tell me that I'm wrong.....
But if you chose to spread your propaganda by denigrating others then we're here to put you in your place.....like I've already exposed your lack of knowledge on Hindu practices regarding Sannyasis and Monks....
See! that's the reason I said, your foolishness is astounding.....you can't even read and comprehend what I've written and you claim to have read and comprehended vast Hindu holy scriptures.....:lol:
I never said 'it must not be true', I said, 'it may not be true' i.e you cannot be sure whether it's true or not since lord Rama himself didn't teach you.....and since you cannot be sure, you have no right to tell others that they are wrong.....stick it in your head....

LOL. Its you who don't get it.


Now get lost and stop wasting everybody's time.
Next time, think twice before denigrating others......
On the contrary I plan to continue to expose and shame fools & Hypocrites wherever I find them. Especially in pdf. :lol:
It's up to you....
With your pathetic knowledge on Hinduism, if you go about lecturing others on Hinduism then I think you should be prepared for more such embarrassment....
To those who forgot this incident.
Dara Singh (Bajrang Dal) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Not even the kids were spared that day.
Bajrang dal is a hindu militant group where as RSS is not.....Bajrang dal follows the ideology of RSS in a voilent manner which RSS dosn permit....same is with BJP and RSS....BJP follows the ideology of RSS though there is no authentic relation b/w BJP and RSS....and RSS is older than our independence
Bajrang dal is a hindu militant group where as RSS is not.....Bajrang dal follows the ideology of RSS in a voilent manner which RSS dosn permit....same is with BJP and RSS....BJP follows the ideology of RSS though there is no authentic relation b/w BJP and RSS....and RSS is older than our independence

Go to the page 1 and read the original post.
You might have missed the name of Bajrang dal.:coffee:

Go to the page 1 and read the original post.
You might have missed the name of Bajrang dal.:coffee:

View attachment 11261

yeah we all know that bajrang dal is under the umbrella of RSS but it has been cleared by the RSS that it does not permit bajrang dal to carry out violent activities.......neither it intervenes in BJP affairs....

PS- many bureaucrats business men etc etc are a part of RSS therefore it cannot do anything which may threaten our society in anyway
MohitV said:
Bajrang dal follows the ideology of RSS in a voilent manner.

yeah we all know that bajrang dal is under the umbrella of RSS but it has been cleared by the RSS that it does not permit bajrang dal to carry out violent activities......

If RSS doesnt support the violent activities of Bajrang dal then whats the need to keep it under RSS's "umbrella"????
The process is called symbiosis....or the mutual "give and take".
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To those who forgot this incident.
Dara Singh (Bajrang Dal) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Not even the kids were spared that day.

Dude...if Dara Singh symbolizes RSS then every militant in Kashmir valley will symbolize to specific religion, and every militant in NE india will symbolize another religion too...Unfortunately...secular India always try to demonize any one who talks about interest of Hindu people...So the conversastion c .an be end less..Becuase if RSS is dangerous...beleive we can paint entire segment people in our contient to be far dangerous based on the incident what is happening now...And which is incorrect to assume...In the pretext of being so fashionable and secular...do not demonize us . We are not asking to praise RSS...but it is better to be neutral when someone does not deserve to criticize others...
If RSS doesnt support the violent activities of Bajrang dal then whats the need to keep it under RSS's "umbrella"????
The process is called symbiosis....or the mutual "give and take".

bcoz RSS is a very important n old organisation and Bajrang Dal is its youth wing....like every organisation has a youth wing...if u'l scrap bajrang dal then der'l be another youth wing....it has to be there.....and these activities are not a part of the RSS or bajrang dal doctrine....therez nowhere written on paper that we openly boycott valentines day.....these activities are carried out by individuals(losers) who do it bcoz they think that they have got this shield which will protect em(and probably coz they have got no gfs...simply jealous).....but latter they are taken care of
yeah we all know that bajrang dal is under the umbrella of RSS but it has been cleared by the RSS that it does not permit bajrang dal to carry out violent activities.......neither it intervenes in BJP affairs....

PS- many bureaucrats business men etc etc are a part of RSS therefore it cannot do anything which may threaten our society in anyway

Again...if we go by the logic ....then Nitish Kumar will be part of SIMI too..bacuse he also indirectly support any one who is against BJP.....
Stupidity in Abundance.

Bajarang Dal is the Youth Wing of VHP or Vishwa Hindu Parishad.

It has nothing to do with RSS.

The only connection is RSS is a Hindu Organization. So its Hinduims which is the only link between RSS and VHP :cheesy:

I was not aware its such a great sin to be a Hindu in India !!

BTW in November 2013, Orrisa High court sentenced 7 Christians for brutally murdering Hindu monk Vedanta Keshari Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati. He was brutally murdered in his Jaleshpata hermitage in Kandhamal during a spiritual discourse with 4 other people including a Women on the Holy occasions of Janmastami...............and yes, the Swami was 84 years old.

Let us not forget that either.

Large or small, RSS is the worlds only disciplined, cultured, principled, national organization.

The way christian led indian media has defamed them for years has led to some criticism.

If there was any TRUE INDIAN NATIONAL organization its the RSS.

Did you know? RSS was the first org to jump into relief work for the recent UK floods. They started clearing the dead before even the govt. could plan to do it.

None of the christian channels will ever show you that.

PS: I'm not a RSS sevak.
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