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You don't see a role for it acting in the Syrian theater of war? Just curious - an aircraft like that could help assert dominance in the north and patrol airspace to deter enemy airstrikes, at the very least.

If you park 2 squadrons of 24 x SU-35S in Syria, IAF will try its best to destroy them on ground. They have the means to do so and they wont let Syria develop any useful IADS either. Syria does not have the air power or missile strike capability to deal with Israel for now. The country came out of an elongated civil war and it can not open another theatre with a globally supported enemy that receives Multibillions of USD in defence aid and tech. Only way to strengthen Syria is to do the following:

- Interoperatbility with Hezbollah
- IADS of layers of long range Search/Track radars datalinked with ambush SHORADS, HIMADS, Interceptor aircraft (with long range BVR) pretty much like what Iran is developing at home.
- Missile power to attack airbases of Israel from where these jets fly
- $$$
- Political support of powers to keep Turkey out of the Northern, Western borders.

Syria has none of the above for now.

Btw, Israeli Airstrikes in Syria happen but magnitude of them are mostly just Jew cooked stories who are 10/10 times reported by their own news channels where they make mathematically atrocious claims like 50 died, airbases destroyed etc. Misinformation is a weapon in war that they very profoundly use.

You must have subsonic Advanced trainer for pilot training, Yasin or Something based on F 5 ... Advanced training Jet also can fill CAS role...so it is dual purpose.

Yasin is most likely an ego project of some team in HESA and IRIAF who pushed for funds and we have this AT flying now. Like wasting buttload of money on MirageF1, F-7N, this project has no worth except that probably the pilots can be trained on 1 x squadron of Yasin with same IEI avionics, radar package that Kowsar-I, Upgraded F-4E/D have. Same can be done with Kowsar or Saeghe-I/II Trainer version.
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Here :

- Syria does not have the air power or missile strike capability to deal with Israel for now. -

It's false false all false!

There was no direct war with Israel in their basements, Syria has a lot of Attack missile. You have to pay attention to appearances. Assad, Syria and company are patient. In a direct war against Israel, things would be different. Syria has released a lot of territory for 3 years and their defense is better now
Here :

- Syria does not have the air power or missile strike capability to deal with Israel for now. -

It's false false all false!

There was no direct war with Israel in their basements, Syria has a lot of Attack missile. You have to pay attention to appearances. Assad, Syria and company are patient. In a direct war against Israel, things would be different. Syria has released a lot of territory for 3 years and their defense is better now

- Syrian-AAF does not have any assets except for 2 squadrons of MIG-29M that can fire R-77-1 to deal with hundreds of 300+ 4.0 to 5.0 generation fighters of IAF.
- Syrian AD is not IADS. IRGC tried or probably still are trying to create an IADS like system there but so far we have not seen any evidence of that functioning.
- Syria does have SRBM force to target the Israeli ground bases but can Syria coming out of a bloody civil war take the heat of retaliation from the globally sponsored military of Israel? I dont think so.

Iran needs to ensure few things strategically:

- Ensure that SAA of Assad does not get into any direct confrontation with Israel so that Iran can buy enough time to create IADS in Syria.
- Politically, keep Russia in Syria
- Ensure that incoming turmoil in Hashemite Jordan tilts in favor of Iran which it will.
The claims about Sadid-1 problems are debunked BS from Babak Taghavae

BT is a Shahist who loves anything the IRIAF does and routinely disparages anything related to IRGC aka the revolutionaries. The IRIAF could make a paper airplane and BT would praise it as a ground breaking invention.

I didn't say it's a one-way system, I said in this application with reconnaissance UAVs the transmission would mainly be one-way. Doesn't mean the DL system itself isn't capable of two-way transfer.

This paragraph is based on far too much speculation/interpolation/assumptions compared to the short segment in the article. I'm not going to discuss it like this.

Radio calls are certainly not a good substitute for DL information on a display, but that's the level I think Iran's F-14s are at.

Once again, there is no evidence or even claims that F-14AM has datalink apart from your interpretations of BT talking about CAPs. Also, I reiterate my opinion that the F-14AM upgrade is much less extensive than many people think.

IRIAF has such a small remaining stock of AIM-54s (and this is well documented) that you only see the Tomcats flying with AIM-7s and AIM-9s nowadays. That's why they developed the Fakour and are supposedly working on Maghsoud.

R-27 would probably still be an upgrade over the AIM-7.

We're going in circles now.

That video is atrocious. There is no indication in what the change on symbology on the target is. It could be anything - IFF, launch authorisation, being "hooked" by the pilot... Can't make any conclusions based on that alone.

Btw, Su-35 is reported to have a reduced radar signature to 1-3m^2 using RAM coating in specific areas.

Looks like Mehdi picked up your F-14 analysis or maybe the timing was a coincidence


Seems like Yasin AT's Lobby is gaining ground. Iranian combat aviation's biggest problem is inner politics and people with HUGE egoes. Money and resources are being wasted on parallel projects with mismanagement, PR stunts that add no actual value and are hurting actual projects that can do something for the IRIAF.

-MirageF1 Lobby (Naghdi Bek group)
-F-7N Lobby (Erfanian group)
-F-5E/F Azarakhsh, Saegheh-I/II, Kowsar-I/II Lobby (Sattari leftovers)
-Yasin AT Lobby

Unfortunately, it seems we have no lobby group for:

-MIG-29 MLU/Upgradation or even fleet expansion
-Procurement/TOT of Turbofans for the next generation of Saegheh/Kowsar program
-Procurement of much-needed lightweight ARH BVR missiles for the entire fleet
-Fast jet-powered UCAV (what happened to Sejjil UCAV ???)
-Serial modernization and production of Fattar A2A missiles
-AESA airborne radar and modern most avionics suite.
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Unfortunately, it seems we have no lobby group for:

-MIG-29 MLU/Upgradation or even fleet expansion
-Procurement/TOT of Turbofans for next generation of Saegheh/Kowsar program
-Procurement of much-needed ARH BVR missiles for the entire fleet
-Fast jet-powered UCAV (what happened to Sejjil UCAV ???)
-Serial modernisation and production of Fattar A2A missiles
1) I think they do want to include indigenous upgrades on the Mig-29s but more likely than not, russians are blocking it.

2) Russia will never give ToT for the RD-33, not even the old one which belches smoke. These have to be manufactured at home and I believe they're working on an F-404 clone.

3) Maghsoud seems to be in the process of development, although likely will take another 5 years.

4) This will probably evolve out of the Simorgh aircraft.

5) Depends entirely on how soon a viable domestic turbofan is ready.

6) I admit I don't know.
Fast jet-powered UCAV (what happened to Sejjil UCAV ???)
i still say that was not a UAV , it was a modern cruse missile

Maghsoud seems to be in the process of development, although likely will take another 5 years.
Not light weight at all

5) Depends entirely on how soon a viable domestic turbofan is ready.
we have two turbofan engine Jahesh-700 and Tolue-14 . they are suitable for such uav but nobody is designing such UAV

-Procurement/TOT of Turbofans for the next generation of Saegheh/Kowsar program
well they claim they are working on it

-Procurement/TOT of Turbofans for the next generation of Saegheh/Kowsar program
well they claim they are working on it

hope simorgh lead to that. but i think that also is waiting for engine
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1) I think they do want to include indigenous upgrades on the Mig-29s but more likely than not, russians are blocking it.

2) Russia will never give ToT for the RD-33, not even the old one which belches smoke. These have to be manufactured at home and I believe they're working on an F-404 clone.

3) Maghsoud seems to be in the process of development, although likely will take another 5 years.

4) This will probably evolve out of the Simorgh aircraft.

5) Depends entirely on how soon a viable domestic turbofan is ready.

6) I admit I don't know.

1) I will be careful blaming any external factor here when we have actual logical evidence in hand of groups pushing their own projects for funding. We know Russians provide upgrades then what has stopped Iran for years getting the benign MIG lfeet upgraded? Even if we had to pay some 10 Million per aircraft for MLU+Upgrade to Russia ... 2 solid interceptor squadrons could have been raised for 250 Million USD with MIG-29M package of Zhuk-ME, new IRST, e-warfare suite and R-74, R-77-1. Instead we are flying MIG-29 9.12 with MIG-23ML's boosted radar RPKL-29 N019 which barely tracks modern fighters at ~50-60 KM. The plane lacks an e-warfare suite. Its main armament is SARH BVR missiles (30 years old and 150 in total). Only thing useful in it is a semimodern IRST and R-73E combination at WVR ranges. Why was not such an attempt made instead of wasting money on maintaining MiragesF1, F-7N, F-5E/F? We know Iran chased the MIG for years in 1990s, how come they suddenly just gave up on it is beyond me. No extensive upgradation evidence or plan for it.

2) Possible route of Iranian Turbofans are either we convert Jahesh-700 (FJ-33) into FJ44-4A with afterburner which will provide some ~6500-7000 lbf or we get R-33MK or WS-13E TOT. Any of such production and installation on Saegheh/Kowsar airframe will put the plane in proper 4+ generation fighter because they have already fullfilled the rest of the criterias.

3) Maghsoud is another generation of Fakour-90 for F-14AM. Equally heavy and large in size so only useful for F-14AM (~16-18 fighters right now??). To arm MIG-29, Kowsar with BVR we need a lighter Active radar homing BVR missile with a range exceeding 100+ KM like R-77-1 or Pl-12/15.

4) AWACS is a money-eating gamble and the problem is the will of the leadership. Leadership has been deceived for a long time with PR stunts like utopian academic project Qaher being shown as in production fighter or radar less Mirages, Saegheh test-beds being presented as F/A-18 equivalents for funding. Raisi's administration is bit different, they are more active people so things may change a bit. If we choose another stupid government again we will see the death of IRIAF altogether.

5) 2 x Jahesh-700 can power a large and fast UCAV that will have the MTOW to accommodate A2G, future A2A armaments along with modular avionics suite. We have unfortunately seen nothing in this regard except for few models of a so-called Sejjil UCAV that looked like Valkyrie. Some people attributed Mobin UAV/Cruise missile to be some form of it.

6) In short, Iran started a local refurbishment project of old AIM-9J (delivered in 1971-77) in the 1990s. Then the project turned into some level of local manufacturing with the local seeker and motor inside AIM-9J's body called "Fatter". The newest shown models have IIR seeker which puts the missile in the category of AIM-9P with a max range of 40 KM. In modern times some countries have used the WVR IR seeking missile platforms to develop deadly maneuverable BVR missiles like the Israeli Derby-IR or AIM-9X BlockII/III that are all elongated WVR missiles turned into no escape BVR missiles. With funding, Iran can easily do the same to provide a deadly weapon to F-14AM, Kowsar-I, F-4E/D and future UCAV-wingmen.
"(We) are ready to offer our allies the most modern types of weapons, from small arms to armored vehicles and artillery to combat aviation and unmanned aerial vehicles," President Putin said at the opening ceremony of the "Army-2022" forum near Moscow.

are you sure its not produced serially , after all its very old news

It was announced by Hassan Shahsafi so it's not that old news. Only recently we have seen its Imaging IR seekers and fins on the Azarakhsh version which confirmed for the first time that there is actual production of new missiles. F-4E/D and F-14A/F-14AM have only been seen with old AIM-9J so far.
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