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Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

Eh, I'm guessing there are things that Iran has that the public don't know about but the US DOD does and that is what is preventing them and has prevented them from an all out attack on Iran.
what things?
ps: i know US is not going to attack iran but these guys have their own opinios
Very bleak prospect of an American attack on Iran. Seems like a loss from the onset.

Eh, I'm guessing there are things that Iran has that the public don't know about but the US DOD does and that is what is preventing them and has prevented them from an all out attack on Iran.
What can American soldiers do in Iran?

Play football?

Iran is not Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Yemen. Iran is a 80 million country, united, honored, patriot and it has sufficient central government which is armed with semi proper weapons, very strong intelligence power, strong electronic warfare, missile, nuclear and the most important very bold manpower.

Satan is looser when it comes to Iran.




what things?
ps: i know US is not going to attack iran but these guys have their own opinios

Just conjecture really. I'd like to think iran as some sort of ace up the sleeve that no one knows about. But I digress maybe Iran is just too big a piece of meat for the US to bite.

Getting the American people to support this war would be the biggest hurdle. As the mere prospect of another middle eastern war would send shivers down many Americans spine. Especially against a country with the means to hurt us back.
With less and less demand of Middle east oil, US is more likely to mess everything up in US and then leave...
Will not stay too long like in Afghanistan or Iraq...

Just conjecture really. I'd like to think iran as some sort of ace up the sleeve that no one knows about. But I digress maybe Iran is just too big a piece of meat for the US to bite.

Getting the American people to support this war would be the biggest hurdle. As the mere prospect of another middle eastern war would send shivers down many Americans spine. Especially against a country with the means to hurt us back.
حمل بر بی احترامی نباشه اما شما اشکالت اینه که فکر میکنی این چیزایی که گفتی قراره با سرمایه گذاری وزارت دفاع ساخته بشه درصورتی که برعکسه باید شرکت خصوصی بشه اول بعدا این چیزا ساخته بشن.یعنی نه اینکه صرفا سرمایبه وزارت دفاع باشه برعکس هم باید باشه
البته چیزیه که من فهمیدم اگر اشتباس بفرمایید​

Dar Iran beh daleeleh kambood etemood dar 10 sol e avval Dollat ba komakeh sherkat ha Vezarateh Deffa bayad sarmayehgozari konad va dast beh kar shavand ta 10 sol e degar dollat betavanad bakhshi az ean sherkat ha ra beh mardom dar boors Tehran erraeh dahand!

Halla aghar shkhsi ham mahsool va ham tavanaii toleed e sellahi ra doshteh boshad keh as lahazeh technology bartar boshad malloomeh keh dollat mostalzam ast keh dar on sherkat sarmayehgozari konad lakeen cheeneen cheezi dar jahan e emroozeh kamtar deedeh shodeh! chera? choon dar kolleh jahan beshtar no avari ha az vezarateh deffah-ha va sherkat-ha e on dar miayand na bar aks!

Va dollat masool ast keh ba ejodeh reghabat sherkat ha ro be jello holl dahad vagarneh heech sherkati doost nadarad ta majboor shaved ta mahsooli no be bazar biyavarad makhsoosan sherkat ha e khosoosi!
Beh har hol ean masooleyateh dollat ast ta ean reghabat ra dorost konad hol che reghabat daroon e yeh sherkat boshad cheh beyneh sherkat ha va cheh sherkat khosoosi boshad cheh dollati!
Judging by its car production capacity, yes. Even more.

If your specifically talking about the Air Frame & Engine then yes Iran could potentially produce far more than 2,000 Airframes & Engines a year if need be!
But a UAV is not just an Engine & an Air Frame and that Aircraft doesn't cost $500,000 USD because of it's Air Frame & Engine!
If your specifically talking about the Air Frame & Engine then yes Iran could potentially produce far more than 2,000 Airframes & Engines a year if need be!
But a UAV is not just an Engine & an Air Frame and that Aircraft doesn't cost $500,000 USD because of it's Air Frame & Engine!
If you are referring to the avionics and electronics inside the drone, those are much faster to produce that the air frame.

Who said Shahed 129 costs $500,000?
Very bleak prospect of an American attack on Iran. Seems like a loss from the onset.

Eh, I'm guessing there are things that Iran has that the public don't know about but the US DOD does and that is what is preventing them and has prevented them from an all out attack on Iran.

I said that is what they would plan to do that doesn't mean they'll be successful! Or that Iran wouldn't be able to hit their bases before their fighters go in for the 2nd wave!

1000 Cruise Missiles aren't going to cross Iranian boarders unnoticed! Iran will easily have over 30 minutes warning before those missiles reach Shiraz or Esfahan and currently the U.S. can only speculate on what Iran's response time will be and the U.S. can't ignore Iran's Navy & IRGC Navy because they can cut off 1/3 of the worlds Oil Supply.
And the U.S. will truly have to risk most of it's vital bases in the Middle East just to go to war with Iran and for what?

They'll never be able to invade Iran or change the government in Iran and so Iran's Middle East policy will only get harsher because Iran hasn't done anything to warrant an Attack!

Also, unlike U.S. allies Iran's government isn't structured around a few people! So the U.S. also doesn't know what Iran is capable of doing covertly that could severely effect geopolitics of the region against the U.S.....

The day's where U.S. could sell weapons to Iran like they are doing to the Saudi's is over the U.S. just has to accept that and move on!

If you are referring to the avionics and electronics inside the drone, those are much faster to produce that the air frame.

Who said Shahed 129 costs $500,000?

The head of IRGC Aerospace forces said it's $500,000
And they are only faster to produce if you have the equipment to mass produce them
They use one of the most sophisticated flight control systems that exists. Fly-by-wire controlling system.

If it didn't have Fly-By-Wire it wouldn't have a guidance system even if the missile was guided by regular RC type remote control it would still be considered a fly by wire guidance because there is no pilot for it to be anything other than that!!!

I would recommend them to base their power plant on a pulsejet engine with a much smaller Airframe Iranian RC hobbyist make the engines in Iran it's not complicated at all that's why it would be important to know what type of guidance they've used

Iran's military should consider mass producing cheap Pulsejet engine drones that use cheep diesel or gasoline as fuel used as both recon & attack suicide drones to be used in both swarm tactic or single missions and built in all sizes to cover anything from 5km to 300km
You can build them to outrun a Helicopter so you can use them to intercept lower flying Helo's, You can send a swarm after incoming Tank Battalion or send them after infantry units or use them in Anti-Ship operation, you can use them in anti-terrorist operations because they are cheap,.....
If it didn't have Fly-By-Wire it wouldn't have a guidance system even if the missile was guided by regular RC type remote control it would still be considered a fly by wire guidance because there is no pilot for it to be anything other than that!!!

I would recommend them to base their power plant on a pulsejet engine with a much smaller Airframe Iranian RC hobbyist make the engines in Iran it's not complicated at all that's why it would be important to know what type of guidance they've used

Iran's military should consider mass producing cheap Pulsejet engine drones that use cheep diesel or gasoline as fuel used as both recon & attack suicide drones to be used in both swarm tactic or single missions and built in all sizes to cover anything from 5km to 300km
You can build them to outrun a Helicopter so you can use them to intercept lower flying Helo's, You can send a swarm after incoming Tank Battalion or send them after infantry units or use them in Anti-Ship operation, you can use them in anti-terrorist operations because they are cheap,.....
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پالس جت بسیار پرمصرفه بسیار هم داغ میکنه پس الیاژ مناسبی داره
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