If it didn't have Fly-By-Wire it wouldn't have a guidance system even if the missile was guided by regular RC type remote control it would still be considered a fly by wire guidance because there is no pilot for it to be anything other than that!!!
I would recommend them to base their power plant on a pulsejet engine with a much smaller Airframe Iranian RC hobbyist make the engines in Iran it's not complicated at all that's why it would be important to know what type of guidance they've used
Iran's military should consider mass producing cheap Pulsejet engine drones that use cheep diesel or gasoline as fuel used as both recon & attack suicide drones to be used in both swarm tactic or single missions and built in all sizes to cover anything from 5km to 300km
You can build them to outrun a Helicopter so you can use them to intercept lower flying Helo's, You can send a swarm after incoming Tank Battalion or send them after infantry units or use them in Anti-Ship operation, you can use them in anti-terrorist operations because they are cheap,.....