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I was hoping for a HGV (Hypersonic Glide Vehicle) but this is still progress. Although why couldn't they come up with a more original name ? How many weapons are called Fateh or Fatah ? or Toophan ? Saeghe ? How hard is it to come up with a unique name ?
It's the first one having that name

You want it to have some western-ish name like HBM Mk.III?

Although i am for a standardization of missile names like DF for China instead of calling them with names that points to two different systems like Toophan which designs an ATGM and a Helicopter as well as an APC, if Iran in the future access the export market, this will confuse potential buyers, but Iran standardized the names for export Fateh with "BM-120", very simple name

For Iran only weapon there should be a separation between the liquid fueled missiles such as K-4, Emad, Qiam and solid ones into one two or three digits with a number, for example instead of having a massive number of Fateh names, just call it F-110M, F-313M, FZM (for zolfaghar), FMM (Fateh Mobin) FRM (for Raad-500) and FAM for Fattah, S-2 for Sejjil, HQ for Hajj Qassem, KSHK or KS for Khaibar and add something to recognize what it is like for Fath launcher, F-360, for export Fatehs, F-120E, F300E, cruise missiles, GH-E, NO-E (Ghadir and Noor)

For liquid fueled ones, just K1, K2, K4 for Khorramshahr series, SH1,SH2,SH3 for Shahabs, Q-1, Q-2 for Qiam, E1, E2 for Emad
For cruise missiles, SOU for Soumar family, SOU-H for Hoveyzeh, SOU-P for Paveh, SOU-AM for Abu Mahdi
Toophan for the APC, AT-TO for the ATGM, AT-AL for Almas, AT-DE for Dehlavieh
FJ5 for Fajr-5, FJ5E for export

This would make the army look way more professional and less 100% ideological although the names stays the same
It'a an animation:
fattah cgi.jpg
I mean we didn't use ordinary arabic words. Its one of God names. Its nothing to do with arabic or persian words. Its about faith
Faith needs a language

They chose an Arabic name because of its links with Islam, we know, but it's still an Arabic name like everything else they choose. For them Islam is patriotism rather than Iran
Faith needs a language

They chose an Arabic name because of its links with Islam, we know, but it's still an Arabic name like everything else they choose. For them Islam is patriotism rather than Iran
Why you think pan islamism is not pan iranism? all religious iranian believe this:

Powerful Islam = powerful iran
aren't raad-500 and Haj Qassem technicaly hypersonic missiles?
IMO, the closet thing to a Hypersonic Glide Vehicle HGV Iran has before this Fattah unveiling is the Khybar-Shekah---i believe its a quasi- HGV at the minimum- that missile IS A BEAST. I believe nothing can intercept it also.
Why you think pan islamism is not pan iranism? all religious iranian believe this:

Powerful Islam = powerful iran
"Pan Iranism" means nothing, this is a nonsense word that wasn't used for decades and spread by confused people, this is like saying "Pan-Russianism" or "Pan-Iraqism", "Pan-Lebanism"

This is like "Iranic", it also means nothing, these are invented word brought by Pan Turks, Pan arabs and westerners that confuses everything and put everything in the same bucket
Fattah almost mean conqueror too.
Better translation is "bringer of victory "
Hmmm. I’ve been thinking about the difference between ’fateh’ (victor or conqueror) and ‘fattah’. I believe the Arabic root (Fataha) implies there is subtle difference in meaning:

conqueror of conquerors. Ie uber-conqueror.
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