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Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

Congratulation to Iran and our friends for this great achievement. There is no air defence system today that can stop this missile. This is of course not even considering the fact that due to the lower cost of this system, Iran can use them as swarms against air defences. Virtually 0% chance they can stop this for the next few decades at least.
Congratulation to Iran and our friends for this great achievement. There is no air defence system today that can stop this missile. This is of course not even considering the fact that due to the lower cost of this system, Iran can use them as swarms against air defences. Virtually 0% chance they can stop this for the next few decades at least.

Military branch has done an impressive work. Now political apparatus must recognize this adavancement to change geopolitical equations. Iran must make things favorable to its interest in the whole region. Strong is the reason always, and Iran is stronger now.
From that blurred out picture (if that is supposed to represent the new misisle), seems like it might be similar looking to the common hypersonic warhead the US military showed.


I am not really sure IRGC-AF would go for the Wedge shape design, since it's main targets are within 2000km, no need for such a high performing, high cost design that would need to travel intercontinental distances.

Unless they have other plans.....
I think that if in the future we do get to see a more traditional "glider type" hypersonic warhead deployed,then it would almost certainly be on something like the khorramshahr,as it has the range and payload capabilities to really make the most of it.
What are you expectations in future unveilings? do you think Iran has already some kind of missiles capable to destroy enemy satellites? what are your expectations?

Iran will continue to improve the manoeuvrability, RCS and accuracy of these missiles. Deploying decoys etc will be another good addition. The next missile could based on the Haj Qassem with a wedge shaped HGV.

Knowing the IRGC, I would not be surprised if they create a hybrid wedge shaped HGV with a similar solid booster to counter the fact the wedge shape HGVs speed greatly reduces in their final phase. That system will be more expensive than Fattah. Fattah itself is a beautifully designed and economical system. It has basically nullified the enemy's investment into their ABM defence to a great degree. But of course, we cannot become complacent. Iran should and is thinking decades ahead.

As for anti satellite missiles, all the necessary component are there. If they have not already made them, they can without any issues.
The most powerful missile is yet to come! I strongly believe they are working on a new composite Sejil and 3 new more powerful motors. Imagined a Sejil in composite with 3 new more powerful engine with more advanced technology inside. A Sejil Hypersonic could easily be an intercontinental missile
I will create a Wikipedia page when more specs are coming

Also some people confused Fattah with an HGV

Fattah is kind of unique on its own, don't know what a foreign counterpart would be

With Iran we always have that "special Israel" type of weaponry that are unique like Hoveyzeh

PS: Some coping westerners are saying that it is a copy of a "Chinese old prototype" without citing any source or proofs, i fear this goes to medias and paint it as a copy or whatever nonsense like Aliexpress missile
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