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Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

I will create a Wikipedia page when more specs are coming

Also some people confused Fattah with an HGV

Fattah is kind of unique on its own, don't know what a foreign counterpart would be

With Iran we always have that "special Israel" type of weaponry that are unique like Hoveyzeh

PS: Some coping westerners are saying that it is a copy of a "Chinese old prototype" without citing any source or proofs, i fear this goes to medias and paint it as a copy or whatever nonsense like Aliexpress missile

Lmao, that’s hilarious because one can clearly see the logical progression of how FATTAH was eventually developed if you followed IRGC missile development for the past several decades.

Last 10-15 years however. IRGC has hit a phenomenal stride in missile technology both in development, production and fielding.
Nice and professional render.

I will create a Wikipedia page when more specs are coming

Also some people confused Fattah with an HGV

Fattah is kind of unique on its own, don't know what a foreign counterpart would be

With Iran we always have that "special Israel" type of weaponry that are unique like Hoveyzeh

PS: Some coping westerners are saying that it is a copy of a "Chinese old prototype" without citing any source or proofs, i fear this goes to medias and paint it as a copy or whatever nonsense like Aliexpress missile

You can even use this render image as well, which gives a viewer a clear view.
don't know the meaning of what you wrote: "هواى نفس و آرزوى بي شمار حیوانی"
there is no animalistic in the hadith , the translation is long wishes

That Hadith is completely irrelevant to Zarif's traitorous interview and Clearly you don't know the meaning of what you wrote: "هواى نفس و آرزوى بي شمار حیوانی"

متن و ترجمه خطبه ها ی نهج البلاغه - پرهيز از هوسرانى

But in fact Zarif and so the reformists animal desires are the subject of Imam Ali's condemnation.

And about foreign ministry:
They are establishing warm relations with those who want to and those who are forced to
(با تشکر از میدان),
and they are doing so without destroying the scientists' achievements or sacrificing the source of power (میدان/موشک) or piling their hopes on a useless smile from US foreign minister.
and which missile or nuclear power zarif destroyed
I will create a Wikipedia page when more specs are coming

Also some people confused Fattah with an HGV

Fattah is kind of unique on its own, don't know what a foreign counterpart would be

With Iran we always have that "special Israel" type of weaponry that are unique like Hoveyzeh

PS: Some coping westerners are saying that it is a copy of a "Chinese old prototype" without citing any source or proofs, i fear this goes to medias and paint it as a copy or whatever nonsense like Aliexpress missile
worry for what , those it affect the effectiveness of the missile , i say let them fool themselves , the missile is not for sale that these rumor affect it. let them think it is copy of chinese prototype, they understand when it begin rain on them
there is no animalistic in the hadith , the translation is long wishes
The next sentence elaborates which long wishes.

and which missile or nuclear power zarif destroyed
What nuclear? seriously? well, a few thousands centrifuges and their infrastructure, one nuclear reactor, dozens of unemployed scientists and chain of suppliers, limited and delayed R&D.
You should have asked what they didn't destroyed by their beloved JCPOA!

And about the missiles/military, they had no power to destroy it, they could only suspend the space program and they did it (Zero advancement after 8 years), they could impose sanctions on them and they did it in UNSC resolution.

We will never forget their grudge and filthy mouth:

همین تفاوت‌ها سرنوشت ملت‌ها را تغییر داده است+ فیلم - مشرق نیوز
I was hoping for a HGV (Hypersonic Glide Vehicle) but this is still progress. Although why couldn't they come up with a more original name ? How many weapons are called Fateh or Fatah ? or Toophan ? Saeghe ? How hard is it to come up with a unique name ?

Nice and professional render.

You can even use this render image as well, which gives a viewer a clear view.
Once the solid-fuel rocket used for the orbital re-entry vehicle is ignited, the thrust cannot be changed or turned on and off at will.
The fact that combustion continues until the moment of impact means that the sustainer of the orbital re-entry vehicle burns very slowly and produces a small thrust.
Such a small thrust is not useful for evasive maneuvers after entering the atmosphere at a steep angle.
The thrust is estimated to be just enough to maintain a speed in excess of Mach 10 at an altitude of several tens of kilometers for some time.
It is thought that this missile is a type that can glide several hundred kilometers at an altitude of several tens of kilometers with the help of its engine.
The next sentence elaborates which long wishes.

What nuclear? seriously? well, a few thousands centrifuges and their infrastructure, one nuclear reactor, dozens of unemployed scientists and chain of suppliers, limited and delayed R&D.
You should have asked what they didn't destroyed by their beloved JCPOA!

And about the missiles/military, they had no power to destroy it, they could only suspend the space program and they did it (Zero advancement after 8 years), they could impose sanctions on them and they did it in UNSC resolution.

We will never forget their grudge and filthy mouth:

همین تفاوت‌ها سرنوشت ملت‌ها را تغییر داده است+ فیلم - مشرق نیوز
That piece of shit ! How did i survive his 8 years without heart attack is a question of many people also mine, esp, the ones who called us (دلواپس) :lol:

The turd claimed that missile program is a barrier on the way of progressing. It was like saying that the stick in your hand which scared your enemies is a barrier in your way of progressing. I always wondered about Qajars and Pahlavis, how could they lose lands so easily till i saw Rouhani and his logic. The enemy was pushing him back step by step with stick and carrot tactic. In the end of giving up on everything, if someone asked Zarif for his wife, he would have exchanged her for a meal with that retarded mentality of "Tomorrow's world is the world of negotiations not missiles" just like the famine imposed on Iranians during Qajar rule reducing the population from 18 million to 9 million. Zarif would be saying, that's all i can do, my enemy is stronger and i have to give them what they want from me just to stay alive.

The asshole of a Mullah and his team of liberal losers were moving according to western designed plans, but they forgot, IRGC was still alive and on its feet despite multiple punches that they had unexpectedly ate from own governors unprepared and unknowingly.
I was hoping for a HGV (Hypersonic Glide Vehicle) but this is still progress. Although why couldn't they come up with a more original name ? How many weapons are called Fateh or Fatah ? or Toophan ? Saeghe ? How hard is it to come up with a unique name ?
it's the first one ever that is called Fat'tah

That piece of shit ! How did i survive his 8 years without heart attack is a question of many people also mine, esp, the ones who called us (دلواپس) :lol:

The turd claimed that missile program is a barrier on the way of progressing. It was like saying that the stick in your hand which scared your enemies is a barrier in your way of progressing. I always wondered about Qajars and Pahlavis, how could they lose lands so easily till i saw Rouhani and his logic. The enemy was pushing him back step by step with stick and carrot tactic. In the end of giving up on everything, if someone asked Zarif for his wife, he would have exchanged her for a meal with that retarded mentality of "Tomorrow's world is the world of negotiations not missiles" just like the famine imposed on Iranians during Qajar rule reducing the population from 18 million to 9 million. Zarif would be saying, that's all i can do, my enemy is stronger and i have to give them what they want from me just to stay alive.

The asshole of a Mullah and his team of liberal losers were moving according to western designed plans, but they forgot, IRGC was still alive and on its feet despite multiple punches that they had unexpectedly ate from own governors unprepared and unknowingly.
and some people who are not asshole of a Mullah and respectively his team are not trying that deal.
it's the first one ever that is called Fat'tah

and some people who are not asshole of a Mullah and respectively his team are not trying that deal.
When you sign a contract no matter good or bad, it depends on yourself to stay loyal to your own signature or not. At that time, according to JCPOA Iran was recognized, by its own signature, as the guilty party. The guilty has to completely comply with the texture of that contract and other signatories according to trigger mechanism could leave the deal and punish Iranian side further under different excuses without facing its consequences. JCPOA in its nature was similar to capitulation signed by Pahlavis.

All in all that shit signed by assholes belongs to the past. The current negotiations is because of that legal liability imposed on Iranian side. With this fact in mind, if Iran tells them all to fk off, Iran will be recognized as the guilty side again. I already said that JCPOA after assholes has turned into a battle ground of blaming one an other. Iran says it has returned to pre-agreement nuclear status because of US withdrawal, US says you have to bring missile program and other issues into JCPOA. It will never be honored by Iran or USA, that is obvious. Point is, who can win this political fight over a signed contract and a violated contract.

Sorry for the off-topic quotes.
Fattah is very similar in range and shape to Kheibar Shekan and is believed to be based on it.
Assuming that the diameter of the two missiles is the same, 80 cm, the spherical engine of the reentry vehicle is approximately 30 cm in radius.
The maximum amount of solid fuel to be carried on board is approximately less than 200 kg.
Assuming an engine burn time of 200 seconds and a specific impulse of 300 seconds, the engine will generate about 290 kg of thrust during the burn.
Assuming a drag coefficient of 0.2 for the re-entry body, an initial weight of 500 kg, and no evasive maneuvers, the simulation results in a velocity of approximately 700 m/s at impact.
This is close to the estimated velocity of just under M2 from the video footage released to the public.

It is thought that such slow-burning engines have little effect on maintaining speed after atmospheric entry and are more focused on changing orbits in space.
Nice and professional render.

You can even use this render image as well, which gives a viewer a clear view.
Who is the owner of the image? Cause wikipedia deleted all images of Shahed i've uploaded even i specified i had the author's permission to upload them and forces for a CC license, and even if there is, they delete it under "doubtful license". They are very paranoid concerning copyrights and pretty much accept only personal works and images with creative commons... Or this is a problem with them thinking these are propaganda images even when specifying the specs comes from Iran. (most Iran topics are administered and moderated by anti-Iran Iranians and even Israelis for the politic side, they even let MEK sources and Iran International as legitimate sources. (imagine that your country history and advancements are documented by The Jerusalem Post, Al Arabiya and Iran International and the MEK websites, but Tasnim and every domestic outlets are banned

same for Russia and China in which they barely allow Russian sources or Chinese sources, so the Chinese military is covered by western "experts" and article from biased institutes and think-tanks

Though the French wikipedia is much less cancerous than the english one and accepts Iranian sources

If all the authors of these helpful images could upload them as their own work on wikimedia then everyone would be allowed to use them but i know this is annoying for the creators
Seeing the western propaganda which are doing the exact same thing they did before missiles and drones were live tested on them...

I would really pay to see one Fattah sent to Russia and blowing up patriot battery or just near the Poland border where they store western weapons and barracks, then cry like they always did...

The west and others have such a hard time coping this is becoming satiric
I was hoping for a HGV (Hypersonic Glide Vehicle) but this is still progress. Although why couldn't they come up with a more original name ? How many weapons are called Fateh or Fatah ? or Toophan ? Saeghe ? How hard is it to come up with a unique name ?
Bro, don't even get me started. 😂

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