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Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

Written elsewhere sometime in Nov 2017. :D
China kept a lid on this:enjoy:

I only CtrlC-V , so do not ask me technical questions

That was 5 years ago. I guess China got even further than that now.
But when USA want to tango for real, we see real fireworks then.


ther than nucelar explosives, the most powerful are Semtex, HMX, or even the holy grail Octanitrocubane sought by the West in vain.

China leapt pass that into the N15 kind of explosive 10 to 100 times more powerful than TNT. N15 in propellent form is also used by China in her missiles as I mentioned earlier before.

In Chinese



Partial extract via Google translate

Google Translate

In January 2017, China announced a new research result. The world's first all-anion anion salt was successfully synthesized. The related research papers have become China's first research paper in the field of energetic materials published in the international top science "science" , But also allow China to occupy a new generation of ultra-high-energy energetic materials to study the international high ground.



As all-nitrogen ultra-high energy material energy up to 10 to 100 times the TNT above, the power comparable to small nuclear bombs, with high density, high energy, clean and detonated pollution-free, nitrogen explosion products, stable and safe. Therefore, the main object of development.

More than 200 years ago, people isolated nitrogen from the air and later discovered nitrogen ions. Various theoretical calculations were made on all-nitrogen derivatives. However, the earliest synthesis was recorded in 1956. Before this century, It is considered a breakthrough and is currently under exploration. Its prospects have attracted the positive research from all countries.



At present, one of the hot topics in this field is the synthesis of all-nitrogen anion, which is mainly poor in stability. It is very difficult to obtain all-anion. Originally, the United States first started the experiment and did not expect China to successfully launch the high energy-containing material , And the results achieved mainly in the synthesis of a breakthrough. Chinese researchers creatively used meta-chloroperbenzoic acid and ferrous glycinate as cutting reagents and auxiliary agents, respectively, and successfully prepared the stable all-nitrogen anion salt at room temperature by means of oxidative cleavage for the first time. Thermal analysis results show that this salt decomposition temperature up to 116.8 ℃, has a very good thermal stability, so the world-class performance level, very practical value.


Explosives kits have been in use since practical

The successful preparation of all-nitrogen anion salt is a historic breakthrough and has important scientific significance for its synthesis and application and technological development, that is, one step closer to practical application. The importance of comparable to 055-type flooding, do not think it is explosives, which belongs to the old concept, and now its use is much more than explosives, can also be used for rocket propellant. Maybe later, we can apply on the rocket, greatly improve the rocket's specific impulse, so as to improve the rocket performance. The purpose of the United States study on all-nitrogen ultra-high energy materials is to create a new type of rocket fuel that replaces toxic hydrazine-based rocket fuel.


Rockets can also be used

Some people will compare the new metal hydrogen in the United States. In fact, the all-nitrogen anion salt and metal hydrogen are two different types of ultra-high energy energy-containing materials. The former belongs to chemical synthesis and the latter belongs to physical pressure preparation. Although similar in purpose, In the performance of some higher, but the former is more mature in the application of some, in fact, they have their own advantages and disadvantages, belong to one of the new technologies, different things, can not simply say who is better, there is no substitute for the relationship.

At present, we have prepared a total nitrogen anion salt, almost equal to touch the edge of industrial production, perhaps in the near future can be applied to human production and life.(Author's signature: Military World)


Specifications of Haider cruise missile Haider is an air-based cruise missile with a range of 200 km and with a speed of 450 to 500 km per hour, it is capable of destroying ground targets with high precision with optical and thermal guidance. This missile has a 13 to 25 kg warhead and is 3.7 meters long and weighs 60 kg.

Please copy and paste text of the article :cheers:

Similar to that and not behind pay wall https://eurasiantimes.com/pioneered-by-the-us-china-races-ahead-of-its-arch-rival/

As to the power of the Chinese world's first all-anion anion salt successfully synthesized, Chinese might be using this as starter of CHinese H bomb instead of fission device as used previously.

No need for plutonium or U235 to kick start the H fusion.:yay:

Giving Murican lots and lots of f*cking nightmares :rofl:

https://www.financialexpress.com/wo...nctioned-general-as-defence-minister/3006459/ 😆😆😆🤣🤣🤣💪💪💪🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳👏👏👏👍👍👍 China appoints US-sanctioned General as Defence Minister
China on Sunday appointed a US-sanctioned army general as its new Defence Minister, displaying scant regard for Washington’s ban on its military personnel.
March 12, 2023 18:52 IST

China on Sunday appointed a US-sanctioned army general as its new Defence Minister, displaying scant regard for Washington’s ban on its military personnel.

Gen. Li Shangfu, a Chinese aerospace engineer and General of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), was sanctioned by the US in 2018 for the purchase of Russian Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jets and S-400 surface-to-air missiles by China‘s Equipment Development Department (EDD) in violation of the US sanctions on Russia.

The US sanctioned both the EDD and its then director Gen Li.

On Sunday, Gen Li was confirmed as the new Defence Minister by China’s rubber-stamp parliament, the National People’s Congress (CPC). He will succeed Gen Wei Fenghe.

Gen Li was appointed along with a new set of cabinet ministers for various ministries as part of change of the Chinese government officials every 10 years.

On Saturday, Gen Li was appointed as a member of the Central Military Commission (CMC) – the high command of the Chinese military headed by President Xi Jinping.

The US Department of Defence’s 2022 China Military Report described Gen Li as the general officer who offers “technical expertise on military modernisation on space issues” to Xi.

“Li’s rise reflects the unprecedented development of China’s space enterprise since Xi Jinping took power in 2012,” according to the Diplomat magazine.

“It also signals to the world that, against the backdrop of increasingly intensified China-US technological competition, China will continue to prioritize aerospace in its defence modernisation agenda during Xi’s third term and beyond,” it said.

“General Li Shangfu’s appointment represents more consistency in the PLA senior leadership than change. Like Wei Fenghe, who also rose within the PLA under Xi’s tenure, Li will continue to be a steward of China’s defence modernization programs, which have received sustained and continuous support of Chinese leaders from Jiang Zemin to Xi Jinping. Moreover, as the highest-ranking state councilor and a CMC member, Li will enjoy direct access to Xi and serve as his key military advisor,” it said.
😆😆😆🤣🤣🤣 🥳🥳🥳🤡🤡🤡 Now Chinese public just see US politicians as entertaining clowns
what is the longest ranged Iranian missile shahab 3????

Shahab-3 is one of the most obsolete missiles of Iran, it dates from 90s and is a scud, it had 2000 max km range, Shahab-3 is replaced with Emad and Ghadr-110
The longest ranged ballistic missile is Khorramshahr with more than 2000km (presumably 3-4Kkm)

Iran now has more options to build an IRBM that isn't just a giant scud like North Korea did

Also you should know ,that there is currently a (stupid) "limit" of 2000km range imposed by the Iran Leader

Shahab-3 is one of the most obsolete missiles of Iran, it dates from 90s and is a scud, it had 2000 max km range, Shahab-3 is replaced with Emad and Ghadr-110
The longest ranged ballistic missile is Khorramshahr with more than 2000km (presumably 3-4Kkm)

Iran now has more options to build an IRBM that isn't just a giant scud like North Korea did

Also you should know ,that there is currently a (stupid) "limit" of 2000km range imposed by the Iran Leader

We tested ICBMs in cover of space vehicles

That limit is because Russians and some of Europeans wanted us to don't give excuse to Yankees and NATO to put their air defense systems and weaponary near their boarders
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Shahab-3 is one of the most obsolete missiles of Iran, it dates from 90s and is a scud, it had 2000 max km range, Shahab-3 is replaced with Emad and Ghadr-110
The longest ranged ballistic missile is Khorramshahr with more than 2000km (presumably 3-4Kkm)

Iran now has more options to build an IRBM that isn't just a giant scud like North Korea did

Also you should know ,that there is currently a (stupid) "limit" of 2000km range imposed by the Iran Leader

You clarified two lines above that this limit has de facto abrogated with the introduction of the Khorramshahr - with Leader of the Islamic Revolution's acquiescence.

Khorramshahr with the payload of Emad, Qadr, Sejjil and so on will reach between close to three and four thousand kilometers. Not to mention how decades of missile research from shahid Tehrani Moqqadam's time until now as well as the civilian space program, have been used to acquire the necessary know how and to fine tune mastery of key components for potential longer ranged ballistic missiles, up to IRBM and ICBM levels included.

So I wouldn't call this stupidity, on the contrary it reflects strategic foresight and technological sophistication coupled with geopolitical wisdom. Had it not been for the way in which the Supreme Leader steered Iran towards her current prowess despite all odds (both global and domestic), Iran would have found herself in dire straits. Instead, the opposite is the case and we can look forward to further milestones to be achieved by the Islamic Republic.
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what is the longest ranged Iranian missile shahab 3????

Shahab-3 is one of the most obsolete missiles of Iran, it dates from 90s and is a scud, it had 2000 max km range, Shahab-3 is replaced with Emad and Ghadr-110
The longest ranged ballistic missile is Khorramshahr with more than 2000km (presumably 3-4Kkm)

Iran now has more options to build an IRBM that isn't just a giant scud like North Korea did

Also you should know ,that there is currently a (stupid) "limit" of 2000km range imposed by the Iran Leader
You clarified two lines above that this limit has de facto abrogated with the introduction of the Khorramshahr - with Leader of the Islamic Revolution's acquiescence.

Khorramshahr with the payload of Emad, Qadr, Sejjil and so on will reach between close to three and four thousand kilometers. Not to mention how decades of missile research from shahid Tehrani Moqqadam's time until now as well as the civilian space program, have been used to acquire the necessary know how and to fine tune mastery of key components for potential longer ranged ballistic missiles, up to IRBM and ICBM levels included.

So I wouldn't call this stupidity, on the contrary it reflects strategic foresight and technological sophistication coupled with geopolitical wisdom. Had it not been for the way in which the Supreme Leader steered Iran towards her current prowess despite all odds (both global and domestic), Iran would have found herself in dire straits. Instead, the opposite is the case and we can look forward to further milestones to be achieved by the Islamic Republic.

it is worth noting that Hassan Tehrani Moghadam (known as the father of Iran's missile programs) had said on video, "In the area of surface-to-surface missiles I can only say one thing, their is no limit to range". This was before 2006.

It became apparent then, this 2000km is just for the plebeians to consume. Their were rumors 2 decades ago about a Shahab-4 & Shahab-5, but none were ever proven, nor was any picture ever seen. As far as it is concerned, these are "discontinued and alleged projects". These two, based on liquid fuel may be very real, produced and operational inside missile silos' and portals, the cost of which was well paid for during the Ahmadinejad presidency era were oil costed 100$ a barrel and Iran was awash with cash and free flowing sales and rapid economic growth.

Of course as Salar said, Khoramshahr which we already know of, can be converted to extend beyond 2k.

In my opinion, the Shahab-3 is basically non-important, but our country hates to just "scrap" working products. If it works and it still has a use, we will keep it in reserves. In other countries, predominantly western countries, even products made in the 90s, where most militaries would find useful today are scraped and discontinued. An item like the Shahab-3 with it's design and engine can literally last 50-100 years in a vacuum sealed bag without any maintenance costs. The warhead can be replaced with a cluster warhead and find itself quite useful in this regard, of course you can also use it for indiscriminate city bombing if it came to that.
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