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Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

"new", underground launched missile, I think never seen before as of yet

You`re right.These clearly look to be solid fueled quasi-ballistics judging by the angle of launch,this is totally different to the underground missile base silo launches of liquid fueled missiles that we`ve seen previously.
If anything it reminds me somewhat of the same sort of principle of the old underground us mx missile trains with a breakthru onto the surface and a launch,tho this looks more like its being fired from a shallow tunnel possibly just under the subsurface judging from all of the soil being ejected by the motor ignition.
The beauty of this launch mode is that it would give us and gulfie forces in the region far,far less warning of any iranian launch preparations or impending launches.
Very,very interesting.
"new", underground launched missile, I think never seen before as of yet


Bro your assistance in breaking this down would be greatly appreciated :-):yahoo:

Well, new subsystems like electromechanical actuators have allowed putting Fateh family series in a sealed container for many years, instantly ready for launch.

They are buried and covered to create a very difficult detectable and attackable launch method.

Smart and low cost basing option with all the benefits of a AshBM in terms of range, time of arrival and terminal speed.
Finally! Why mashreghnews hasn't released it yet? :(

Now can someone please give more explanations about this?
It seems that the resolution is not better than 100m times 100m though.

It seems like Iran just showed yet another new FATEH variant!!

Also guys please watch the Arteshban video, it will reveal all that you need to know.

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