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Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

if so then that is a hell of a game they are playing
It's a shot they've fired, whether or not it hits the target and the Saudis play along with it remains to be seen. As for it being a hell of a game well the Israeli's play these type of games all the time so it's not very surprising that they would take full advantage of the Trump Administration and get them to pressure the Saudi's into handing over that data for something comparatively minor for example they'll agree to sell the Saudi's the F-35.... So far the Israeli's have practically shamed the Germans into giving them free Submarines, they play U.S. politics like a fiddle into paying them Billions of dollars in annual military aid and among none NATO countries the Israeli's probably reap the biggest reward out of the NATO alliance and these are just a few of the very large and notable examples.
I guess that was some "clean work" by Iran.

so clean that they did not see them until it was too late that was the hart part to get them to Iraq then Kuwait then Persian gulf into SA, near Bahrain air defense systems

It's a shot they've fired, whether or not it hits the target and the Saudis play along with it remains to be seen. As for it being a hell of a game well the Israeli's play these type of games all the time so it's not very surprising that they would take full advantage of the Trump Administration and get them to pressure the Saudi's into handing over that data for something comparatively minor for example they'll agree to sell the Saudi's the F-35.... So far the Israeli's have practically shamed the Germans into giving them free Submarines, they play U.S. politics like a fiddle into paying them Billions of dollars in annual military aid and among none NATO countries the Israeli's probably reap the biggest reward out of the NATO alliance and these are just a few of the very large and notable examples.

yes in that regard they say U.S military aid to Israel most increase because of Iran they had a whole article on that in haaretz, so basically it said US most give free F35s, free smart guided bombs, free advanced Air defence systems and more money as Iran is getting stronger and more advance, that was funny to read
I guess that was some "clean work" by Iran.
so clean that they did not see them until it was too late that was the hart part to get them to Iraq then Kuwait then Persian gulf into SA, near Bahrain air defense systems

Yeki neest begheh Why would it matter if the weapons were made in Iran? It's not like Saudi weapons are made in Saudi Arabia! So even if the weapons were made in Iran, So what? If the Yemeni's are claiming to have fired them & there is no evidence to the contrary then what the hell is the UN doing spending funds to investigate where the weapons the Yemeni's announced to have used were manufactured.

It's not like they are going around investigating where the weapons the Saudi's are using against Yemen were manufactured to then sanction the country that sold them weapons..... I guess it should be no surprise, what more could one expect out of an organization that puts the Saudi's in charge of the UN Human Rights Council!
Yeki neest begheh Why would it matter if the weapons were made in Iran? It's not like Saudi weapons are made in Saudi Arabia! So even if the weapons were made in Iran, So what? If the Yemeni's are claiming to have fired them & there is no evidence to the contrary then what the hell is the UN doing spending funds to investigate where the weapons the Yemeni's announced to have used were manufactured.

It's not like they are going around investigating where the weapons the Saudi's are using against Yemen were manufactured to then sanction the country that sold them weapons..... I guess it should be no surprise, what more could one expect out of an organization that puts the Saudi's in charge of the UN Human Rights Council!

preach brother preach, well you are talking about a corrupt institution they will never go after SA
Shahab-3 caught on Google Earth at Iran's missile tunnels. 24km NW of Tabriz. There are a few new tunnels currently under construction in the base as well.


Can we make a logical deduction that given the recent American and Israeli military action against Iranian troops and interests in the region (leading to the deaths of Iranians and destruction of Iranian infrastructure), that Iran has increased missile production as a means to further prepare for a possible future conflict?
Can we make a logical deduction that given the recent American and Israeli military action against Iranian troops and interests in the region (leading to the deaths of Iranians and destruction of Iranian infrastructure), that Iran has increased missile production as a means to further prepare for a possible future conflict?

maybe, usually they transfer them at night i do not know why they did this at bright light as they were deploying couple more it could have lots of indications but expecting attack from US or Israel are not that high in the list but they could very well be adding to the storage by breaking the norm and move them so recklessly.


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maybe, usually they transfer them at night i do not know why they did this at bright light as they were deploying couple more it could have lots of indications but expecting attack from US or Israel are not that high in the list but they could very well be adding to the storage by breaking the norm and move them so recklessly.



I'm just grasping at straws here but wouldn't moving them in broad daylight be some sort of gesture to America and Israel? Granted I don't know exactly what the gesture would be trying to convey but it seems like it could be something.

To be honest lol, I just would like to think Iran has ramped up missile production recently since the possibility of an open conflict has never been this high in a while so it would just seem logical for Iran to stockpile more missile just in case. Since Iran does seem to be expanding it underground missile bases to, I assume, accommodate for more missiles and TELs.

Hell, I don't even think we even have an accurate stockpile count right now regarding just how many missiles Iran truly has. I know it's "a lot" but how much is sort of anyones guess lol.
I'm just grasping at straws here but wouldn't moving them in broad daylight be some sort of gesture to America and Israel? Granted I don't know exactly what the gesture would be trying to convey but it seems like it could be something.

To be honest lol, I just would like to think Iran has ramped up missile production recently since the possibility of an open conflict has never been this high in a while so it would just seem logical for Iran to stockpile more missile just in case. Since Iran does seem to be expanding it underground missile bases to, I assume, accommodate for more missiles and TELs.

Hell, I don't even think we even have an accurate stockpile count right now regarding just how many missiles Iran truly has. I know it's "a lot" but how much is sort of anyones guess lol.

Iran’s missile production is based on strategic planning not arbitrarily changing with the wind due to what Israel/US do on a given day or month.

Some missiles have to be retired due to aging and obsolete models. If I were Iran I would move these missiles to Iraq and let them age there. Since they are liquid even if they get destroyed the explosion would be minimal compared to solid fuel since they would likely not be carrying fuel during transport and storage.

It’s obvious the Israeli air strikes are not effective enough to change Iran’s calculus. Israel would need to run 10-20 sorties a day to truly change the facts on the ground. Airstrike every month or so, is not effective on ANY military target.
I'm just grasping at straws here but wouldn't moving them in broad daylight be some sort of gesture to America and Israel? Granted I don't know exactly what the gesture would be trying to convey but it seems like it could be something.

To be honest lol, I just would like to think Iran has ramped up missile production recently since the possibility of an open conflict has never been this high in a while so it would just seem logical for Iran to stockpile more missile just in case. Since Iran does seem to be expanding it underground missile bases to, I assume, accommodate for more missiles and TELs.

Hell, I don't even think we even have an accurate stockpile count right now regarding just how many missiles Iran truly has. I know it's "a lot" but how much is sort of anyones guess lol.

well i hope they are upgrading them or changing materials to something new we recently saw a Qiam missile test with carbon fiber/composite body, but all of that can happen inside of the base, maybe sending a message is more accurate, as for how much missiles do Iran have i'm rooting for 400,000 :lol::tup:

video about the first successful launch of the Shahab-1 rocket with the presence of martyr Hassan Tehrani Moghaddam has been released.

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well i hope they are upgrading them or changing materials to something new we recently saw a Qiam missile test with carbon fiber/composite body, but all of that can happen inside of the base, maybe sending a message is more accurate, as for how much missiles do Iran have i'm rooting for 400,000 :lol::tup:

video about the first successful launch of the Shahab-1 rocket with the presence of martyr Hassan Tehrani Moghaddam has been released.


physically impossible for Iran to have 400,000 bms. Iran’s long range BMs likely number less than 30,000. Even 30,000 would be a massive number. That would assume Iran is producing 100 LR BMs every month for 20-25 years.

I think the number is closer to 5,000.
Iran’s missile production is based on strategic planning not arbitrarily changing with the wind due to what Israel/US do on a given day or month.

Some missiles have to be retired due to aging and obsolete models. If I were Iran I would move these missiles to Iraq and let them age there. Since they are liquid even if they get destroyed the explosion would be minimal compared to solid fuel since they would likely not be carrying fuel during transport and storage.

It’s obvious the Israeli air strikes are not effective enough to change Iran’s calculus. Israel would need to run 10-20 sorties a day to truly change the facts on the ground. Airstrike every month or so, is not effective on ANY military target.

I wish wasn't posting this but it was just too ironic not too.


Iran won’t leave Syria. Even if Israel bombs every military base 100 times, Iran will stay. Israel can not afford a sustained air campaign for long. Look how much it is costing the Saudi’s.

Israel is focusing so much on military it is avoiding its people. 1/3 of people living in poverty. Does that sound like an advanced country?

Iran is planning to surround Israel and eventually make Israel choose between a war or referendum for a true Jewish/Muslim state with equal representation for all religious and ethnic parties.

This is the “elimination” of Israel that the IR establishment refers to. But MSM would like you to believe that Iran plans to wipe out all the Jews.

Israel is an unnatural state that will collapse under social-demographics. Once Jews start having less kids they will in time be overrun by Palestinians that have 4-6 kids. The only thing that has allowed Israel to survive this long socio-demographic wise is that Jews traditionally have more kids than Western and even Iranian culture.
physically impossible for Iran to have 400,000 bms. Iran’s long range BMs likely number less than 30,000. Even 30,000 would be a massive number. That would assume Iran is producing 100 LR BMs every month for 20-25 years.

I think the number is closer to 5,000.
i know the number is very high that's why i was laughing at it
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