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Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

The whole concept of Iran picking fight against its neighbours is ridiculous. Iran already has plenty of resources and plenty of land mass that is more than enough. Look, Iran cannot possibly sell all its resources as these hydrocarbon wealth are becoming rapidly irrelevant. All Iran has ever done has purely been defensive, a response to an ill intended initiative.

You are looking at this the wrong way, iran isnt trying to attack its neighbouring countries. The thing is that iran is just defending itself against them. As you said, iran has lots of resources, that simply means that iran doesnt need extra, so there is no reason to attack. You might call all iranian proxies in the region an act of aggression, but again it's only for defensive purposes. If these proxies didnt exist, iran wouldve not existed, you would see the ISIS flag on Iran and most people would be dead. Never forget the Iran-Iraq war, did iran start the fight or was it Saddam who attacked first? How many countries were helping him? That war started 1 year after the revolution, this just shows how iran's enemies think about iran. And after almost 40 years, their physical appearance might have changed but, their intentions are the same. They try achieving their goals this time in other ways, so iran decided to defend itself in another way other than starting a war, which is all these proxies it has in the region.
No secret military base is going to be painted “bright blue” basically asking to be found.

Seriously you people need to stop watching Hollywood movies.
then how they ended up being filmed and saw in Kuwait ????, no your theory does not add up brother
It is absurd to think Iran would directly attack KSA like that, that would be a clear declaration of war.

Where is your source for Kuwait? Al Jarida???

Houthis already claimed responsibility for this and had a press conference detailing that this attack was 10 drones and intelligence from the ground.

Another possibility is that the attack originated from Iraq hence passed through Kuwait that way. But no way in hell did this originate in Iran!
It is absurd to think Iran would directly attack KSA like that, that would be a clear declaration of war.

Where is your source for Kuwait? Al Jarida???

Houthis already claimed responsibility for this and had a press conference detailing that this attack was 10 drones and intelligence from the ground.

Another possibility is that the attack originated from Iraq hence passed through Kuwait that way. But no way in hell did this originate in Iran!
What a wide impact area it is!.....from this stance all targets are far from each other individually

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