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what are the two new missiles?

Iranian Qiam missile with guided warhead

Iranian Hormoz-2 anti ship radar missile

unknown Iranian guided rocket

Iranian guided version of Zelzal rocket

what are the two new missiles?

Tomorrow another part of this documentary will be released and i hope we can see another new missile.

Tonight, at 7:30 pm, a military contest will be broadcast in the form of the Navy Special Forces.

Iranian Qiam missile with guided warhead


Iranian Hormoz-1 and Hormoz-2 anti ship ballistic missiles

What was new beside the MaRV Qiam is an active radar guided Khalije Fars AshBM variant!

Hormuz with radio source homing, Khalije Fars with infrared homing and the new Khalije Fars variant with active radar homing, all major kill methods are now mastered.
thanks. what is the difference between qiam and zolfaqar?? both are 700km BM? i thought they were going to put fateh mobin seeker on zolfaqar so what is the point of qiam?

l I think the most important difference between the qiam and zolfaqar is the ballistic missile trajectory and the zolfaqar missile is more accurate in dealing with the target and its solid fuel and you know the alternatives that comes with solid fuel. zolfagar range : ~700km. qiam range : ~850km.

And remember that Iran got to the qiam much sooner than zolfagar . It is said that a large number of these qiam missiles have been manufactured and stored, which this could be considered as an upgrade for our qiam missiles .

l I think the most important difference between the qiam and zolfaqar is the ballistic missile trajectory and the zolfaqar missile is more accurate in dealing with the target and its solid fuel and you know the alternatives that comes with solid fuel. zolfagar range : ~700km. qiam range : ~850km.

And remember that Iran got to the qiam much sooner than zolfagar . It is said that a large number of these qiam missiles have been manufactured and stored, which this could be considered as an upgrade for our qiam missiles .
if zolfaqar is more accurate and is solid fuel and they are both BM and have very similar range what is the point of still producing qiam instead of focusing on putting fateh mobin guidance system on zolfaqar?
if zolfaqar is more accurate and is solid fuel and they are both BM and have very similar range what is the point of still producing qiam instead of focusing on putting fateh mobin guidance system on zolfaqar?

I do not know if Iran is still producing qiam missiles or not but this may be is an upgrade to make precision warheads for our already manufactured qiam missiles.
Qiam has a almost infinite lifetime compared to the Zolfaghar. With a small overhaul it can be used to deliver a ~ half ton warhead to a point target at mach 3,5 in 2100... a truly strategic generations asset. Thats the reason they were and probably are produced like cigarettes.

The Zolfaghar has to change its booster after 15-20 years. But offers tactical advantage: It can go anywhere stay there for as long as necessary and launch within minutes if the request comes --> small footprint.
Qiam has a almost infinite lifetime compared to the Zolfaghar. With a small overhaul it can be used to deliver a ~ half ton warhead to a point target at mach 3,5 in 2100... a truly strategic generations asset. Thats the reason they were and probably are produced like cigarettes.

The Zolfaghar has to change its booster after 15-20 years. But offers tactical advantage: It can go anywhere stay there for as long as necessary and launch within minutes if the request comes --> small footprint.

You are missing another important difference

Zolfghar is from Fateh family, thus is a quasi-BM (never leaves Earth’s atmosphere)

Qiam is from a Shahab family of missiles and is a traditional BM.

Not all air defense systems can engage Zolfghar due to its trajectory.

Another important point is warhead size which you already mentioned.
if zolfaqar is more accurate and is solid fuel and they are both BM and have very similar range what is the point of still producing qiam instead of focusing on putting fateh mobin guidance system on zolfaqar?
Quiam and Fateh family are two completly different things...different technology..different destructive power..different usage...Fateh family is tactical quazi balistic missile like Iskander while Quiam is traditional balistic missile like SCUD...Fateh is tactical while Quiam is strategic assets even it can be used as tactical...destructive power of Quiam is much..much higher ... missile has balistic trajectory...misle is lunched vertically and go outside atmosphere than warhead is split from body and return..speed of such balistic missiles warheads is much higher...probably more than 2 times...Fateh family is a quasy balistic missile and it fly as whole missile from start till the end in quazi balistic trajectory...almost like rocket and it doesn't reach high atlitude ..only booster is rejected
Again Quiam is traditional balistic missile with true balistic trajectory,guided warhead with fins will give it more acuracy and also it would be able to change trajectory and evade defense....destructive power of Quiam is much..much greater...because of speed kinetic energy is huge thus has bigger warhead....also even it has "normal" balistic trajectory it will be big challenge for defense because of guided warhead and high speed...ABM shields have problems to intercept even SCUD and similar missiles without a maneuverable warhead which doesn't change trajectory because of speed...longer range IRBMs and above would probably failed to intercept even with dumb warhead since these shields hevily depends on radars positioned close to potentional lunching locations ...warheads with evading capatibility will be imposible to intercept.
Quiam is strategic asset(even can be used as tactical) you will see it in underground silos and underground bases mostly and since it is liquid-fueled missile it require some preparation...fuel tanking..etc and reaction time is not comparable with Fateh family
On other side Fateh like balistic misile or Iskander are quazi-balistic missiles...those are balistic missiles where missile never lives atmosphere and doesn't follow balistic trajectory...it has lower speed and destructive power but there are some adventages which makes it great tactical asset... since Fateh is solid fuel it doesn't require preparation and rection time is minimal,it is much harder to detect lunching and also these missiles are excellent to attack ABM shields because interception is almost imposible...that is why when US deployed parts of anti missile shield in Europe to Russian borders first Russian reaction was Iskander deployment close to these assets....So these missiles from Fateh family will be used as first defense and 24/7 on alert....

On other side Fateh like balistic misile or Iskander are quazi-balistic missiles...those are balistic missiles where missile never lives atmosphere and doesn't follow balistic trajectory...it has lower speed and destructive power but there are some adventages which makes it great tactical asset... since Fateh is solid fuel it doesn't require preparation and rection time is minimal,it is much harder to detect lunching and also these missiles are excellent to attack ABM shields because interception is almost imposible...that is why when US deployed parts of anti missile shield in Europe to Russian borders first Russian reaction was Iskander deployment close to these assets....So these missiles from Fateh family will be used as first defense and 24/7 on alert....
why don't they make solid fuel qiam so then it will have lower preparation time and more destructive and faster speed etc (all the advantages of both)?

What missile is this one?
it looks like emad to me
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