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Iranian Commander: Electronic Systems, Watchtowers Protecting Eastern side

@Slav Defence

I think the leadership in Tehran needs to open its eyes and look at the real enemy and stop feeling this insecurity since we aren't and haven't ever created troubles for them . Pakistan has an insurgency in Baluchistan by the same elements which create trouble for Iran in Sistan so supporting any militants is out of the question and we gain nothing by doing that . No-one is going to attack no one , my friend . But the atmosphere of mistrust and distancing from each other will continue if the Ayatollahs do not see the big picture here . Pakistan will never allows its territory to be used to attack Iran .

Why do you guys are getting emotional here? Are you really blaming Iran for increasing its defensive line on eastern borders? Isn't that called interfering in our internal matters? Since when a radar is a danger to another country? Or maybe we don't have a right to protect our air space.

If we follow your logic, Iran shouldn't also have any radars in borders with Iraq, Turkmenistan, Turkey and and also in north, Caspian sea and Persian Gulf since there are no imminent threat! Does that even make sense?
These radars are NOT directed at Pakistan and are not meant to defend us against Pakistan's army but the Americans who have free passage in Afghanistan and Pakistan. You should really understand our situation here. RQ-170 was only one incident, God knows how many more drones they have sent or are willing to send.

What makes you say that ? Not an enemy yet too , mate . Of course , the love of Ummah and the member countries is one sided and never really reciprocated in kind by anyone . But Iran is a neighbor and we still need to maintain a working and good relation with it whilst keeping the ' Pakistan first ' thing in mind .

I , for one , will never forget the backstabbing by Tehran on the Kashmir issue in the 90's .

Backstabbed? Is that what you call it? I see... Iran has been much more active than other 'Muslim Ummah' to resolve the Kashmir issue. We proposed the peace pipeline which could definitely improve Pak-India relations, but thanks to U.S pressures, India backed off. Besides, Pakistan too has not always been on our side, you were the ones who were supporting Taliban, our enemy, with everything you could in 90s. I won't call that back stabbing, because Pakistan has been after its own interests back then and we understand it. What I'm trying to say is, countries are not supposed to appease each other, but following their interests.

You just answered your own question ! :unsure:

And that coupled with the naughtiness of the Ayatollahs doesn't exactly endear me to them ! :D

So I think we should treat Iran as a purely 'business relationship' - there is no need to cultivate economic integration, social & cultural ties with them or even taking more than the required amount of interest in whether the International Community is going to castrate them or reconcile with them, unless of course we gain to make or lose something from it !

Our ties can be upgraded to something more at a later date after some fundamental issues have been resolved & some behavioral changes enacted !

Don't get me wrong - I have no ill will towards Iran ! God Bless & May they Prosper but I hope that God Blesses them & their Prosperity within the Territorial Confines & Ambitions of their own country - Not mine or any other !

Seeing today's Pakistan and the most of the extremism going on in there and the secret alliance of those extremists and the ideology they prefer and the ethnicity and the religious minority that is being targeted the most by them, all leads us to believe that your opinion regarding Iran's interference in your country is a little exaggerated, but I agree that we should base our ties only on pure economical purposes. Pakistan still tends to favor Saudi Arabia over Iran, so we can't expect an alliance or something like that for sure. But a good economical relation can have many positive results for both sides, because both of our countries have great potentials to do great things.
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Seeing today's Pakistan and the most of the extremism going on in there and the secret alliance of those extremists and the ideology they prefer and the ethnicity and the religious minority that is being targeted the most by them, all leads us to believe that your opinion regarding Iran's interference in your country is a little over exaggerated, but I agree that we should base our ties only on pure economical purposes.

As I have always maintained that 'in the now' Shias are being targeted because of a nexus of sorts between different Sunni Militant Groups strengthened by the presence of Al-Qaeeda in the region along with the so-called 'Jihad' against the Americans & the perceived mercenary attitude of the Pakistani State in joining the US led War On Terror !

However I've also always maintained that all of this mess started when the Ayatollah's thought of exporting the Revolution to every corner of the Muslim World with a sizable Shia Presence - Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan, Afghanistan & even parts of the African Continent are prime examples of that. The Saudis soon followed suit & started exporting their own brand of Militant & Radical Political Islam to these areas. The rest as we know is History.

Certainly the continued ostracization of Iran in the International Arena & Pakistan's aid in helping catch Riggi & others has seen Iran abandoning or significantly toning down her policies of Exporting the Revolution; otherwise throughout the '80s, the '90s & even the early '00s - both the Sunni Extremists (SSP & the AhSWJ) & the Shia Extremists (SSM & the TeJ) were taking pot shots against each other's community with complete impunity & with alot of resources at their disposal.

That said - Indeed, Economic Relations with Iran certainly don't hurt !

Pakistan still tends to favor Saudi Arabia over Iran, so we can't expect an alliance or something like that for sure. But a good economical relation can have many positive results for both sides, because both of our countries have great potentials to do great things.

Pakistan does indeed favor Saudi Arabia over Iran because of our long standing relations with them & Pakistan used to count Iran under the Shah as one of her very good friends ! Unfortunately whereas the ties with Saudi Arabia are part of a different dynamic where everything from Political Leverage to the Pakistani Diaspora in KSA enter the Calculus, in case of Iran after the Iranian Revolution our ties did take a plunge for the worst especially when Iran derailed the OIC Resolution on Kashmir & in Afghanistan where we supported the Taliban & other Pukhtoon factions & you supported the predominantly Farsi speaking Northern Alliance.

But then again for every instance of Pakistan favoring KSA over Iran, you've done the same in case of India !

Amen, that has to be the most highest of betrayal by any nation towards Pakistan, if they had not done it Kashmir would be free.

Are you guys talking about 1994 Geneva resolution issue?
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Need your opinion on this , mate . Isn't Tehran isolated enough already to adopt such posture towards Pakistan ? Because I personally do not think there was any need , any at all , to deploy such systems at our border because the Iranians have bigger things to worry about at the moment on other sides and Islamabad isn't one of it . Both countries have friendly relations and the Pakistanis are the most favorable of this nation . Have your say .

Let ask you a question , when Pakistan government is not willing to defend Pakistan airspace from us drones and airplanes , will they be willing to protect our airspace or will they prevent usa from raiding our country through Pakistan airspace.
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@Armstrong: Can you post some links to prove that the unrest in Pakistan started when Iran 'tried to export' the revolution to Pakistan?
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@Armstrong: Can you post some links to prove that the unrest in Pakistan started when Iran 'tried to export' the revolution to Pakistan?

None whatsoever !

No one leaves their visiting card after doing the deed & so we're left with assumptions, assessments, intelligence sources & anecdotal evidence !

So maybe you can visit Pakistan someday & then we'll meet some of the people in our State Security Apparatus, our Bureaucracy & even the Civilians of Note & inquire about what Arab funded Madrassas & 17 Iranian Missions in Pakistan are up to & when & how it all started !

The reason why we don't raise this issue is because the 'sell-outs', the 'ideological foot soldiers' & the 'accessories' are Pakistanis !
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Amen, that has to be the most highest of betrayal by any nation towards Pakistan, if they had not done it Kashmir would be free.

What gave you that delusions that Indians had allowed detaching Kashmir from India because of the fear some sanctions. :cheesy:

Are you guys talking about 1994 Geneva resolution issue?

Yes Iran shot down a OIC resolution which would have paved the way for UN involvement into the issue, at the time India was near collapse financially and any additional sanctions would have forced a resolution of the Kashmir conflict. :coffee:

What gave you that delusions that Indians had allowed detaching Kashmir from India because of the fear some sanctions. :cheesy:

In the 90s India could not bear sanctions. :)
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@Armstrong: Can you post some links to prove that the unrest in Pakistan started when Iran 'tried to export' the revolution to Pakistan?

Ziaul Haq feared that Pakistani Shias may go out of control after Iranian Revolution.
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