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Iranian Commander: Electronic Systems, Watchtowers Protecting Eastern side

Let ask you a question , when Pakistan government is not willing to defend Pakistan airspace from us drones and airplanes , will they be willing to protect our airspace or will they prevent usa from raiding our country through Pakistan airspace.

Understand , one thing .The drone strikes are carried out , by the sanction/explicit permission of the Govt of Pakistan in certain regions , where the armed forces do not currently operate or the attacks are more effective and low cost than any bombing runs or quests by ground forces in neutralizing the militants/terrorists . Though , I do not like the breach of sovereignty of Pakistan and death of innocents in those attacks at all , I do realize the fact and accept the harsh ground reality that they have been effective in taking out the top leadership of Al Qaeda and Taliban . The Pakistani airspace is out of bounds for any air raids inside Iran because of the International laws , the diplomatic fallback of such a move and most importantly ' the friendly relations between both countries ' - that is something we will never allow the Americans to do . Now answer me a simple question . Do you assume much , just too much , that it starts to become just wild conjectures and paranoia ? Did US ever attack Iran using the Pakistani airspace in the decade , they spent in Afghanistan ? If not , what makes the Tehran Govt think that they will now when they are leaving en masse ?
Why do you guys are getting emotional here? Are you really blaming Iran for increasing its defensive line on eastern borders? Isn't that called interfering in our internal matters? Since when a radar is a danger to another country? Or maybe we don't have a right to protect our air space.

If we follow your logic, Iran shouldn't also have any radars in borders with Iraq, Turkmenistan, Turkey and and also in north, Caspian sea and Persian Gulf since there are no imminent threat! Does that even make sense?
These radars are NOT directed at Pakistan and are not meant to defend us against Pakistan's army but the Americans who have free passage in Afghanistan and Pakistan. You should really understand our situation here. RQ-170 was only one incident, God knows how many more drones they have sent or are willing to send.

This isn't called getting emotional - I am just amazed at the insecurity of the Iranian Govt in Tehran - seeing enemies and threats where none exist actually . You see , even though we fully realize that Iran reserves the right to do , whatever it wants within its borders being a sovereign country and can place its radars and other equipment wherever it wants to . We also reserve the right to see this new development with the most critical approach since this wasn't done during 10+ years of coalition's stay in Afghanistan and comes at a time , when withdrawal is about to happen . There is nothing friendly and cordial about this move as you are trying to portray . After all , there is little defense on the Pakistan-China border by both countries .

The question here is of timing and the reason . Because , Tehran didn't exactly feel the need to do so before . Why now ? . Your borders with Pakistan are as secure , as they can be . What exactly makes the Ayatollahs think that Americans can and will be allowed to use Pakistani airspace to attack Iran when this wasn't done ever before ? The radars are directed at Pakistan now since well the Yanks aren't going to stay longer in the region , just a token presence if any . What threat do you see from our side ? I can understand your situation of being isolated and sanctioned just fine but Pakistanis being the most friendly and supportive of Iran's action and resolve , will not think it friendly , by any means . Time to rethink .

I suppose all those bases in AFG and Pak are icecream shops eh?

As I said before, when a country leases an airbase within its territory TO UAE, you need build a fence around it and do it quick.

What bases are there in Pakistan if I may ask ? :azn:

Then , I believe that its ironic as hell that you didn't do so when the airbase was in UAE/USA hands but feel compelled to do so when they have left for good a long time ago , right ?
Very interesting. I've long thought that most of the mullahs' boasts of Iran's military strengths have been jokes. The aircraft stuff is particularly amusing. But I've long considered Iran's EW capability to be one of its few strengths. The U.S. and Iran shared EW facilities in the Shah's days and Iranian students continued to study advanced computer and electronics systems in the U.S. for years afterward the Shah's overthrow.

Yet nobody ever discussed these capabilities until today - apparently because they are real. That they are discussed now suggests to me an attempt at deterring an enemy attack that could occur in the near future. Why would Iran anticipate being so attacked? What are the Iranians up to that they would have to deter an attack?
About the whole Iran-India alliance on Kashmir issue:

1- Iran was the only country which jumped in to kill the OIC move to bring forth the resolution.

2- After the OIC issue it was Iran which moved in opposition of Pakistan and took a position in Afghanistan i.e, supporting Northern Alliance. (It is still a mystery what benefits Iran got from India for ruining OIC resolution, its likely that Iran/India reached a consensus on Afghanistan).

3- India also started supporting Northern Alliance afterwards (which again points to the deal for ruining OIC resolution)

4- Iran then used Kashmir card after India backstabbed Iran at IAEA. Ayatollah suddenly remembered the plight of Kashmiri Muslims and the human right abuses of Indian army.

All the talk of peaceful co-existence and becoming a bridge between Pakistan and India is simply hogwash. Pakistan should be extremely careful of these nutty Ayatollahs and take the border issue very seriously and wait patiently when we can return the favor.

At the end here are some words for consumption of sheep from the top:

“Had Muslim nations been united these handful of Jews could have never taken the land of Palestine away from the Palestinians. Had they been united, ill-fated India could have never snatched our dear Kashmir from us” - Khomeini Nov 6, 1965.

“The major duties of the elite of the Islamic Ummah is to provide help to the Palestinian nation and the besieged people of Gaza, to sympathise and provide assistance to the nations of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and Kashmir, to engage in struggle and resistance against the aggressions of the United States and the Zionist regime,” Khamenei Nov 2011 (Message to Haj pilgrims)
Aug 31, 2013


Commander: Electronic Systems, Watchtowers Protecting Iran's Eastern Borders

The Iranian Army has reinforced protection of the country’s Eastern borders by deploying an increased number of air defense systems and watchtowers in those regions, a senior commander announced on Saturday.

“Because Iran shares common borders with Afghanistan and Pakistan to the East, we have deployed air defense systems and watchtowers in this region,” Commander of Iran’s Eastern Air Defense Zone Malek Ali Assadifard told reporters today.

He underlined that protection of Eastern Iran’s airspace is very important and that is why different defense systems and watchtowers have been deployed in that region.

In mid-May, the Commander of Khatam ol-Anbia Air Defense Base Brigadier General Farzad Esmayeeli said his forces are fully prepared to defend the country against threats in the region.

Speaking during a visit to the country's Southwestern Air Defense Zone at the time, Esmayeeli pointed to Iran's eye-catching growth in air defense systems in recent years, and stated that Iran's air defense capability is so advanced that it is not comparable to what it could do during the Iraqi imposed war on Iran in 1980s.

“At present, the air defense unit's capability, capacity and expertise can defuse any threat existing in the region," Esmayeeli stressed, adding that the air defense forces enjoy a "desirable" level of preparedness.

In November, different systems with the capability of intercepting incoming cruise missiles as well as optimized and indigenized air defense missiles were tested in the massive aerial exercises code-named 'Modafe'an-e Aseman-e Velayat 4 (Defenders of Velayat Skies 4)'.

The advanced home-made Ya Zahra air defense missile system was among the systems tested in the wargames.

The air defense weapon is capable of identifying, intercepting and destroying aerial targets, including different types of aircraft, choppers and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs).

Ya Zahra is a mobile system and can be linked to the country's integrated air defense network and is capable of engaging and destroying several aerial targets simultaneously and also has a powerful fast reaction and full detection capabilities.

During the wargames, Iran also tested a variety of missile systems, including anti-cruise weapons.

Also artilleries, shoulder-launched weapons and low-altitude missile systems were used in the military drills.

Iranian air defense units also exercised targeting Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with anti-aircraft Hawk missiles.

The missile was fired by a mobile air defense system on a missile-launching vehicle.



No reinforcement like this were made during all those years when US was in Afghanistan and now that they are leaving why this development. You people are scared of Afghanistan which does not have any missiles to mention or air force or army to begin with?

And what makes you afraid of Pakistan now?

Pictures please... and is there any threat to IRAN with Syria..
Will IRAN allow Russians to use IRAN to attack US present near SYria???

Only a terrorist will be surprise about Iran's support for the Northern Alliance.

And then some posters cry when I, along with the rest of the planet, say that Pakistan is
responsible for the survival of the terrorist wahabi entity known as the Taliban.

All non-wahabi nations will support an Afghanistan free of the wahabi disease and as Afghanistan becomes stronger and stronger, they themselves will push the disease out. Good luck in the next 50-60 years when Afghanistan has become a normal country, a country that's capable of defending itself. They'll then return the favour.
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@Secur, @Armstrong, @Sedqal:

I still can't believe you are blaming us for these radars.
Anyway, history has shown we can't trust anyone in this world completely. All countries should care for their interests and security. If Pakistan places thousands of radars and defense systems near the border with Iran, we would never complain, because Pakistan has a right to do so and that we are sure those systems would be DEFENSIVE, so it has nothing to do with being or feeling 'insecure', as you are accusing Iran to be.

Turkey allowed NATO radars in its soil which are most probably directed at Iran. Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries increased their oil production to help U.S sanctions on Iran to be more effective. These are our 'Muslim brothers'. Iraq invaded us in 1980. Afghanistan's security is compromised while there is a danger of Taliban taking the leadership of the country again. There are U.S drones flying in Pakistan and Afghanistan and again, history shows U.S doesn't give a damn about international laws when it comes to their enemies, they will send drones freely to our country if we don't defend ourselves and not one single country would even condemn it, let alone the U.N which is a joke in these cases.

We are sure there is absolutely no threat from Pakistan, its army or its people toward Iran and you know it better. I don't know why you are making this issue so big and making a mountain out of nothing. I repeat again, these radars are not directed at Pakistan itself. Our eastern borders had been our weakest spot in last few years, I didn't see Iraq or Turkey complaining about our radars in western borders. And now that we are strengthening our defensive lines in the east, we are suddenly accused of being back stabbers, insecure and traitors. Thanks guys, we really appreciate it.

Yet nobody ever discussed these capabilities until today - apparently because they are real. That they are discussed now suggests to me an attempt at deterring an enemy attack that could occur in the near future. Why would Iran anticipate being so attacked? What are the Iranians up to that they would have to deter an attack?

Because rule of jungle is being applied to many countries.
U.S can attack Syria or Iraq without any documents or proofs, without answering to anyone and without getting authorization from UNSC. U.S can threaten to attack Iran on a daily basis, the same as Israel without getting punished for it. When you live in a world that some countries treat you based on rules of jungle, this is the natural outcome.
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@Serpentine - Mate, I think I made my position very clear - It is Iran's prerogative to do whatever it thinks is 'right' within the Territorial Confines of her Country !

Similarly, I'd want Pakistan's Military Planners to be cognizant of any & all developing situations around us & if it factors into our calculus that 'this' is not merely a benign attempt at protecting the Eastern Side against probable US transgression then we - being a Sovereign State - reserve the right to monitor the situation, to look to the past & chart a course of action accordingly !

No where have I said that 'Iran shouldn't do thus' - Its your country, your land & your call !
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@Serpentine - Mate, I think I made my position very clear - It is Iran's prerogative to do whatever it thinks is 'right' within the Territorial Confines of her Country !

Similarly, I'd want Pakistan's Military Planners to be cognizant of any & all developing situations around us & if it factors into our calculus that 'this' is not merely a benign attempt at protecting the Eastern Side against probable US transgression then we - being a Sovereign State - reserve the right to monitor the situation, to look to the past & chart a course of action accordingly !

No where have I said that 'Iran shouldn't do thus' - Its your country, your land & your call !

Some Pakistani members said Iran feels 'insecure' from Pakistan's side or sees Pakistan, its people or army as a threat. It's not fair, not fair at all. I didn't mean you said it bro, it was a general answer I wanted to share with you.

I love Pakistan, its people and culture, no denying in it. I love its founding father and also the great Allama Iqbal whose poems I truly love and admire. Unfortunately, this great country has been caught up in a violent unrest by extremist groups and I pray everyday to see Pakistan in the great place it truly deserves. You know we were great friends after Pakistan's independence day in 1947 until the post-soviet invasion era in Afghanistan in 90s. Iran was the first country who recognized Pakistan as a country. It all means that we have a great potential to be friends again, and all these disagreements can be resolved easily and the relations have been improved in past years and hopefully, we will go even further. Me objecting with some of your words or opinions doesn't mean I dislike Pakistan, it's the exact opposite.
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Dude... are you one of those lunatics who thinks his opinion matters?
Grow up, you are just an insignificant individual whose opinion has less weight than a methane content of a fart :lol:

And its none of your business what we are doing inside of our own borders, now GTFO of Iranian section if you don't like us.

Consider my reply to you an honor.
Lol....now the Iranians tell the Pakistanis to butt out of the PDF....better listen....or else. PS...can see why Iran did it, but it would have better to keep it quite rather than PO more neighbors. And if this was a warning to the US, we probably knew about the move before the commanders of the moved units did.
Some Pakistani members said Iran feels 'insecure' from Pakistan's side or sees Pakistan, its people or army as a threat. It's not fair, not fair at all. I didn't mean you said it bro, it was a general answer I wanted to share with you.

I love Pakistan, its people and culture, no denying in it. I love its founding father and also the great Allama Iqbal whose poems I truly love and admire. Unfortunately, this great country has been caught up in a violent unrest by extremist groups and I pray everyday to see Pakistan in the great place it truly deserves. You know we were great friends after Pakistan's independence day in 1947 until the post-soviet invasion era in Afghanistan in 90s. Iran was the first country who recognized Pakistan as a country. It all means that we have a great potential to be friends again, and all these disagreements can be resolved easily and the relations have been improved in past years and hopefully, we will go even further. Me objecting with some of your words or opinions doesn't mean I dislike Pakistan, it's the exact opposite.

Thank You for those kind words - We love Iran, her People & her History too ! :)

After all 69% of all Pakistanis hold a favorable view of Iran - the highest in the world !

( Source - Global Views of Iran Overwhelmingly Negative | Pew Global Attitudes Project )

I think the real reason why Pakistanis are raising questions about this is because of some part confusion & some part a lack of communication ! Because whereas Iran does indeed have the right to orient her defenses the way she sees fit & no one can or should tell her to do anything different, most of us can't really understand 'Why & Why Now ?'

Some of your compatriots have raised the possibility of 'Drones' but as far as I know there has been no Drone Strike or Surveillance in Baluchistan (the area that borders Iran) & even when it comes to FATA & its adjoining areas, its an open secret (now confirmed through the Abottabad Commission Report) that Pakistan has an unwritten understanding with the United States on Drone Strikes & the feigned displeasure by the Government is purely for Domestic Consumption ! We might not like to admit it but whereas many of these Drone Strikes have ended up killing a lot of innocent civilians, they've also effectively dismantled the Al-Qaeeda network in those areas of Pakistan & has also taken out high-value targets who were exclusively targeting Pakistani Forces & Civilians instead of the Americans - So to stop or not to stop becomes a somewhat difficult question when on one hand it violates your sovereignty & kills innocent people but in the process it takes out those targets who are exclusively killing you & plenty more innocent civilians - a Conundrum if you will & one sanctioned by the Government herself !

I don't see Pakistan allowing any kind of Drones to fly from Afghanistan circumventing most of Pakistan & then going into Iran even if it made Operational Sense for the Americans to do that when it would be a lot more simpler from the Gulf or from Afghanistan herself.

Then theres the issue of the Shamsi Airbase - It was land leased out to the UAE so that they develop it into a proper Airbase. In return they were allowed landing rights there for hunting purposes.

Granted that doesn't look all that good but it not nearly as bad as some of us make it out to be - a myriad countries do that & this wasn't even a Military Airbase to begin with !

Later when the Americans joined the War On Terror - They were given landing rights to this Airbase for Transportation purposes not to have BlackHawk Teams, F-16s or even Drones parked there or anything of the sort ! And barring some sensationalist media pieces there isn't an iota of evidence to suggest that this was used by them for anything but logistical purposes.

Then theres the other thing - Pakistan has categorically stated that we will not be a party to any aggressive designs against Iran & there is no ambiguity in that stance ! Partly because our resolve has already been tested in case of North Waziristan where despite enormous pressures we've refused to go in simply because it suits the Americans. And partly because a destabilized Afghanistan is a head-ache enough....a destabilized Iran would take Pakistan down with her - We can't afford any misadventure here or in the region - We're already pushing the Americans to wrap up & leave because their attempts to fix the Afghan Problem has created more destabilization than ever before & even in case of Syria we've taken a principled stance that there must not be any Military Action against them !

We've seen the ugly side of these Interventions & felt their effects in our markets & mosques, in our schools & hospitals & we don't want to be a party to it anymore & we wouldn't have had Musharaff not agreed to take part in the US led War On Terror simply to save his own 'seat' but I suppose thats what Military Dictators do - No chance of that happening again because the Army doesn't want anything to do with Politics.

So I think Iran shouldn't fret - Nothing will happen from here but of course Iran does indeed reserve the right to arrange her Defenses in a manner she sees fit & she doesn't need anyone else's permission for that !

' @Secur @Hyperion @chauvunist @p(-)0ENiX @Marshmallow - Kuch ghalat tou nahin kahaa ? :unsure:
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Bizarre move.

The border facing Afghanistan is understandable.Who knows what will happen once NATO leave the region.

However why the need to deploy air defence systems near Pakistan border?

I am sure, if someone can prove me wrong we don't have much military activity on the border from our side.

Keep building up and Pakistan will be inclined to respond by deploying our Spada 2000 system and cruise missiles.

Make your choices carefully, or just word your press briefings in a less hostile manner.
ROFL, get the hell out of here. You guys are getting bombed daily by US drones and you go nuts because Iran deploys a few airdefence systems. Talking about Pakistani priorities ehh ? Shouldnt you be hunting down those flying objects that are blowing Pakistanis to smithereens on a almost daily basis ? If majority of the Saudi backed Pakistanis redirected all their energy from Iran to USA they wouldnt be in such a situation now.

ONtopic. I fully support Iranian governments plans for the Pakistan border, we will never forget the 2005-2010 era where cockroaches and rat terrorists used Pakistani territory to sneak into the Iranian border. I would suggest the Iranian officials to install electric barbed wires to fry anyone to death who sneaks into Iran illegaly. Sorry dude, if we see improvement of security in your country we will slowly step by step reduce these security measures at our side.
ROFL, get the hell out of here. You guys are getting bombed daily by US drones and you go nuts because Iran deploys a few airdefence systems. Talking about Pakistani priorities ehh ? Shouldnt you be hunting down those flying objects that are blowing Pakistanis to smithereens on a almost daily basis ? If majority of the Saudi backed Pakistanis redirected all their energy from Iran to USA they wouldnt be in such a situation now.

ONtopic. I fully support Iranian governments plans for the Pakistan border, we will never forget the 2005-2010 era where cockroaches and rat terrorists used Pakistani territory to sneak into the Iranian border. I would suggest the Iranian officials to install electric barbed wires to fry anyone to death who sneaks into Iran illegaly. Sorry dude, if we see improvement of security in your country we will slowly step by step reduce these security measures at our side.

You shouldn't get emotional based on a comment of one single member and generalize a whole nation. It would also make us look bad. Iran should secure ALL of its borders, not just Pakistan, Afghanistan or other countries. Western borders of our country are safer from eastern side, because of drug cartels and terrorists operating in borders with Afghanistan and Pakistan.

@Armstrong: Thanks for your thorough comment bro.
I would like to add one thing: We haven't fret, because we have made rest of our borders as secure as possible and the borders with Pakistan and Afghanistan are the last ones. Your word would be true if we started securing the border from Pakistan's side.

Also by adding defensive lines in our border, we may also be able to intercept targets coming from Indian ocean.

By adding these radars to all of our borders, we are not meant to say that we are expecting a drone or jet from your country, we just want to declare to our enemies that we are ready, no matter which side they come from. Pakistan itself is a friend and we don't expect any hostility from its government, army or majority of its people.
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Thank You for those kind words - We love Iran, her People & her History too ! :)

After all 69% of all Pakistanis hold a favorable view of Iran - the highest in the world !

( Source - Global Views of Iran Overwhelmingly Negative | Pew Global Attitudes Project )

I think the real reason why Pakistanis are raising questions about this is because of some part confusion & some part a lack of communication ! Because whereas Iran does indeed have the right to orient her defenses the way she sees fit & no one can or should tell her to do anything different, most of us can't really understand 'Why & Why Now ?'

Some of your compatriots have raised the possibility of 'Drones' but as far as I know there has been no Drone Strike or Surveillance in Baluchistan (the area that borders Iran) & even when it comes to FATA & its adjoining areas, its an open secret (now confirmed through the Abottabad Commission Report) that Pakistan has an unwritten understanding with the United States on Drone Strikes & the feigned displeasure by the Government is purely for Domestic Consumption ! We might not like to admit it but whereas many of these Drone Strikes have ended up killing a lot of innocent civilians, they've also effectively dismantled the Al-Qaeeda network in those areas of Pakistan & has also taken out high-value targets who were exclusively targeting Pakistani Forces & Civilians instead of the Americans - So to stop or not to stop becomes a somewhat difficult question when on one hand it violates your sovereignty & kills innocent people but in the process it takes out those targets who are exclusively killing you & plenty more innocent civilians - a Conundrum if you will & one sanctioned by the Government herself !

I don't see Pakistan allowing any kind of Drones to fly from Afghanistan circumventing most of Pakistan & then going into Iran even if it made Operational Sense for the Americans to do that when it would be a lot more simpler from the Gulf or from Afghanistan herself.

Then theres the issue of the Shamsi Airbase - It was land leased out to the UAE so that they develop it into a proper Airbase. In return they were allowed landing rights there for hunting purposes.

Granted that doesn't look all that good but it not nearly as bad as some of us make it out to be - a myriad countries do that & this wasn't even a Military Airbase to begin with !

Later when the Americans joined the War On Terror - They were given landing rights to this Airbase for Transportation purposes not to have BlackHawk Teams, F-16s or even Drones parked there or anything of the sort ! And barring some sensationalist media pieces there isn't an iota of evidence to suggest that this was used by them for anything but logistical purposes.

Then theres the other thing - Pakistan has categorically stated that we will not be a party to any aggressive designs against Iran & there is no ambiguity in that stance ! Partly because our resolve has already been tested in case of North Waziristan where despite enormous pressures we've refused to go in simply because it suits the Americans. And partly because a destabilized Afghanistan is a head-ache enough....a destabilized Iran would take Pakistan down with her - We can't afford any misadventure here or in the region - We're already pushing the Americans to wrap up & leave because their attempts to fix the Afghan Problem has created more destabilization than ever before & even in case of Syria we've taken a principled stance that there must not be any Military Action against them !

We've seen the ugly side of these Interventions & felt their effects in our markets & mosques, in our schools & hospitals & we don't want to be a party to it anymore & we wouldn't have had Musharaff not agreed to take part in the US led War On Terror simply to save his own 'seat' but I suppose thats what Military Dictators do - No chance of that happening again because the Army doesn't want anything to do with Politics.

So I think Iran shouldn't fret - Nothing will happen from here but of course Iran does indeed reserve the right to arrange her Defenses in a manner she sees fit & she doesn't need anyone else's permission for that !

' @Secur @Hyperion @chauvunist @p(-)0ENiX @Marshmallow - Kuch ghalat tou nahin kahaa ? :unsure:

Armstrong abi mera brain nae hy ye purni ko but i promise that i wud read it later n comment:blink: plz dun mind!
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