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Iranian Commander: Electronic Systems, Watchtowers Protecting Eastern side

Thank You for those kind words - We love Iran, her People & her History too ! :)

After all 69% of all Pakistanis hold a favorable view of Iran - the highest in the world !

( Source - Global Views of Iran Overwhelmingly Negative | Pew Global Attitudes Project )

I think the real reason why Pakistanis are raising questions about this is because of some part confusion & some part a lack of communication ! Because whereas Iran does indeed have the right to orient her defenses the way she sees fit & no one can or should tell her to do anything different, most of us can't really understand 'Why & Why Now ?'

Some of your compatriots have raised the possibility of 'Drones' but as far as I know there has been no Drone Strike or Surveillance in Baluchistan (the area that borders Iran) & even when it comes to FATA & its adjoining areas, its an open secret (now confirmed through the Abottabad Commission Report) that Pakistan has an unwritten understanding with the United States on Drone Strikes & the feigned displeasure by the Government is purely for Domestic Consumption ! We might not like to admit it but whereas many of these Drone Strikes have ended up killing a lot of innocent civilians, they've also effectively dismantled the Al-Qaeeda network in those areas of Pakistan & has also taken out high-value targets who were exclusively targeting Pakistani Forces & Civilians instead of the Americans - So to stop or not to stop becomes a somewhat difficult question when on one hand it violates your sovereignty & kills innocent people but in the process it takes out those targets who are exclusively killing you & plenty more innocent civilians - a Conundrum if you will & one sanctioned by the Government herself !

I don't see Pakistan allowing any kind of Drones to fly from Afghanistan circumventing most of Pakistan & then going into Iran even if it made Operational Sense for the Americans to do that when it would be a lot more simpler from the Gulf or from Afghanistan herself.

Then theres the issue of the Shamsi Airbase - It was land leased out to the UAE so that they develop it into a proper Airbase. In return they were allowed landing rights there for hunting purposes.

Granted that doesn't look all that good but it not nearly as bad as some of us make it out to be - a myriad countries do that & this wasn't even a Military Airbase to begin with !

Later when the Americans joined the War On Terror - They were given landing rights to this Airbase for Transportation purposes not to have BlackHawk Teams, F-16s or even Drones parked there or anything of the sort ! And barring some sensationalist media pieces there isn't an iota of evidence to suggest that this was used by them for anything but logistical purposes.

Then theres the other thing - Pakistan has categorically stated that we will not be a party to any aggressive designs against Iran & there is no ambiguity in that stance ! Partly because our resolve has already been tested in case of North Waziristan where despite enormous pressures we've refused to go in simply because it suits the Americans. And partly because a destabilized Afghanistan is a head-ache enough....a destabilized Iran would take Pakistan down with her - We can't afford any misadventure here or in the region - We're already pushing the Americans to wrap up & leave because their attempts to fix the Afghan Problem has created more destabilization than ever before & even in case of Syria we've taken a principled stance that there must not be any Military Action against them !

We've seen the ugly side of these Interventions & felt their effects in our markets & mosques, in our schools & hospitals & we don't want to be a party to it anymore & we wouldn't have had Musharaff not agreed to take part in the US led War On Terror simply to save his own 'seat' but I suppose thats what Military Dictators do - No chance of that happening again because the Army doesn't want anything to do with Politics.

So I think Iran shouldn't fret - Nothing will happen from here but of course Iran does indeed reserve the right to arrange her Defenses in a manner she sees fit & she doesn't need anyone else's permission for that !

' @Secur @Hyperion @chauvunist @p(-)0ENiX @Marshmallow - Kuch ghalat tou nahin kahaa ? :unsure:

alright Armstrong i read now and agree to 99% to what you said....infact you stated it so well that i guess nobudy would like to have any objection or raise any question after that:tup: xecpt for one:tongue:,that do you really think the continuity of drone strikes on our soil is still a good option even after knowing that they may have killed som high value targets or could have weaken Al Qaeda network?

if its damaging us more than having actually a Peaceful Pakistan,which according to a US strategy,killing more of high value targets,will result in Peace everywhere in Pak n US etc,then what's the use of going on with this stupidity where we alredy hav lost so many lives,lands,Money and loyal ppl(peaceful civilians like Pakthuns n Afghans in Pak) etc and still hoping for peace!
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alright Armstrong i read now and agree to 99% to what you said....infact you stated it so well that i guess nobudy would like to have any objection or raise any question after that:tup: xecpt for one:tongue:,that do you really think the continuity of drone strikes on our soil is still a good option even after knowing that they may have killed som high value targets or could have weaken Al Qaeda network?

if its damaging us more than having actually a Peaceful Pakistan,which according to a US strategy,killing more of high value targets,will result in Peace everywhere in Pak n US etc,then what's the use of going on with this stupidity where we alredy hav lost so many lives,lands,Money and loyal ppl(peaceful civilians like Pakthuns n Afghans in Pak) etc and still hoping for peace!

I think that the Drone Strikes are very damaging & must stop ! :)
Lol....now the Iranians tell the Pakistanis to butt out of the PDF....better listen....or else. PS...can see why Iran did it, but it would have better to keep it quite rather than PO more neighbors. And if this was a warning to the US, we probably knew about the move before the commanders of the moved units did.

Did I address you in particular? Why are you so offended? The person that you're defending has the audacity to criticize Iran on its internal policies (which doesn't affect Pakistan in any shape or form, its a purely defensive measure), I'm personally a very forward person, I don't sugarcoat things and I don't give a flying **** if anyone is upset by my posts.
well we had some blind spot in our radar network which USA military were very well aware of that as they themselves designed that network and it was mainly geared toward USSR , now with this chain of Radar it will help us to more properly secure our eastern and to some extent southern part of our country (in last years after that USA increased its military presence in Persian gulf and sea of Oman we strengthen there but still our eastern border was neglected) , hopefully with this development we won't see anything like operation eagle claw that resulted in the death of one of our civilian anymore.

but about Pakistan won't allow USA use its airspace ,let ask you one thing if USA decide to use it without asking any permission what will you do ? well you have any time to intercept them or will they even care about your warning to them .let me show you some example of their arrogance
He was unquestionably eager to get at the gunboats trailing after the Mongtomery, Onward the Vincennes charges, past the German merchantman (which nonchalantly flashed an "A-OK" signal) until it drew abreast of the Montgomery at 8:38. By now Oman's coast guard was on the radio, ordering the Revolutionary Guard boats to head home. The Omanis wanted the Vincennes to leave, too. "U.S. Navy warship," an Omani officer intoned over the radio, "maneuvering at speeds up to 30 knots are not in accordance with innocent passage. Please leave Omani water." By chance, a navy cameraman named Rudy Pahoyo was aboard the Vincennes that day, shooting videotape on the bridge. His video captures the officers' response to the Omani request. They smirked at each other, and did not bother to reply.

The Omanis weren't the only ones who wanted the Vincennes out of the area. At 8:40, Captain McKenna in Bahrain returned to his command center and was startled to see that the Vincennes was on the top of the Omani peninsula - about 40 miles north from where he believed he had ordered Rogers to remain. In some irritation, McKena called Rogers and asked what he was doing. Rogers reported that he was supporting his helo, and that he'd been having communication problems. Unimpressed, McKenna told him to head back toward Abu Musa. "You want me to what?" Rogers bristled over the circuit, McKenna could hear chortles of laughter from the Vincennes combat information center. Now angry, McKenna delivered a flat order: the Vincennes must come south - and the Montgomery too. He was furious at the attitude of the captain and officers of the hotshot billion-dollar cruiser. "Aegis arrogance," he muttered to himself
SEA OF LIES - USS Vincennes shootdown of Iran Air Flight 655 on July 3, 1988

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