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Iranian Commander: Electronic Systems, Watchtowers Protecting Eastern side

[Bregs];4714961 said:
why Is it so despite Pakistan friendly overtures Iran view it with suspicion always, is it because of Sunni - shia divide ?or any other reason ?
1998 Iranian diplomats murder in Afghanistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
in 1998 Taliban invaded the Mazar-sharif and captured this city, Taliban was and is under support of Pakistan, our Authorities contact Pakistan government and ask them to guaranty the safety of our diplomats in Mazar-sharif and apparently they accept, yet Taliban entered the city and mass murdered our diplomats.
recently I watched a documentary, "Allah'maddad Shah'savand" the only survivor of the attack who was shot yet managed to escape and another diplomat who returned to Iran one day before, both believe that ISI was behind the attack. Shahsavand described that terrorists wanted to contact Pakistan and a few minutes later they executed their plan. also Taliban denied their role in that incident and our reformist government who were busy with their sh!t decided to boycott the news.
the fact is that while there are many wills in Pakistan who want a peaceful relation with Iran, yet there are many salafi (wahhabi,takfiri) fanatics too who don't like It, and they have penetrated in Pakistan's government and ISI.
so while we want a warm relation too, yet monthly or daily bomb attacks on Shiah residents in Pakistan tells us another story.
LOL and i say they r supported by Iran and SAVARAAM! can u refute this?

Just because something is said by America doesnt mean its true.

seriously? you're gonna do this?
seriously? you're gonna do this?

Sure why not. If u show yr true colors then we can also come after u. and remember our animosity will go a long way as we r in same region nobody is going anywhere.
Sure why not. If u show yr true colors then we can also come after u. and remember our animosity will go a long way as we r in same region nobody is going anywhere.


what in the actual fuu are you even talking about?

If you can't understand English, don't ******* start an arguement.

I meant are you actually going to deny the fact that the Taliban in AFG owe their existence to ISI/Pakistan? This is like denying that the Earth is round.
consider the fact that Americans are using (or violating) your Airspace, I don't see any reason for you to complain about.
your army don't even dare to shoot toward their planes ( if they are able to detect them).
If you would dare to use your Spada 2000 system against American birds we wouldn't need to deploy our own system along your border.

Our cruise missiles will be over into your side of the border quicker than you can say "DARE".

Don't concern yourself with our foreign affairs, its a bad habit for Iranians, think they can speak for every country around them. In fact Iranians should be the last people to give advice on diplomacy.

You would be better off deploying everything on Turkey's border because thats where stuff will happen.
Our cruise missiles will be over into your side of the border quicker than you can say "DARE".

Don't concern yourself with our foreign affairs, its a bad habit for Iranians, think they can speak for every country around them. In fact Iranians should be the last people to give advice on diplomacy.

You would be better off deploying everything on Turkey's border because thats where stuff will happen.

Mohsen can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think he means that since the Americans seem to have the run of your airspace, they could easily use it to enter ours. Hence the need for Iran to fortify its air defences along your border.

And remember, your're here questioning Iran's internal defensive posture. So it's a little silly to get worked up when somebody makes a reference to your foreign policy issues, don't you think?
Our cruise missiles will be over into your side of the border quicker than you can say "DARE".

Don't concern yourself with our foreign affairs, its a bad habit for Iranians, think they can speak for every country around them. In fact Iranians should be the last people to give advice on diplomacy.

You would be better off deploying everything on Turkey's border because thats where stuff will happen.

Drink some water !!!

& don't think too much ... :coffee:
Our cruise missiles will be over into your side of the border quicker than you can say "DARE".

Don't concern yourself with our foreign affairs, its a bad habit for Iranians, think they can speak for every country around them. In fact Iranians should be the last people to give advice on diplomacy.

You would be better off deploying everything on Turkey's border because thats where stuff will happen.

Dude... are you one of those lunatics who thinks his opinion matters?
Grow up, you are just an insignificant individual whose opinion has less weight than a methane content of a fart :lol:

And its none of your business what we are doing inside of our own borders, now GTFO of Iranian section if you don't like us.

Consider my reply to you an honor.

Need your opinion on this , mate . Isn't Tehran isolated enough already to adopt such posture towards Pakistan ? Because I personally do not think there was any need , any at all , to deploy such systems at our border because the Iranians have bigger things to worry about at the moment on other sides and Islamabad isn't one of it . Both countries have friendly relations and the Pakistanis are the most favorable of this nation . Have your say .
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And its none of your business what we are doing inside of our own borders, now GTFO of Iranian section if you don't like us.

Actually it is , since its pointed at us with no visible threat on the horizon from our country by large odds , hence the curious mind wonders why ? Now do not tell me that the militants in Pakistan are going to take control of its Airforce and try to bomb Tehran . They are already nearing their demise in a certain region .
Once again,Pakistan needs to work on her foreign policy and need to adopt neutral policy for Americans and Saudi and Iran,also Pakistan must assure and form alliance with Iran on Iran-Pakistan border in order to assure and satisfy Irani mindset that Americans will not influence Iran via Pakistan nor militants will be allowed to enter Iran from Pakistani side.
This will also keep US in pressure as well as effects on US influence in Pakistan.
So Pakistan needs to get out of Saudi and US influence by working on neutral policy or else we will be sandwiched between their interest and Iran will be insecure of our role.
Once again,Pakistan needs to work on her foreign policy and need to adopt neutral policy for Americans and Saudi and Iran,also Pakistan must assure and form alliance with Iran on Iran-Pakistan border in order to assure and satisfy Irani mindset that Americans will not influence Iran via Pakistan nor militants will be allowed to enter Iran from Pakistani side.
This will also keep US in pressure as well as effects on US influence in Pakistan.
So Pakistan needs to get out of Saudi and US influence by working on neutral policy or else we will be sandwiched between their interest and Iran will be insecure of our role.

Nothing to add from my side here :tup:
Nothing to add from my side here :tup:

Secur,I have a fear,that US will try to get benefit of Irani regime's insecure attitude,if any militant/other agents succeed to enter in Iran then Iran may attack on Pakistan,thus we will be sandwiched, at the same time,Iran will be damaged heavily as well.I request my Irani brothers to shed some light on such situation,will Iran fall under US trap and attack on Pakistan?
Is there a possibility of such situation?
@Secur what do you think??
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Need your opinion on this , mate . Isn't Tehran isolated enough already to adopt such posture towards Pakistan ? Because I personally do not think there was any need , any at all , to deploy such systems at our border because the Iranians have bigger things to worry about at the moment on other sides and Islamabad isn't one of it . Both countries have friendly relations and the Pakistanis are the most favorable of this nation . Have your say .

Iran is a sovereign country that reserves the right to do whatever the hell they want to do within the territorial confines of their State !

That said, Pakistan too, being a sovereign country reserves the right to consider this new development with the utmost of scrutiny even if it turns out that this was nothing more than an attempt at 'domestic consumption' or part of a larger State Security Paradigm of Iran - which is something that is there prerogative ! And if it factors into our calculus that Iran's posturing is not as benign as it appears to be & that there is reason to suggest that Pakistan needs to guard herself against this then I think we should take steps to that effect.

As far as Iran being a friendly nation towards Pakistan - let us not kid ourselves ! Often a times in our incessant 'Saudi Bashing' we often forget that the Iranian Cultural Centers aren't exactly exclusively propagating Persian Literature & Culture over here & that the Sipah-e-Muhammadi & the Tehreek-i-Jafriya were after all the mirror images of the Sipah-e-Sahaba & the Ahl-e-Sunnat-Wal-Jammat !

In the light of recent (a few years) Shia Targeted Killings in Pakistan - I wouldn't rule out a repeat of '79 & the exportation of the Revolution again to Pakistan - something that started this sh*t to begin with ! If that happens & like last time our other friends up their ante - We're foOked ! And beautifully so because a Sunni Extremist Nexus already exists in Pakistan & it is very active these days because of a 'nexus' of different Sunni Militant Groups. The Shia Extremists who were active till the early 2000s & have now gone under the radar with extremely sporadic strike backs at best being mustered by them, may find themselves resurgent ! Between those two & enough people in our country who'd either be sold for money or are ideologically oriented to believe that we're right & we're so right that we can't allow another narrative to float, we might be in for a hard time.

So it is beautifully done because now Shia Militancy would be seen as a reaction to the actions of the Sunni Militants ! At the end of the day that turf war would hurt neither of the two petro-giants but may result in widespread Sunni-Shia Violence ! All of that is going to further weaken Pakistan, it might even create a partial schism within our society, something that hasn't happened till now, where Sunnis stand with Sunnis & Shias stand with Shias. That coupled with the degenerative intellectual level of our population & those who 'shape narratives' would further weaken Pakistan from the inside & with the narrative 'whether there was a need for Pakistan to begin with' gaining further currency !

Hamareiii paaas Haram-Zaadooon ki koiii kamiiii tou nahin haiii ?

So truly beautifully done !

I just hope that the Army & the ISI are up to the task & other organs of the State are supportive of them ! I also hope that some amount of maturity settles into our otherwise vibrant, self-flaggelating & at times absolutely moronic to the point of raising questions about 'whose side are you on ?' kinda Media !

' @Icarus @Xeric @Irfan Baloch @Hyperion @Aeronaut @F.O.X. @notorious_eagle @Developereo - Kuch ghalat kahaa ? :unsure:
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